Big coasters with even bigger punches

nasai's avatar
I was fortunate enough to get to Japan again this last summer, and was finally able to ride White Cyclone at Nagashima Spaland.  There is NO way, be it video you might have seen, or others accounts of this ride, that you could prepare yourself for this hellacious ride.  I wonder what other large or overhyped coasters you have ridden that overwhelmed you to speak nothing but praises, or drop you to your knees in thanks.
There is more...!

That thing looks AMAZING!!!

But coming from INTAMIN I'm not suprised!

Too bad Japan is a wee bit expensive a trip!

Go look:


Magnum. I exprected it to be second rate to MF but I think it was better!
G.Bush:We will find those who did it, smoke them out of their holes, get them running, and bring them to justice.
I pray that I will never see a Six Flags Conneaut Lake
nasai's avatar

Tocci55 said:
That thing looks AMAZING!!!

I took the first picture on that page actually.  Peabody took the rest of the pics.  He was smart and got a better vantage point on the oversized ferris wheel.  Everything at that park is over the top, SD2K included!

There is more...!


I love it. It's rougher than M.F. which I like. Especially the tunneled bunnyhills at the end -BRILLIANT!

And THE VIEW! Man it is so cool looking out over everything from that first hill!

But I still like M.F. better...the blazing speed and height just kicks my *** and the view is just as wonderful. But If I could have a wish granted - put the tunneled bunnyhills onto M.F.  - YOWZAA!!!!!!

RAGING BULL at SFGA is surprising I must say. The first drop is KILLER! especially in the back, it feels like you're being SUCKED down into the earth, and you WILL be completely out of your seat straining against the lap harness. And the ride is shockingly smooth - It's the smoothest coaster I've encountered. The use of G-forces is hypnotic and deserves an award. It's the closest thing I've felt to pure flying (except for X-flight)! It does not let you down in the speed department either.


Does anyone know the offical height of the coaster and the total drop?

Wir schrauben für Euch die Achterbahn zusammen!!!

Wir schrauben für Euch die Achterbahn zusammen!!!
We screw the roller coaster together for you!!! 
Which coaster are you referring to?

*** This post was edited by Tocci55 on 11/9/2001. ***

did you ride Steel Dragon? how is it compared to Millennium Force?

for me it's MF. I dropped to my knees and bowed low before it.....


"The only real limit to height is what people are willing to get on." - Ron Toomer

*** This post was edited by live4MF on 11/9/2001. ***

SD2000 and MF may be similar in size and speed, but they are sooo different from each other that it's like comparing apples and oranges.   SD has wonderful Mugnum-like bunny hills, seven or eight of them, back-to-back-to-back on the return portion of the coaster.    They offer wonderful airtime, something I didn't 'feel' as much on MF.  I know MF has great spots for airtime, but the ride is so fast throughout, I just don't 'feel' any weightlessness, if you can understand what I'm saying.

SD2000 is much more comparable to Magnum.   They're all effin great, though.

cmiesen said:
SD2000 and MF may be similar in size and speed, but they are sooo different from each other that it's like comparing apples and oranges. .

EXACTLY!  Thank you.  I enjoyed both in very different ways.  It would be unfair and pointless to compare them. 
Live4MF - If you want more detail, check out my trip Nagashima trip report from a few months back.  (Maybe one of these I'll find time to type up really belated reports from other Japanese parks)
Nasai - I couldn't agree more about White Cyclone.  I went to the park for SD2K mostly, but was caught completely off guard by White Cyclone.  It was fast, ferocius, full or killer air, and not too rough.  My only's so far away!!

- Peabody

Rob, I agree with you regarding White Cyclone.  That ride offers quite a punch.   What I want to know is, what did you think of Timber Terror when you first rode it?  It blew me away, as it was my first experience on a CCI masterpiece.  Also, how does it compare to Ghostrider?  Sorry to veer off topic.
How tall is White Cyclone? Doesn't say on RCDB...

The roughest part of a B&M is having to get off.

nasai's avatar
Chris...where did you get the height stat?  Do you know what the drop height is?  Well, it seems as us fortunate few can definitely agree on White Cyclone!  I too wish it was much closer, Jeff!  Maybe we can do a tour together, and hit the Japanese parks together?????  I have to get back to Nara.  What a gorgeous place...... *sigh*

live4MF, I did ride SD2K also, and yes, just like Peabody, I went to Nagashima to ride it, but found myself loving every coaster in that park.  Heck, they have an Ultra Twister there with the vertical climb intact.  You can't complain about that!  I loved SD2K, as well as I loved MF, but they are RADICALLY different rides.  Both have incredible strengths, neither really have weaknesses.  SD2K's only weakness is its location....5000 miles away from ME!

Chris, on the side note... I LOVE TIMBER TERROR.  It is an incredible loaded-to-the-gills airtime monster.  I enjoyed it much more than Tremors, although again, they are completely different rides.  It doesn't qualify as a big or overhyped coaster (per the thread), but I have to say that both Silverwood CCIs are in my top 20, with TT being in my top 10.  Ghostrider is a whole different animal, with a huge emphasis on ANIMAL.  It is the most intense coaster I have ever ridden, and no quote, POV, or personal tale can do it justice.  Granted, this is my opinion, but I have never been more thrilled, out of breath, or speechless about a coaster.  A must-ride-it-before-you-die coaster.  My personal favorite, if you couldn't tell :)

Check us out!

MF and MAGNUM 4 life!!!!!!!!! oooooooooo yyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!1
boblogone's avatar
Shivering Timbers and S:RoS SFNE, both lived up to and beyond their size and hype for me.  ST stuns you just pulling into the parking lot for the first time.
22 parks so far in 2001.
Tremors, my 100th coaster.
Ghostrider, stopped counting laps at 100.
nasai's avatar
boblogone....I know this is totally off topic, but do you like Bob Log III, or do you know who he is?  I can't help but ask, because of your screen name.
Check us out!

nasai said:
Ghostrider is...the most intense coaster I have ever ridden, and no quote, POV, or personal tale can do it justice...I have never been more thrilled, out of breath, or speechless about a coaster.  A must-ride-it-before-you-die coaster. 

Couldnt have said it better myself. :)
Hopefully GR wont meet the same fate of some other woodies such as Meanstreak who have been riddled with trims and lost their intenisity.

My other car is a Giovanola!

boblogone's avatar
nasai, no I know nothing about Bob Log III.  My name refers to the park that used to be between Detroit MI and Canada which is no more.
Tocci55 said:BR>I>Wir schrauben für Euch die Achterbahn zusammen!!! BR>We screw the roller coaster together for you!!!  BR>....uh.....oh..kay...... BR>Which coaster are you referring to?
P>*** This post was edited by Tocci55 on 11/9/2001. ***/I>
P>FONT face=Arial size=2>schließen Sie das Bumsen, bevor ich Sie schraube.  :O)~
P>FONT face=Arial size=2> 
P>FONT face=Arial size=2>Um I was talking about the height of White Cyclone, how tall is it and what's the total drop. .......Uh......oh..kay........./P>
Wir schrauben für Euch die Achterbahn zusammen!!!

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