there anything wrong with this park?

First off, the pathways are almost without exception too narrow.  For the crowds the park draws, it can often lead to too much bumping and grinding with strangers for my taste.

The layout is confusing and hilly, as others have mentioned.  I once walked around a corner, through an open gate, and ended up walking right into an employee only area.  If I could have collected a paycheck, I might have stayed there for a while.

The Wild Maus is overbraked moreso than any other mouse that I have ridden to date.

They had a coaster SBNO for a couple of years, something that would have been cited as the ultimate sin from enthusiasts had it been just about any other park besides BGW.

The food in the Germany section is not very authentic, although most people seem to think it tastes good.

No wood, which suggests a lack of variety.

Big Bad Wolf and Alpengeist both could have been maintained better.  Neither operates anywhere near the quality of when they first opened, and I'm not just speaking of added brakes on Alpengeist.

Is something wrong with this park???  How about they create a groundbreaking, record breaking coaster, and stick it *behind* a huge cafeteria, shut it down a few years later because they poorly planned it out, then four years after that, tear it down for scrap, without bothering to entertain the idea of modifying the coaster for comfortable riding experience?  Color me bitter, but I haven't been there since 99, and I have no intentions of returning.  I know, what a great loss for BGW admissions, but hey, it's just me and my money.  I spend it elsewhere. 
that drachen fyre thing is gonna sting for a long time    whoever the genius is that decided to close it midseason then scrap it instead of modify ,sell ,or move it to another busch/sea world park    should get an *** kicking 
"It's a real shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that" -BETTER OFF DEAD
rollergator and 2hostyl,

good points.....i think they need a "people mover" sort of like the concept of that one ride that travels through space mountain at disney world.  i do feel that the skyrides can be dangerous, not to mention have a slow loading time.  but let's look at this objectively not only do they have a skyride to get to from one part of the park to another but they also have the trains with 3 separate stations!  oherian and i tried to calculate the hourly capacity of the train last time we were at bgw and it was well over 3000 an hour....i can't remember the exact figure. 

justa gest,

i don't believe that the walkways are too narrow.  i believe that the narrow walkways add to the authenticity of the theming.  anyone else agree?


I spent about 20 minutes trying to get to Alpengeist when I was there over the summer-it is very confusing.


The only thing that I would really say needs improving is the loading procedures on Alpie. There was continuous 3 train stacking going on. While this makes for long lines, it also diminishes the quality of the ride somewhat. I don't think that anybody enjoys just sitting in the train for 5-6 minutes after an exhilirating ride.

Doesn't it seem as though morons always have the caps lock on?

Jeff's avatar
Justa: The whole place is engineered to spread out crowds, and it does this very well. The midways get crowded at opening and closing, but generally speaking aren't bad the majority of the day.

As for the terrain, I'll take that to Cedar Point's bland, flat, open midways any day.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

mark w. baruth,

that's true about alpengeist.  they always stack that ride. you know what's interesting though?  how efficient apollo's chariot is concerning stacking compared to alpengeist.  last season oherian and i stood amazed at the dispatch time on apollo's chariot.  now that ride is efficient!

Actually, the dispatch interval on Apollo really unnerved me. Me and I-Fan were seated in the second row and we started going up the lift only a *split* second after seeing the train in front of us drop off the first hill. Apollo is about the only coaster I've ridden where the station, lift hill and first drop are all in a straight line. I mean, I knew the blocking would be fine and we wouldnt crash, but it still *looked* too close.
--who understands *exactly* how planes work but is still nervous about flying...
This whole Drachen Fire thing is getting pretty tired...

As for the layout...I mean c'mon guys, that's the beauty of the park.  Its hilly, and wonderful, and beatuiful.  Like Jeff said, would we all prefer our parks to be flat as parking lots, or what?  Seriously, this is the most beautiful park in the country, hands down, and some of us are essentially complaining about it?  I guess some can find fault with anything.

Idle hands were orient to her.

rollergator's avatar
I would *NEVER* complain about BGW's beauty or terrain, but my physical condition obviously leaves something to be desired when I reach these "hilly" parks.  I mean c'mon, the HIGHEST point in FL is 345'...and actually, NO park has ever left me "gassed" the way that San Fran did.  Just leaving the hotel room meant quite a workout...

I'm sure the design crew at BGW is proud of what they have accomplished.  However, that doesn't change the fact that the pathways are generally too narrow for my tastes.  I'm not a big fan of people I don't know bumping into me and it has happend everytime I've ever been to the park.  Beautiful?  Yes.  Annoying to me?  Yes.

As far as the terrain goes, that's not really a big deal and I agree it adds character.  I probably shouldn't have mentioned it in my first post, but its a complaint I've heard numerous times so I listed it as something wrong with the park.

rollergator said:
 (Now, parks with "hillbilliness", that's ANOTHER story, LMAO...). 
Florida needs an Intamin and/or CCI soon...PLEASE!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

Ill take that as an insult as my park is one of the most hillbilly park out there! (Carowinds) ;)
Whenever I go I see at lest 20 mullets!

Is there somthing more, then what I've been handed, I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answers!- Hoobastank


Manhattan Express is the same way when running 4 trains. A train will just disengage the lift, The lift will shut off, then restart in about one second for another train train (which ive seen from the front).

There were three things that kind of bothered me (If that) me about BGW:

- Lack of a woodie. With the removal of DF, the park has some excellent room on their hands for a runaway themed woodie ala Raven. Make the station close to Das Festaus, and have the lift and breaks farther away.

- The Alpengeist Dispaching and system. Like the others said, Sitting in the train for about 5 minutes isn't fun. However, I found the crew was usually to blame, as I rode at different times and the times varried from 1 minute to 6 minutes (with 3 trains).

- Over-use of trims on their coasters. All four coasters have some severe brakeing all over the course. Alpengeist has the top trim that was always off, and now almost haults the train over the drop. AC has the dreadful third hill trim, Killing the airtime as well as the male anatomy. BBW, self explanitory (last drop over river). LNM isn't as bad, but the second lift and pre-tunnel breaks help to butcher the ride. All coasters have strong Mid-course breaks as well.

Other than those very minor details, the park was enjoyable all over. I deffinetly rank it high, and it sure deserves that #3 on the top ten.

How much more floorless can they get?

Having had about 50 visits to BGW last summer, I have relatively few complaints.  Of course the biggest is Drachen Fire.  I truly thought that the FoF success would show BGW that the coaster could be spared.  However, the location of the coaster was terrible.  Other complaints are the fact that they have a single rider line on AC, but it was only open for 1 of my visits last year.  My have it if you don't use it.  Somedays the mid-course on Alpie was ratcheted up way too high.  The lack of a multi-element sit down, please replace DF with a modern coaster that uses the same first drop and wraparound corkscrew.  Anyway I loved the park and will probably miss it much this season.  I will be splitting my loyalties this season between SFoT, SFAW, & SFFT living about in the middle of them all.
Jeff's avatar
Ugh... you know how hate it when people complain about trimming speed from a ride. On the BGW rides it's psychological and frankly I don't think it affects the rides.

One note on braking in general, midcouse or otherwise, when they do trim off speed it's more than likely to maintain interval (and we know it's terrible on Alpengeist because they have a clueless crew). Often the amount of trimming depends on the speed of the train ahead. I bet you anything that if you get the first train after an empty one, you'll get a fast, un-trimmed ride. This was the case for me on Apollo with the first train of the day.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I personally couldnt imagine if BBW went any faster on that last drop. I was starting to get tunnel vision in that last curve. And I didnt even notice any trims on Alpy or Apollo's. I'm with Jeff on this one that the complaints about most trims and restraint systems are all in the users head. (unless of course we are talking about Mean Streak trims or Gestlauer restaints..)

What I've not heard people speak of is the shows there. Do they suck or what? I really hope they have the 'reverdance'-like show again this year as I'd really like to see it.

Then Finally rg98 said

"Like Jeff said, would we all prefer our parks to be flat as parking lots, or what?"

The short answer: YES
--who is still mad at his childhood doctor (RIP) who said his Osgood-Schlatter Disease would disappear...but failed to mention it would turn into arthritis
Jeremy, I feel your pain, friend. I have the same thing, developed from playing too much b-ball on hardwood floors.
Doesn't it seem as though morons always have the caps lock on?
two things. no woodie. dismantle Drachen Fire
Can't wait for Superman: Ultimate Flight
Drachen Fire, RIP: 1992-1998 Dismantled 2002
My biggest beef besides not having a woodie is Drachen Fire...

Not because it was torn down, but that the park couldn't think of any other solution to get rid of this ride.  I'm a big baseball card collector, and I love the memorabilia cards because it's owning a piece of history.  I wish they'd make cards like this with small pieces of wood from rides such as the CI Thunderbolt or Idora Wildcat, but for Drachen Fire i know it'd be kinda hard to put metal shrapnel on a card.....

The park knows it will lose money from tearing it down the way they are.  If i were them, I'd melt down the metal, take the hot metal and pour it into molds, and sell Dragon claws made from the metal of Drachen Fire- it'd be gold of the rollercoaster enthusiast :)

Purple and Green and everything mean
-Joker's Jinx

Jeff's avatar
You guys really over-estimate the value of that ride, to the park, to enthusiasts and to the public in general.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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