BGW, Unsafe and dangerous to the public......

My reaction?

Do a bit of weight training and learn how to fight you gutless wimp.

Ehh, Martushi V, read the fine print, this isn't about me, and who would be stupid enough to fight police officers if they nknew what was good for them.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

I was just at BGW last week and noticed that all rides with on-ride photos DID have a sign telling guests that thier picture would be taken. The signs were not new, and were placed in a highly visible spot near the entrances.

Honestly, I don't have a lot of sympathy for either end of this story. I am sure we are not hearing the "whole truth." My greatest concern would be why the child made a rude gesture at the camera in the first place. If the kid simply had not done it, then all of this could have been avoided.

Typically, kids learn things from the adults that surround them. Obviously the child felt comfortable making the gesture on the ride in full view of their parent knowing that there would be a photo to memorialize the action. That says to me that the parent possibly condones such behavior outside of this incident. If that indeed is true, then I expect that the parent's reaction was a lot less "innocent" than spelled out above. After all, the kid picked it up somewhere. It probably culminated with the parent sharing a rude gesture or vulgar words to the booth attendant as well leading to harsher threats and the security incident.

In my day any kid that acted in such a manner would not result in the parent making excuses and defending them... rather they would head straight home where a hearty paddling awaited. :-)



R.I.P. Maestro
Phantom Theater 1992-2002

My main concern with this incident is if the person was injured like he said he was, then he should have received first aid straight away, and not have to wait for it. This is in the parks interest as well.

Of course, we only have this person's story, maybe the injuries weren't as bad as he said.


I believe most parks have a disclaimer that when you walk in they have the right to take your picture. Purchasing you ticket gives them that right.

Teach you kid some manners, and if you can't get over it when someone does try to discipline your kid. Obviously he needs it.

So this was a man with his son and he was afraid for his safety because a FEMALE attendant was threatening him?

I'm not saying there is any truth to this story but if it were and I was a guy I wouldn't mention it because it makes him look like a total f*g.

This guy deserves a good a*s whoopin'!

I flipped off a camera once at Hershey park. I wasn't kicked out not saying it's right but I was spoken to about my actions by the staff at Hershey no one had gotten violent with me though.
I'm trying to look at this whole "story" with a logical point of view...Without going to far into debth:

Ok, let's assume this person did not see any of the obivious signs while waiting FOREVER in line while having plenty of time to view them.

Let's assume he did not say anything to his son while in line forever on hot day.

Let's assume he has never ridden this ride.

Let's assume his son has had some type of experience with this ride.

Let's assume his son didn't say anything to him while waiting in line for this ride.

The main point of this strange story is how did the son know about the camera? No one can see the camera until you are right there? For those who don't know the camera is hidden in the shed right as you go over the hill. So was this a "spure of the moment" flicking of the camera? If so it shows what mental state this kid is in. Which I find the fathers arguement very full of holes.

As for the employee. I don't care who you are what you have done or where you are from. If an employee is a bad mood SOMETHING has to set them off. In this case let's say the flicking off of the camera. What are the chances of a father just saying, "I'm sorry and I'll never let that happen again mam" If this was said, I dont' care how upset an employee is it's very hard to have a harsh comeback. Yes, it is possible but in almost any business respect can mean a lot. But for this employee to go chasing after this guy their sure had to be a lot just cause here? Just my 3 1/2 cents ;)

"The Future of Roller Coasters"

OMG, the thrill, you haven't obviously been out much. "This guy deserves a good a*s whoopin'!" Sounds like he may have gotten one, wether he deserved it or not.

But, as I recall, it's very obvious & well posted that if you flip the camera off in BGW, not only are you gone from the park, but all the photos from the train you were on cannot be previewed or purchsed. They make it real apparent to eveyone else on the train that it was YOUR fault, if you did it, which I mean, that's OK, but it's also pushing it. IMHO, it's nobody's business. Sure, it's good to instate the policy, but to drag you out in front of everybody else, what is this elementery school? CP has the idea, they edit out the "dirty" & don't make a deal out of it, at least that's the way I've read into their policy. But, BGW clearly states what will happen when you make your middle finger, et cetra, visible.

While it may sound like this guy was being a "jerk", none of us were there. I've had a few run-ins up at BGW over dumb things, from looking at the wolves to in general standing in the wrong place for too long, there have been several times when the security/personel there has left me scratching my head, but hey! Those guys have to deal with situations & major annoyances, then deal with things that can escalate, things like this. JMHO, but it sounds like this guy felt "above the rules". He thought it was an absurd rule that he didn't have to follow. Had there been someone on an train flipping off people & they were sitting right behind him/his family, he would so be upset if they hadn't done anything to the hoodlums that ruined HIS picture.

Great TR, thanks!

Hard to say if any of this is true or not but obscene gestures aimed at on-ride photos are a daily occurence. In almost every case I have seen, the park just "blocks" the picture from being shown on the screens. The guests aren't approached and nothing is done.

Why this employee would be aggressive, I have no idea. It sounds a little fishy to me.

LuvRaptor's avatar
"I think it's say that in all my years of living in New York City:......"
if this guy was really from NYC he would've kicked some butt-we don't take that kind of manure from ANYONE!!
(although NYC does have it's weiners too)

I know on Vortex @ PKI they don't preview the pics so I love it when some idiot on the ride flicks off the camera. When I see those pictures I always say to one of my kids, "oh honey look, I was going to buy our picture but some idiot ruined the picture for us acting like an AH"
That forementioned AH(s) is always RIGHT THERE looking at the pictures and they always try to simply walk away without me seeing it was them. Jerks!

I certainly hope this guys story was bogus, it all seems rather extreme over an on ride photo, now if he had line jumped that's a whole other issue! ;)

2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Discovery Channel "star" :)

Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)

CPLady's avatar

It really surprises me that BGW has such a strict policy. As a parent, there have been times my son has done not so favorable things (for which he is punished) that he has NOT learned from me. Flipping off a camera would certainly warrant punishment, but I wouldn't consider it a capital offense. Don't they have the option of not showing that picture on the monitor?

Now, I'm not familiar with BGW, but most rides that have photos have a separate booth. This means the "employee" would have to be outside the booth to watch for the offending party. If BGW does this, I'm surprised. I would find it completely embarassing and offensive to be approached in public and dressed down for something my son did that I was unaware of. Not displaying the picture and ignoring the incident seems to be the best course for any park, IMO.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Kids are kids. Sometimes they do things that embarass the parents. It happens. It certainly should not have been made made into an event of this scale

I think more things happened at that first confrontation with the guest and the photo booth employee. But none of us will ever know the whole story, so it isnt fair of us to pass judgement against this person who very easily could have been the victim of an employee who overreacted.

BGW is an amazing place, but that doesnt mean it is impossible for them to have a bad employee.

signature withheld for no apparent reason

Besides, had it really gone down like this, I am sure it would have ended up in the news or something, as a result of a witness to the incident talking to someone. Every station is looking for things to report on and little stories like this often make their way into the media somehow. BGW is a FAMILY-ORIENTED park and flipping the bird goes against that image so, IMO, punishment is called for. They need to enforce it. Heck, look at CP. If someone walks into the park with an inappropriate t-shirt, they will ask the person to replace it or leave. The line needs to be drawn somewhere. The incident might have gotten out of hand like the guy suggested but all we have is his word against BGW's track record. Tough choice.
On the skycoaster at Cedar Point it says if you flip them off you can't by the vid but what an idiot.


Vertigo said:

This guy named Dcremade started complaining and bashing Busch Gardens in a forum .

Nikeyta was also in that forum and said that it was all-----------------

So you are saying that both the person with the complaint and the employee in question just happened to be in same forum? Hmmm...If that is true, that is one hell of a coincidence!

Ah, personal responsibility, what a rarity.
Well, yeah, what do you expect in an AOL Public Forum? Don't know how they met up, but Nikeyta must be keeping her eye on tis guy. You guys, I did not right this, so don't come to me with your complaints. I just showed what he gave. In my workings for three websites, I encounter very strange things and very complicating problems. But this one, is something I really couldn't understand. So I knew there was some BGW fans that could explain it over here or atleast pull out the lies(which Nikeyta noted it was full of).


You wouldn't happen to have a link to this, would you?

Did you know that 1 in every 5 American teenagers believes that the US declared its independence from FRANCE???

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