BGW putting in 315ft attraction

Nope. Not yet, anyway.
Does the future of Gwazi still hang in the balance?

I thought Gwazi was disassembled and used for a boardwalk and signage?

Last edited by Tbone's chop,

No rides in England/Banbury Cross because it is meant to be a shopping/entrance area where people don't linger. Putting any rides in that area would be a giant bottleneck IMO.

What that park really needs that's 315 feet IMO is an observation tower. The views there are spectacular with it being located beside the James River, but the only way to see it are thrill rides. The park markets themselves to all people, not just coaster riders.

Last edited by super7*,

You get great views from the sky buckets. I rode all three branches, and my personal opinion is that just as dusk is setting in, is the best time to ride them. The shops and pathways are lit up, but it's still light enough out to see the canal (Rhein river cruise?) and the rides.

Last edited by Tbone's chop,

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