Beast Unsafe?

Word of advice, I sometimes keep the restraint a little loose intentionally on woodies to get that little bit more of air time. DO NOT DO THIS ON THE BEAST. I almost flew out at the bottom of the first hill and bruised a few ribs.

About the whole hands hitting the tunnel thing, I put my hands up the entire time all 4 times I rode it a few weeks ago and didn't hit the tunnel, but it looked like I could. The beast kind of throws you to the outside of the turn in the helix and it looks like there is more room on the outside turn.

The beast is the only ride that has actually beat the crap out of me and it is now my favorite coaster!

------------- for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT
The Beast is scary, because you think you're going to lose a limb and you're going into the little black hole at such speeds. I was emphasizing "scary", because it is the only part of any coasters that continue to do that. And I love it because it's scary. The Gemini has good headchoppers, but The Beasts are my favorite, because they have less than a 5 ft. cleanance probobly if someone could hit their hand. Raven, I find it hiliraious that anyone would need to put their hands up entering the tunnel(which is the only part you shouldn't put them up). Again, if you read what I had written before, the sign is there to prevent someone from getting whiplash on the extreme lats and jerk right in the tunnel. Not necessarily the clearance. Ok?


I haven't ridden the Beast in a few years. Air time on the beast? Huh? When did this happen? My butt has never even thUNK about leaving the seat on that ride. Even way back when I was under 100 lbs. Anyway, the Beast's tunnels are pretty small. If I'm correct, that ride has that slippery plastic stuff stamped to the tunnel walls to prevent injury. Basically, slippery plastic stuff hurts less that wood. In the "80's" I remember it was "cool" to hold out your Beast sipper or giant Mug and let it rake against the side walls in the tunnels. . But on most coasters, it's perfectly safe to keep ur hands up in the tunnels, maybe just not out to the sides :>

Ow! My lap bar IS down all the way.
boat69, I would not stand up on a rollercoaster, thats what i lil' show on MTV called Jackass is for. This is the first time it has ever happened to me(in about100+ rides or so) and I wouldn't have said anything about it but I just found it very weird that it happened to my friend before me and she is 4 or 5 inches shorter than I'am. Also, if some of you are thinking I had my hands out on the side I didn't, I knew I would hit my hands if I reached out to the side but I thought I wouldn't hit my hands since some of my other friends are obout 6'0 and they have never hit their hands. *** This post was edited by matt1080 on 6/10/2001. ***
This Beast does have some airtime hitting the second drop.

Koaster King said:
"Raven, I find it hiliraious that anyone would need to put their hands up entering the tunnel(which is the only part you shouldn't put them up). Again, if you read what I had written before, the sign is there to prevent someone from getting whiplash on the extreme lats and jerk right in the tunnel. Not necessarily the clearance. Ok?



for many people, putting there hands up has a little to do with machismo, not with the ride itself. And most coasters have signs that say "keep your hands in the car at all times" not just the beast, so i have a feeling that everyone of those signs isn't there to prevent the extreme lats and jerk upon entering the double helix on the beast.


Koaster King said:
"This Beast does have some airtime hitting the second drop.


Yup. And when its running really well there is quite a bit in the back seat of the first drop.

Aaaaaaaaa....lets see, don't most coasters have a little airtime some where. I mean you have to go down. Sometimes you can't feel it as much as other times. But trust me when you got a lot of weight in front of you on a hot and humind day you fly over that 1st and 2nd hill. Oh, and I put my lap bar down only 2 motches on The Beast and have my hands raised do I ever touch any tunnles...NO .I don't know if the factor that I'm 5'4" matters that much.
Just my thoughts.

You can't run and you can't hide...The Beast at PKI
Doesn't flight of fear have even more head chopper effects? Now that it has lap bars and you can raise them has any acciedent's happend?

Steel top 5
4. Riddler's Revenge
5. Goliath
On most coasters, you can put your hands up no problem. But on the Beast, you should not put your hands up in the final tunnel! I put my hands up on The Beast except for the last tunnel. I also put my hands up on all the other rides. Basiclly, I think ksince the park has signs that say don`t put your hands up, if your injured its not their fault because your were breakiung the rules. (I think that`s for insurance purposes)

------------- I`ve riden Son of Beast 37 times!

ravenguy98 said:

Koaster King said:
"Raven, I find it hiliraious that anyone would need to put their hands up entering the tunnel(which is the only part you shouldn't put them up). Again, if you read what I had written before, the sign is there to prevent someone from getting whiplash on the extreme lats and jerk right in the tunnel. Not necessarily the clearance. Ok?

for many people, putting there hands up has a little to do with machismo, not with the ride itself. And most coasters have signs that say "keep your hands in the car at all times" not just the beast, so i have a feeling that everyone of those signs isn't there to prevent the extreme lats and jerk upon entering the double helix on the beast.

I never said anything about it being machoism. Just that it's funny that they'll ignore the sign which serves a purpose. And my explanation about why The Beast has the sign is correct. They wouldn't specifically put it there for no reason. I don't no many other coasters that have that sign in the middle of the ride. And I talked to one of the directors at PKI today and he said that the #1 reason is not to reach out to the side. The second reason came from complaints of whiplash in the Beasts early days. Not the clearance above. He said, "Put your hands up if you want, but don't come crying to me."


Idiots...I *SWEAR!* The ''Keep hands, arms, legs,
inside the car'' signs aren't there for looks. Besides, that's yet another reason to ride hands down. Riding hands up is breaking park policy too.

Matt1080: If you and your friends followed the park's rules, you two would not be injured right now. Besides, ''hands inside the car'' does not mean above, to the left of, to the right of, or anything else. It means keep your hands down
and on the lapbar. Not a hard concept, really...
People like you are the reason we have racheting
lapbars, seatbelts, headrests, seat dividers, and
OTSR's on so many rides nowadays.


ravenguy98 said:
"But the fact is that the ride should be deesigned to have enough clearance to allow for people to put their hands up. Its just common sense for THE PARK. people put their hands up, and the parks and designers have to compensate for that. "

You ARE kidding right? I can think of many, many
coasters that I've been on that have been built/ designed before this ''second golden age of rollercoasters.'' You're obviously forgetting that back then, they did not have sophisticated computer software to calculate g-forces, clearances, speed, etc...yes, even when the Beast was built in 1979...

People should NOT be putting their hands up, and that's that. Some guy smacked his hand, broke his wrist on the Canonnball on Saturday, and I just laughed at him. He had his arm extended all the way out to the right, and smacked a support beam coming back into the station. Serves him right, idiot...

Oh, that's right. You're the same kid that thinks it's OK to run to MF...
Thanks Rob. Nice way to tell it.


I have had my hands up on The Beast, without injury, but sometimes the thought has run pass me a couple of times at the last second to put them down due to close contact with the tunnel.

The tunnel is also tigher than most due to the fact that during that final helix the track goes through that same tunnel twice. I didnt even know that for the longest time. I kept on looking around on the 2nd lift for that "2nd tunnel"

God Bless Coasters!!

Backflip Page
Did you hit your hand on the TOP of the tunnel, or the SIDE? I could see hitting a hand on the side, as fast and as rough as the trains are going, people who hold there arms up end up getting them flung all over. The top appears to have enough clearance however.

As for designing a coaster for stupid people, that is a valid point.....I see stupid people EVERY single time i am in line, stupid people who cannot read the "no smoking signs", stupid people who risk getting hurt just to get some "airtime", stupid people who don't think throwing garbage down at a park qualifies as littering, should i go on? :)

BTW, not that riding with hands up qualifies as stupid--it seems to be common, i am just on a rampage about all the stupid things i see when i go to a park. I myself love the final helix through the tunnels, and would not hold my hands up there cause it looks like you could touch the walls. *** This post was edited by super7 on 6/11/2001. ***
super7, I hit my hand on the top of the tunnel.

1. The point i was making is that it shouldn't be too hard for a designer to make clearances high enough to prevent people from getting injured. Does it take a computer to calculate that? I really don't understand your point about coasters built before our "second age of coasters." As far as I can tell, preventing people from being able to touch tunnel walls should just be simple addition/subtraction.

2. I don't understand this thing about not putting your hands up. That is what you do on coasters. Go to your local park. Watch people riding the coasters. what do they do? many people put their hands up. Go to an ACE event. What do you see? 75% of the train will have their hands up.

3. I don't see what the point in calling me a "kid" is.

4. I had no dog in that fight concerning running to MF. Did i even post in that thread? I can't remember.

5. Keep bringin it on. I could do this all day.
Good Lord, I can’t believe that almost everyone is jumping down this guy’s throat for this. I bet if you took a vote as to how many people on this board ride coasters with their hands up, you’d see a lot of hands in the air (pun intended). Every coaster in the world has a sign that says, “keep your hands and arms inside the car”, do people do it – no.

People ride coasters with their hands in the air – that is just what you do when riding. Designers knew this in 1979 – I doubt if it would have broken the park’s budget to build that tunnel an extra two or three feet wider.

The “keep your hands and arms inside the car” signs are there for a reason – to keep the park from getting sued. They are simply a disclaimer. KoasterKing’s "Put your hands up if you want, but don't come crying to Me." quote from an official at PKI is entirely accurate.

Cut the guy some slack – he hit his hand on a tunnel while going 60mph. This is a safety issue – a minor one, but a safety issue, none the less. If you want to get on him for complaining about it, fine, but don’t come down on him for riding with his hands up… we all do that.

Or we could just design lap bars that have clamps on them to hold your wrists…
Ok raven, heres a few things you should remember.
1)back in 1979 the general height was smaller than it is today. With people getting taller, the tunnel will start smaking hands.
2)The policy about putting your hands up is "at your own risk", meaning if you put them up and your arm gets broken, then its your fault. The parks do the signs so they wont get sued for neglegence (sp?)

Keep these in mind next time you want to make a point

all about PKI
the Beasts` Den

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