BDK Media Day!!!!!

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I just got back from SFNE for media day and BDK is AWESOME! Incredible theming, incredible coaster. When arrived at 10 and waited 10 minutes watching testing. After which, the park staff let us into the beautiful queue. WOW! The queue is beautiful. As you walk through a Batman-The Ride-type entrance, you find yourself standing on a massive batman logo. There is a Lo-Q line and a regular queue. The queue is similiar to S:UF, with 2D life size figures and info. on every Batman character you can imagine. The queue has cables instead of bars so people don't sit on them. As we ascended the stairs, we got a glimpse of the station. Pretty standard stuff, and we boarded the trains. A few USAF pilots were there, and I sat next to Paul Ruben on my first ride. The Lift hill seems as steep as MF, from what I have heard. The train speeds up the lift silently and the ride begins. Whoosh! A fantastic drop and into the loop. The turn around is a great head chopper. The dive loop is great, but the zero-g roll makes this ride! You get loads of airtime on this element. After that its a quick turn and into the rather rough corkscrews. After engaging the brakes, you come back in a daze. A very short and intense ride, but it's awesome! The park wined and dined us, with a catered lunch for free obviously. Free water, soda, and food all day under the large tent house set up. A great, relaxing day, with about 40 enthusiasts there when E.R.T. began and after lunch, only about 15 or so were still riding. Check out the photos on! One more thing, I congratulate SFNE on the beautiful landscaping around the ride. Definitely make your way to SFNE for this one!

*** This post was edited by CoasterGuy on 4/19/2002. ***

Thanks for the Trip Report... I can't wait to go there on Saturday!
Just a quick note. CoasterGuy is still sending me the photos, and I have to set the whole thing up. Give me about an hour. By 8:00 pm I guarantee everything will be up. Thanks for your patience.

Erik Johnson
Theme Park New England
Save Whalom Park!

*** This post was edited by themeparkne on 4/18/2002. ***

Rough corkscrews???
I'm there for Saturday too, I will wear bright green hawaiian shirt, and a tan short. Feel free to say hi to me, dont forget, i'm deaf, just wave to me and let me know that you guys are from Coasterbuzz. Also Coasterguy, thanks for the report, you just made me want to go even more.

SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

I heard their not so rough.... rather that you go through the corkscrews at an incredibly fast speed so they may be really forceful. I'll have to see this Sunday though.

Wow, nice TR, I'll be there Sunday to ride it. Can't wait!

It's here!

SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

Ah, I see you've found it. Actually, that's not even half of the pics. CoasterGuy had to stop sending them to me, but will get more to me ASAP. I haven't officially updated yet, but I will as soon as I get the rest of the pics. Stay tuned.

Erik Johnson
Theme Park New England
Save Whalom Park!

Erik, I'm going insane!!! I need to see more pics!!!

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit my new site, for some great pics of SFNE and lots of other info.!!!

Just to add a very important note. A new Ham on Rye VR Ride is at SFNE. It is near Mind Eraser's entrance and is visible in one of the photos. Expect the rest of them (lots more) in the next few hours. Please be patient while we update with these awesome photos!

I had a feeling that the queue would be greatly themed. It actually sounds better than I thought...I can't wait to go on Sunday.

CoasterGuy: Are there man-made ponds near the corkscrews? I know that was supposed to be part of the plans.

1. Alpengeist, 2. Magnum XL-200, 3. Superman: Ride of Steel (SFNE), 4. Volcano: The Blast Coaster, 5. Apollo's Chariot
Close Calls 1. Grizzly (PKD), 2. Batwing, 3. Montu

Whats a ham on rye?

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone

MikeMir87, The Ham on Rye is same as one in SFMW. It's the second pix in this link:
It's virtual reality attraction.
SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

*** This post was edited by XFan on 4/19/2002. ***

No, unfortunately, as of now, there are no ponds or themed walls as shown on the blueprints. Honestly, I don't think it makes a difference at all. You go through the corkscrews so fast that you wouldn't notice it. The rest of the landscaping and theming makes it awesome.
My TR doesn't do justice, you have to see and ride this thing for yourself. I just sent the last of the photos to TPNE (had some technical problems before), so expect all of them up later in the day.

This looks like one of the most beautiful Six Flags coasters. I really want to ride this thing.

"Take me with you. I want to climb the 208' of Superman, hurl through five inversions on Batman, and freefall 20 stories on Scream. I don't throw up....I can entertain in long lines!!"

Yeah, it's pretty sweet. I loved it, my #2 coaster. Very quick paced, but yes, in the beginning of the day, the corkscrews were fairly rough. The coaster just needs to be broken in. They are rougher on the left side than the right, but the zero-g roll is better on the left, so it's up to you. You guys are going to die in that queue, there are no covered areas that you will be under for more than a couple seconds. Man, that was a bad choice by Six Flags, but it's a great ride, so it doesn't matter.

I have more pics with cool angles. Click here, and go to B-tDK photos

Coasterguy, what were you wearing?

*** This post was edited by coaster_fanatic_kid on 4/19/2002. ***

I definately enjoyed the day yesterday, as for BDK, it grew on me as the day went on. At first I was less than impressed, but the more rides I got, the more I started to like it. It's definately not B&M's greatest creation, but it's a good ride and a great addition to the park. Some things that stood out about it:
1) Great theming for Six Flags
2) It looks so pretty, lol
3) I've never been on a lift hill so steep
4) There's no roar :( It's about as silent as any b&m i've been on
5) I was most surprised by actual ::gasp:: headbanging in the interlocking corkscrews. Nothing major, but for b&m it was a surprise to me.

That's about it...short, somewhat intense, and right to the point. Not the best floorless I've ever been on, but I definatley enjoyed myself and it will be nice as the park's #2 ride. BTW, I wanted to cry when I saw S:ROS testing and we couldn't go on it lol.

Was it testing two trains chiller1472?

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone

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