At your local park, what do you do first?

Yeah, I guess that bathroom thing is part of getting older. After the 75 minute drive, we don't even get into the park before we hit the bathroom. We always use the ones in the rotunda where the pople movers meet from the parking garages at Universal Orlando. But even before that we always have to listen to "Elephant's Foot" by Maceo Parker on the drive to the park. Then after we go into IOA it's always Marvel Super Hero Island first - used to be Spidey first but now it's usually the Hulk. Can't hit the dragons until they open the Lost Continent at 10.


"If you push something hard enough it will fall over." - Fudd's First Law of Opposition

My local park is CP. I never go when the park opens. I usually hit it around noon or after. Once inside, we just kind of wander for a few minutes, grab a bite to eat maybe and head over to check the line on Millennium Force, if it's too long I wander back to Magnum and Gemini. The whole day is done is planned by the feel of the park and crowds that day.
...Agghh, gimme a break will ya?
First thing I always do is walk through the turnstiles.

After that, I head to the back of the park(BGT) so I can get at least 30 good minutes of continuous ride time on Kumba with nobody around.

Kick The Sky's avatar
My homepark is SFGAm. I usually hit Raging Bull first as you can often get 4 or 5 rides in the first hour of the day if it isnt too busy that day. If it is a really busy day then I will hit Viper first and then Raging Bull. This year I have a feeling Superman will get more first ride visits than anything else.

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 18 pounds since 1-1-2003

Fafolguy's avatar
At SFoG, I usually hit the Cyclone first. If there's not a huge line for Scorcher I'll ride it first. Seems like there's always a good line there, though. Then I move on to Acrophobia and make my way around the rest of the park.

I sing sometimes for the war that I fight, 'cause every tool is a weapon, if you hold it right. -Ani Difranco

My home park is Kennywood, the first thing I do when I enter the park is go to the New ride if there is any new ride/rides that season. Then I hit up my favorite flat ride which is the Flying Carpet and the the Phantom's Revenge and so on..:)
This season I'm gonna use a slightly different strategy,once inside the gates I'm gonna head up mainstreet & instead of turning right at flying carousel into southwest territory I'll go left past octopus into skull island & onto gotham city,it should shave a few minutes of time getting to the S:ROS/Batwing area before the rest of the peeps in the park get the same idea.

Of course the only downside to this approach is that along the way I may be tempted to hit Roar first,there's just something about a great woodie with a short to non existant line that's just too hard to resist.

rollergator's avatar
BGT - Gwazi, unless there's a long wait, but there usually isn't since we don't go on busy days...

IoA - Generally, Caro-Seuss-El on the way to the Dragons' Lair...

WA - *could* I resist a race on a dry sack slide...I can't...:)
Never go unarmed into a battle of wits...;)
The secret to life is sincerity...once you can fake that, the rest is easy...

I usually get to SFGAm 20 minutes before opening, then we head to the ride that i think will be the most crowded. Then we make our way around the park.

Shockwave @ SFGAm R.I.P 1988-2002
"The Demon awaits you ..." - Great America

Park, Bathroom, Raptor.....this year, I'm afraid #3 will be changed on my first trip.

There's nothing like a woodie...

Before I worked there... it was without question (unless it was opening day).. straight to the Red Garter for a beer or two.. then I ride.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
Technical Services - 2002
Frightzone Screamster - 2002

At my local parks:

* SFWoA- I usually head straight to Batman Knight Flight or Villain. Sometimes I will head right and check out Superman Ultimate Escape or X-Flight. As someone mentioned above, it depends on what is actually open!

* Cedar Point: The last few years we've been making Power Tower our first stop. I have a feeling that will change this year.

* Kennywood: Bayern Kurve, no ifs, ands or buts. Even in 2001 when Phantom's Revenge was new, I rode the Kurve first. When the ride hits full speed and the horn goes off, all seems right in the world!

ray p.

john peck's avatar
At SFWOA, the first thing I do is complain that its $8 to park my car!
Mamoosh's avatar
What I do first depends on whom I'm with. However here is what I suggest most people do first:

Disneyland - grab FastPass for Indy, make lunch reservation at Blue Bayou, then run to Fantasy land to tackle low-capacity dark rides before they get crowded.

DCA - grab FastPass for Soarin' Over California, do Tough To Be A Bug, Grizzly River Rapids, and Hollywood Backlot attractions until it's time to ride Soarin'.

SFMM - X, then whatever else needs to be ridden.

Knotts - Ghostrider, then Plunge if its warm enough.

Humor Ingredients: all natural flavors, some artificial additives. Sold by weight, not volume. 100% satisfaction not guaranteed. Void in Texas and Puerto Rico.

I usually head in the South Gate at Carowinds and head for Top Gun first thing. After that, it's off to Thunder Road, where I usually take about 5 or 6 laps before wandering off to the other side of the park and playing it by ear.
They say music can alter moods and talk to you, but does it load a gun up for you and cock it too?
Well, I get there about 15 minutes early, then I clock in, and start the ride for the first time in the day. After running the tests, we open the line. Then we play the rest of the day by ear (had to say it, everyone else is!)

SOB crew in 2002
TRTR crew in 2003
.....Yeah, I think that smoke is supposed to be there.....

Mine is WOF. I first head directly back to Mamba, and hit Boomerang on the way. All the rides I pass by usually aren't crowded, and I can ride them later.
Well usually first thing I do when I get to GAdv is visit the bathroom. Eating breakfast and coffee on the ride down will do that to ya. Then I try and hit nitro before the line gets relatively long.

"The moose says you're closed, I say you're open!" - Clark W. Griswold
Proud member of the Walley World Park Security

At SFNE I hit SROS first, then SROS, then SROS maybe other rides later in the day.
My traditon for years was go into SFGAm and ride Shock Wave first, but I guess I'll have to find a new tradition this year >:-(

The Demon He's gonna getchya!

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