At your local park, what do you do first?

Well, when I'm at my local park, Kennywood, I usually prefer to get there about 15-20 minutes before the park opens. Then, i go over to the Racer and I'm always the my friends and I are always the first ones in line and I always end up getting the front on the day's first car. We then ride the Log jammer about 5 times because there's no line. The rest of the day we usually play by ear.

What do you guys do?

Well, since my homepark is SFGAm and I live about 45-60 min. away (Milwaukee WI) I try to leave by 10min. to 9 be cause the park opens @ 10:00. I usually hit the "New" rides first (S:UF will be first this year) then I go and try to get on the next newest and so forth. Then, like you said Whipper Snapper, I play it by ear until I feel like going home since I have a season pass, and can visit alomst anytime as long as I want. :)

Are you ready to fly in '03 SFGAm??? :)

I usually get to Hershey at 9:30 AM, and when the gates open I head straight to either Lightning Racer or Wildcat. After that, I'll head over to the Sidewinder, and then ride Conestoga, the best flat ride in the park with the best airtime. After that, I usually weave towards the Great Bear, Comet, and Sooper Dooper Looper and do some re-rides and go on some more flats. Of course, in the evening you have to ride Tidal force, and then ride Lightning Racer and Wildcat at night. Both coasters are unbelievable in the dark.

Emerging from the ashes of Eric 013...

At Knoebels I usually make my way to the fries stand then get my hand stamped. From there I hit the Flyers a few time followed by the Phoenix. From there I play it by ear!

Visits to Knoebels in 2002: 10 and PPP!

XBox Live Gamer tag: Coasterpunk

Raven, Legend, free soft drink, Raven, Legend, free soft drink, Raven, Legend, free soft drink, Zoombabwe, free soft drink...;>)


Whenever I go to Knoebels I get my handstamp and almost always ride the Carousel and then go to the High Speed Thrill Coaster. From there I go to Twister, Whirlwind and I finish off my 1st round with the Phoenix. I always try to ride Twister first so I enjoy it, because if you ride the Phoenix before you ride Twister, you probably won't enjoy it as much. Thats just my personal opinion though, some people like Twister better than the Phoenix.

The only difference between stupidity and genius is genius has limitations.

When we go to Great Adventure we always get on GASM first. We can take our advil on a full stomach (since we just had breakfast).

Welcome to Planet Nupe!

I park in the lot and go into the gate and swipe my PKI season pass.

Joe Barnett
Forum Moderator/Editorial Writer

I always hit the Log Flume @ Canobie first and S:RoS @ SFNE first

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

At Pki I ususally do the walkback then do a flyerfest for about a hour or two while there is no lines. Just before noon I'll hit FOF while the lines still arn't bad then I play it by ear.

Charles Nungester.
Confirmed, Lesourdsville Lake opening for 2003 details soon at

I usually go to Dorney at noonish on hot hot days(I sleep in late). The 1st ride I always always always ride 1st is Hercules,back seat of course, best seat in da house but always a lil rougher. I'll usually hit up all the rest of the rollercoasters while the lines are nonexistant while everyone swims and splashes away in Wildwater Kingdom. I'll head over to Talon, then down to Thunderhawk and Steel Force, then over to the Laser. After a few good rides of all the coasters I'll go over to Wildwater Kingdom for the afternoon. After some H2O fun at about 5ish I'll head back over to Dorney and ride the flats and get some rerides on my favorite coasters like Hercules and Talon.
"You know its a good ride when you come into the final break run wiping tears from your eyes"-me
*** This post was edited by DorneyDante 2/16/2003 4:04:53 PM ***
Haha Antuan good idea! I wish I had thought of that...

The only difference between stupidity and genius is genius has limitations.

I usally use the can when I first get there. Then I'm ready for action :)

Please visit the small parks. We don't know what's happening behind the scenes

When I go to GADV I always go on Chaos as my "warm up" Then I go onto the coasters in movietown. :)

Mike T.
Ride to the top. Abandon Reason. Survive. Repeat

I think every time I have gone to sfgam i've hit viper first
LOL Bigkirby,after standing in line to enter SFA I always have to make a pit stop at the restroom myself.

As for the first ride of the day I always begin with 2 laps on S:ROS & then move on over to Batwing for a quick fly by of the area,once that is out of the way I usually play it by ear for the remaindert of the day.

Just read a few of my TR's this upcoming season & you'll get the general idea of how I usually spend my time in the park,or if you can't wait till april to start reading you can always look some of my TR's up in the forum archives.

Usually I get to ValleyFair around 9:30 and go right away to the back of the park and the and work my way foward, IE Excalibur, Thunder Canyon, Looping Starship, and the Water Park. And work my way foward. But sinse the new Steel Venom is coming to ValleyFair, it really wont be an issue because no one that lives in Minnesota has ever been on anything exciting sinse Wild Thing. The joys of SFMM, SFMM, CP, SFGA, SG, BGW, BGT, IOA, DW, Kennywood, and many more. That's why all the other parks in the world are so much better than one in Minnesota. By the way, can anyone tell me how much Top Thrill Dragster cost? That's what annoyes me because CF is spending so much money on all of the world's firsts and trying to get more coasters than SFMM. SPEND MORE MONEY ON VALLEYFAIR! That is the only reason why I hate CF, otherwise, they're wonderful!


...because CP has more competition and makes more money for the chain than VF...


CoasterMNGuy, Top Thrill Dragster cost CP 25 million.

Emerging from the ashes of Eric 013...

No complaints here about CF(besides the trims), they've done wonders for my good ol Dorney Park.

"You know its a good ride when you come into the final break run wiping tears from your eyes"-me

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