Aracade ride of Cedar Point Coaster

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Yes! :)

My Beautiful wife, Julia, is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

I saw the "Kiddie Coaster" version of this ride on the cruise I was on a couple weeks ago (Mariner of the Seas). I think I have also seen the CoasterRider version at other places... I want to say I saw it at Buffalo Bill's in Primm.

Go Hokies!!
Actually, the unit functions on 110V. I work for a company which owns a Coaster Rider Xpress, and 2 platforms which we use for other rides.
The CoasterRider Xpress (the ronbotics version) also has the I.C.E logo across the back of the unit, perhaps it was a joint development?
Jeff's avatar
And you registered and resurrected an 8-month old post just to tell us that? I mean, welcome and all, but that's weird.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Perhaps they wanted to clarify/correct misinformation previously posted to the forum. Is that too difficult to understand? Could you please explain exactly what is weird about it?

Edit: Apparently quote posting is against the Terms of Service of this forum. Because of this, I've removed the quote. Sorry for my unawareness of the rule. It is truly an unusual rule, one not found in the TOS of any other board I've seen. However, given that it is a TOS of this forum, I will comply.

*** Edited 12/18/2004 2:21:57 AM UTC by James Ben*** Canobie Lake Park Information Archive
pssst... you don't need to quote the post directly before yours.

A more likely reason is the person newly registered (or newly found out about the board/topic in question) and didn't realize how old the topic was. That bit me a couple times when I was new to dorneyonline.

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Jeff's avatar
You'd think with the big "READ THIS" in the topic list that people wouldn't quote the previous post. I'm convinced at this point that you could tattoo it on people's hands before they're allowed to post and they'd do it anyway.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Maybe a popup ad would work? ;)

Oops.. wrong topic :)

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
We also have one at the Huntington Mall here in West Virginia. I noticed it last Saturday when I went Christmas shopping (the only time I go to the mall).
I disagree.

Don't know what my above reply refers to? A quoted post would have provided context, but apparently this is not allowed. But, you say, it isn't necessary if if you are replying to the post directly above yours. How does one know whether a reply is referring to the post directly above, as opposed to one earlier in the thread? How do you know by the time you've posted that the post "directly above" is still directly above yours?

I'm disappointed that there is so much focus on inconsequential style.

Anyway, I have seen many of the kiddie versions of the coaster simulator in various locations which suggests that they are indeed built to be more reliable. It would be interesting if a new simulator system (perhaps the Mad Wave Motion Theater) could be retrofitted to run the old Cedar Point films.

Edit: Removed the negative tone. I felt that forum participants were being unfairly criticized, and my post was more negative than it should have been. Sorry for that. (However, I still feel that the criticisms are unfair and unhelpful.)
*** Edited 12/17/2004 10:23:22 PM UTC by James Ben*** Canobie Lake Park Information Archive

pkidelirium said:
Repeat topic! try searching.

unfortunately, new people are always going to come on here and not read all the directions before posting. But it really doesn't ruin my life so much that i have to comment on it!

There's so many new people all the time that repeat topics are justified. If someone's looking for an opinion, or they want to talk about something, why should they have to dig up a year-old post just to get some old people's opinion? They just want new opinions from the new people.

No biggie, find something else to stress about.

Oh Geeze... All of this over some bad humor. The 220V comment was a joke (hence the smiley face after the comment). The intent was to imply that a 110V line could not supply enough power in order to accurately simulate the jerking/jarring action of Mean Streak. Sorry, I have a warped sense of humor. BTW, I heard that the Iron Dragon model comes with a 12V car adapter.

dannerman said:
pssst... you don't need to quote the post directly before yours.

You cannot always be certain that your reply will fall directly under the post you are referencing. By the time you complete your message there could be one or several other posts between yours and the one you thought would be right above it. Your post could even end up on another page. With the propensity for posts to drift off topic (as this one apparently has) I don't understand why you make such a big deal of it.

If you're worried about being "detached", then post something small, and then go back and edit. Also, look at the time since last post. If it's been a few hours (or days or months) it's not likely that someone will beat you by 5-10 minutes. Also, sometimes it's just as effective to say "[username], I think this-and-this-which-usually-references-the-thought-in-question".

Why make such a big deal of it? Because it's in the terms of service. Because it [needlessly] clutters the board. Because it [needlessly] takes up disk space and bandwidth with every view of the topic/page. You may argue and say that my post does the same - well, if gone unchecked, that user will continue to do so. Also, rookies look at it as an example of what's accepted. Mentioning otherwise shows that it's not, and at least temporarily corrects that behavior.

Oh, and for the record, I didn't "make a big deal of it" I merely took 1 1/2 lines to mention it, politely, and in good humor. My question is this: Since it IS a term of service that you accept in registering, why are YOU making a big deal of justifying the breaking said term of service?

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Thanks for pointing out that I can post first and edit later. I've edited my original post, to remove the quoted text.

I admit that I wrote more than I normally would have. The reason for this is because my post called out someone who attacked another member of the forum. Instead of responding to the substance of my post, they instead chose to point out my transgression of this "rule." It seemed petty, and I reacted to this pettiness.

Edit: Toned down post. Added quote removal info.

*** Edited 12/18/2004 2:31:28 AM UTC by James Ben*** Canobie Lake Park Information Archive
Well, this might be a moot point since this thread has developed into something entirely different, but here goes...

Rdeed said:
The CoasterRider Xpress (the ronbotics version) also has the I.C.E logo across the back of the unit, perhaps it was a joint development?

ICE bought the rights and the remaining equipment when Ronbotics went, in legal business terms, kerplop. ICE produces the Kiddie Coaster version that is identical to the original Ronbotics version. They started producing a new full-size version called Thrill Riders... I don't think it's doing well.

*** Edited 12/18/2004 2:40:05 AM UTC by jimmybob***

Well, I apologize if I came across as attacking you, that was not my intent. I was trying to give you a friendly "heads up". Also, after making my comment to you, I went on to also defend the user that you were also defending. Apparently, you chose to ignore that in getting defensive about my comment.

Quoting is not prohibited, or else Jeff would have never added that ability (yes, he coded the forum himself). The point is to use it like salt - seasoning where necessary. However, just like salt, too much is a bad thing. Also, on other forums, it's not uncommon to see many "layers" of quoting in a single message. Why? It's wasteful, and a pain to re-read everything just because someone is too lazy to either trim the quote so what is relevant.

I'll throw in a personal note as well. This isn't so much about enforcing TOS. The board is a community. I'll be the first to admit that I'm fairly new to the community as a registered user, but I think I've adapted pretty well. In every community, there is a culture. Some things of the culture are dependent on the media. Since this community is chiefly text-based, some things have evolved such as "not quoting the previous post." It's a custom of this community. It doesn't matter what other similar communities (i.e. other forums) do. An obvious example is going to another country. Many things may be the same as in the US. While it may seem petty to one person what side of the road you drive on, you're not going to get very far if you drive on the right in England (no offense intended to those from England). It is, by no means petty to them - it's their culture. A polite citizen may choose to point out that you're driving on the wrong side to save you from future embarassment or worse. Would you respond to that situation by running over his foot and saying "Driving on the left is stupid. Every other country I've been to drives on the right"?

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Dannerman, it wasn't you-- it was someone else. Sorry if it seemed that I was responding to your (initial) post. (Although, the Devil's Advocate in me points out that if I had quoted the post, then it would have been clear that I wasn't responding to your comments.)

I am struggling to find information to keep my posts from being entirely off-topic. Looking at Innovative Concepts in Entertainment (ICE)'s web site, it appears that they have a new NASCAR simulator, announced at IAAPA 2004, but I haven't been able to find out much about it.

Edit: I was wrong about ICE discontinuing the Thrill Rider. It was listed on their "Video" page, rather than the "Simulator" page.

*** Edited 12/18/2004 3:16:13 AM UTC by James Ben*** Canobie Lake Park Information Archive
Good one with the DA note, and you're right to a degree (remember.. salt ;) )

James, the part I can't figure out is who else said anything to/about you in regards to quoting? I went back and read stuff, and I think I was the only one who directly mentioned to you about you quoting the post directly above yours. Everyone else seemed (to me, at least) to be just talking about it in general. *shrugs* Either way, I'm glad there's no hard feelings! :-D

In regards to the original topic:
Does anyone know of any of these machines (either the original or the kiddie version) in/around/near the Allentown, PA area?

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"

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