Anybody been valleyed?

Volcano valley all the time. I live in Virginia is the middle of BGW and PKD. I have rolledback on volcano plenty. Your comment on the inversions would be way to slow. If you though for a second. After you come out the top it is all downhill. Meaning rollbacks on Volcano mean it does not make it out the top. It stop in the inversion out and falls back in. I think papercut lied about mudusa rolling back though. lim coasters naturally roll back so it is not a big media thing. But Mforce valley and since it required the cars to be removed it was known. I have never heard of suck thing on mudusa.
I was valleyed only once. It was on Boomerang at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Got V.I.P.'s for it though.
Mindbender04....WHEN???? How often?? Just wondering. I love that ride. And boblogone, if it has the energy to make it forward, it most likely will backward. there is very little resistance on those shuttles. It COULD, but very unlikely.

On a lighter note, I watched a CSX locomotive derail right in front of me going 30 mph. Now that's valleying!
Scale model coasters and rides.....
I valleyed on a roto-drop.;)

"Welcome back Raptor riders. How was your flight?"

bigkirby said:
"That would kind of suck if it vallyed with another train coming!!"

That's what blocks are for, making that situation impossible.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Speaking of S:RoS at S:RoS ;)...

... yesterday SRoS @ SFDL did in fact valley between the final two bunny hops.... according to some reports.

Alan Jacyszyn
- Can you predict the future? Vote for Darien Lake's 2002 expansion!
- Be the first to know when SFDL makes its official announcement!

If a coaster vallys in a boomerang, dont they use a crane to pull the train around and down into the station? Also, Ive been vallied on lazer at dorney park, and i can (sorta) prove it. It was july 17, 1998 and the wind was strong, like what sfdl dude said. It just made it through the second loop (really slow) and on the upward curve, it slowed, hesitated, and reversed back towards the loop. We didnt invert, but went about 25 percent into it. Lucky it had those old trains, because they had manual levers to open the lapbars.
*My Personal Top 5*
1)-Nitro, 2)-S:ROS(sfne), 3)-Kraken, 4)-Alpengeist, 5)-Incredible Hulk
I believe Mr Papercut got valleyed on Batman The Chiller and Hypersonic but Medusa come on.
I had posted this story before on a walkdown tread, but it actually fits here more accurately:

A couple of years back we got valleyed on SFMM's Psyclone.

We went down the first hill and rolled up around the first turn, and at that point, mid turn, we stopped. We then proceeded to roll backwards back into the first ravine. (by the way, people were freaking out)

After we rolled practically to the top of first drop (backwards still), we of course lost speed and went back the other way again.

For the next 15 minutes we rolled back and forth till the car finally stopped rolling on its own, and the car was able to be chained down by the mechanics.

We were then taken off one by one, and since the bottom of the first hill is actually a pretty high off the ground, we took a route climbing over the rails to another piece of track and finally down a wooden ladder attached to the structure to get to the ground.

At that point they handed us a cup of ice water, and a free return ticket, and made sure we were all okay. That has been my most memorable experience exiting a ride.

*** This post was edited by bunchastuf on 10/21/2001. ***

It felt like the Conneaut Blue Streak was going to valley.
G.Bush:We will find those who did it, smoke them out of their holes, get them running, and bring them to justice.
I pray that I will never see a Six Flags Conneaut Lake
I got valleyed on Hercules at DP once going around the first turn it just stopped but after about 30 mins they got the train to the lift hill. I've also stalled on the lift hill alot but that doesn't really count.
I came close to valleying up in the cobra roll of Face/off at PKI. It just got done raining, and it barely made it through the FIRST time. Then on the return trip, it slowed to barely a crawl, and the just barely got enough cars through to pull it downwards. Freaky cause i was lying on my side throught most of this.

all about PKI
the Beasts` Den

Mr. Papercut said:
I have vallied on apollos chariot at bgw

Ok, I know for a fact that that has never happened..but good job of trying to lie!

You would not believe how slowly Medusa at SFMW completes the circuit after being stopped on the brakes.  The friction wheels on the brake run (I think there are some) don't even go on to give you a little boost.  At the top of the second corkscrew we were up against our shoulder restraints.  What made it worse was that there were only ten people on the train.  After all that, we just about came to a stop before the final brakes.

*** This post was edited by Coastration on 10/21/2001. ***

Saturday night (10/20) on Flight of Fear at Kings Island.  I remember it like it was yesterday, oh yeah, it was.  The people I talked to said it was the first time Flight of Fear had a roll back. 

I really don't know the ride that well, but I do know you are launched and then I believe you enter an inversion, then a banked turn, although I can't really remember.  Anyway, on that banked turn (one of two places where it is 'expected' to valley) we're trying to pull out of it, and just couldn't quite make it over the little bump and backwards we went, although it didn't take but a few minutes to stop.  They turned all the lights on and I could finally see we were at the highest point you could be.  I also saw there was a platform about 5 feet below me (first car, second row).  My friend and I were the last ones out, had to climb down a ladder to a platform, then across a narrow catwalk down a huge flight of stairs to the bottom.

I don't know how it didn't have enough momentum, it had to be something in the launch sequence, if somebody has an explanation, clue me in.

The best part was just being able to see the ride from that catwalk, very cool.  We got a few park admission and FearFest tickets out of it, and the whole ordeal only took about 35 minutes.  My best day at PKI so far.

-Tyler Adams
Cedar Point Guest Services 2001

Happens pretty often on scenic railways, not that I've ever had the "pleasure".  Valleying "in the tophat" seems relatively unlikely considering physics and all, but it is a funny idea...Would anybody even notice if they "valleyed" on S:UE?...LOL.
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
It always looks like Deja-Vu is going to valley within the Cobra Roll going backwards.
"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL
Lots of LIM coasters have rollbacks and valleys, every now and then u'll get slow launch speeds (Error 1472 on Chiller, hehe). You can't valley in a tophat, but u can certainly have a rollback, especially on a slow launch u wont be able to make it past....It happened twice at chiller this year with batman, a launch, error 1472 pops up, the train doesn't make it through the tophat, 15 minutes later ur manually releasing restraints and getting people off the train in the middle of the launch tunnel =) As far as valleys....any coaster could at some point given the right conditions. Skull mountain at SFgadv needs weights put in the front cars in the morning so it doesnt valley.
TOday on Magnum almost. For a while the trains were almost full so the trims were on and it was still running good. Then I got in a train with me, and 4 other people. Look out trims still on! It felt like it nearly stopped on the highest point of the pretzel. I did not get any airtime in the ejector seat on the return even.  I could see when we got back that one of the ops noticed the other train was already at the top of the lift when we got back. Heck, a few more seconds and there would have been a B set!

I ran around and got in the same train. This time I sat in the back with 4 people in the train (again), and they turned them off.

Save Cheese on a stick!

Actually you can valley on Schwarzkopf shuttle looper quite easily.  I saw this happen to Viper at SFoG a few times.  In fact, the ride has a catwalk between the loop and the incline just to unload a train in case that happens, I think some other shuttle loops have those, too.

Anyway, to get thge train back to the station, there is a winch at the top of the incline for the purpose of un-valleying a train ;-)  The train gets pulled to the top and released.  Problem solved!

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