Any one remember the "rotor"?

Well, there are a few full-time Kennywood employees who lurk around (not counting seasonals since, no offense to them, they really wouldn't necessarily be privy to this kind of info). Perhaps when things settle down a bit from opening madness we'll get a clearer answer.

--Greg, aka Oat Boy
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"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape

Bambi1953 said:
The Rotor that used to be at Geauga Lake, came from Euclid Beach Park, the first time I rode it was when I was 5 years old, in 1958!!!! Also the flying scooters that they had at Geauga Lake came from Euclid Beach Park.

Bambi- I have to disagree on these two facts. Geauga Lake's Rotor opened in 1981 and was purchased brand-new from Chance Rides. Also, the Flying Scooters that operated at GL were of the "portable" Bisch-Rocco variety unlike the park model found at Euclid Beach. At that same time, Shady Lake Park in Streetsboro (just a few miles down the road from Geauga Lake) was operating several Euclid Beach rides including the Rotor and Flying Scooters.

I remember riding GL's Rotor that year when it was new and thought it was okay, but it made me dizzy. Later that summer I rode Shady Lake's and nearly blacked out. The difference in speed was amazing. And the "arena-style" observation areas was something to see. At one time when the ride was first introduced in the 1950's (I think..), guests would have to pay as much to watch as they did to ride.

ray p. (who had the chance to operate GL's Rotor back in 1989... and got sick from staring into the drum all day!)

There is as well a Rotor touring the german fairs. It was built in the 50ies when these rides were popular.

Since the 80ies most Rotors dissappeared, or used to be transformed for motorcycle shows (cyclists racing on the vertical walls, close to the spectators).

To make the ride appealing again, the last remaining version is now integrated into a walkthrough funhouse. You donĀ“t have to ride the Rotor, though. Its possible to visit the funhouse and watch the riders from the edge of the drum.

i was a teenage rollercoaster designer

john peck's avatar
Bambi: The Rotor at Geauga lake did NOT come from Euclid Beach. GL premeired their Rotor in 1980/81. Now, This is also the same time Kings Island took theirs out, but I don't think that was KI's Rotor.

Also, you are incorrect about the flying Scooters. Both Euclid and Geauga had Scooters at the same time. However, Euclids was a 10-tub park model and GL's was an 8-tub portible model. After Euclid closed, many of the rides (including the Scooters and Rotor) went into storage and were later re-errected at Shady Lake Park in Streetsboro. Once Shady Lake closed, the rides were then sent to Old Indiana. Once Old Indiana closed (due to a fatal accident on the Euclid Beach Miniature Train, which derailed) the rides were sold at auction. I have no Idea where the Scooters and Rotor are now.

wahoo skipper said:
How many people who visited old Geauga Lake remember Rotor Fred? He used to ride all day every day. Seriously, he would just ride over and over and over.

I remember him. I never knew his name, we just called him "the rotor guy" The ops used to let him ride laps on the Double Loop too. If there was nobody in line, they would let him stay on. The guy just looked like he was a little off. Like the elevator didn' t go all the way to the top.

The line for the Twister at Frontier City wraps around the top of the ride looking in the barrel so if theres a lot of mischievious kids there that day you'll get hit by either some form of coin or a giant wad of spit. It's really not that pleasant.

Phreak223: broadband srmodband dial up is where it's at foo
Phreak223: man, dial up sucks so bad

Sorry, thats what I saw on a video tape from the library about Euclid Beach, must have misunderstood what they said, I'll have to watch it again. Know my eyesight is bad, hearing must be going also. lol!

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. "James Dean"

I certainatly do. He was the only person I knew,except for myself, who actually loved that ride,
Jay Vending the Best Amusement Park Job

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