Any news on Avalanche (Timber Falls-WI Dells)?

olov said:
So why can Gerstlauers bobsleds have some nice airtime and they only got 1 car?

Maybe because of sharp drops?

Anyways, I agree with RavenTTD, that the hills look drawn out. Like in RTC, that piece on B&M hypers, the gradual descent and acscent, with the high angle pieces in between.

Someone posted some pics in the Hades thread. Here is the link:

And here is the link to the screamscape shots and course layout:

If you look at the pics, there is a bunny hop right before the break run. That is not in the course layout. That diagram has a turn leading to the breakrun. It makes me wonder how accurate that drawing is. Also, at least the hill into the breakrun looks like it will generate airtime in the front. For some reason, I am now thinking that this coaster could be full of airtime.

Mamoosh's avatar
Williams Grove Cyclone runs two 3-bench PTCs and there's airtime on that coaster. Perhaps some people should wait to ride it before proclaiming it a dud. Or, perhaps a coaster with mild airtime is exactly what the park ordered?
Sorry but the pedantic professor in me cannot resist:

Needs to be more weight for good air.

Weight has nothing to do with airtime. It's all about acceleration, which is independent of weight and depends only on speed; remember, acceleration is just a fancy way of saying "the rate at which speed changes."

Granted, heaver trains run an individual course faster than lighter ones, all other things being equal, and since the curvature of the hills doesn't change, the rate of speed changes a bit more quickly. But this isn't nearly as important as where the hills are, and how the are profiled.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled coaster discussion.

Mamoosh's avatar
But Brian...if you bring LOGIC into the equation people won't be able to complain about the apparent lack of airtime until they actually ride Avalanche. And everyone knows its much more fun to complain about something you haven't ridden. ;)

*** Edited 4/21/2004 3:50:52 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

Much easier, too.
Mamoosh's avatar
If we're lucky Avanlanche will be built over vomit green water and appear on a really bad park map. Then people will have something to complain about ;)
I figured that people would be complaining about the Dells having too many wood coasters.
Vater's avatar
They do. When are they getting a hyper, dammit?
By next year the Dells are going to have 3 coasters that are each going to be the largest in the Midwest. What else do you want?
I want a 420 ft tall monster that I don't have to drive 6+ hours to get to... ;)
Good observation, Raven ;) *** Edited 4/21/2004 5:17:27 PM UTC by Rob Ascough***
Mamoosh's avatar
6 hour drive? You do know about the invention of flight, right? ;)
It takes just as long to fly, Moosh...

45 min drive to O'Hare
1h 45 min wait at airport
1h 15 min flight to Cleveland
30 min get bag and head to car rental
15 min get rental car
1h 15 min drive to Sandusky

Total (minimum) time to fly... 5h 45min

Not much of a timesaver...costs more too.

Mamoosh's avatar
Sucks to be you ;)

mOOSH [relax...he knows I'm kidding]

FWIW, I just called the, err... golf course (can we really call it a PARK yet?) and the girl answering the phone said it's scheduled to be open the end of May. I suppose it'd be too much to hope it'd be done the weekend of Cbuzzcon.

I'm trying to keep my mind open, but I'm not particularly enthused. Maybe it will have some surprises in store, though.

Let's just remember, did Cornball express look particularly wonderful when we saw the first layout photos? *** Edited 4/21/2004 6:35:38 PM UTC by ThemeDesigner***

"I've been born again my whole life." -SAVED
Mamoosh's avatar
As I recall people were complaining about Cornball [too short, not long enough, waah waah waah] before it opened, too.
Oh yeah....people thought Cornball would be a lame family coaster....not so much!!!

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Mamoosh's avatar
"...not so much."

Uh oh...Peabody is channelling Gator again!

I have been trying to compare it to other rides to see if it looks like any winners. (Sorry to those who like to sit and wait. I do plan on riding but I am having fun now too.) The hills on Rebel Yell at PKD look a little more drawn out. That is a decent coaster for speed, but has little air. I am having trouble finding profile shots of Phoenix, but that seems to be the closest. They are almost the same height too. Of course you don’t know for sure till you ride. *cough* Hoosier Hurricane *cough*

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