Another Forum

I would like to suggest another forum category for coasterbuzz. One that is about anything that people would like to talk about whether its coaster related or not. This way we can learn about things about some of the people at coasterbuzz or if anyone needs help with somethin thats not coaster related and can't find another place to go to find an answer they can come here. It's just a thought....
Millennium Force......It has its ups and downs.
Not going to happen kid because it is not important for the content or advancement of this coaster site. There are sooo many sites on the internet to find information about anything you need, so there does not need to be an extra forum on it. Also, this site is for coasters and solely coasters, not discount shopping tips to save 25 cents on dishwashing liquid. If you have a question about anything, a coaster person does not have to be the one to answer the question. Find another site with more educated people on different topics. A general chat area is not important, will take up space, bandwidth, and more time to moderate. The mods don't want to have to mess around with a general forum cause there is too much bs is those types of chats. Maybe o these general forums have foul language, are very vulgar, and sex-oriented, and this is a family site that Jeff has maintained, not a site for makng families. So, a general forum will never happen on this site.

*** This post was edited by ACE15 on 2/15/2002. ***

The website's name is coasterbuzz, not coasterornotbuzz...
I have no signature.
Either way its been brought up and discussed many a times. The site is just fine as it is right now. Don't mess with what ain't broken.
Flying High Again.
ok you have some good points.

Millennium Force......It has its ups and downs.

You should use the search feature of this site before posting.  This has been been brought up countless times.  Every thread has the exact same answer.
- Peabody
Jeff's avatar
What is the absolute low point on any site that has a forum? The "anything goes" forum. It's impossible to moderate, and more often than not is filled with trash, flame wars, and somebody dogging other sites or whatever.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

There is probably a message board for any specific topic you can think of on the internet.  For example, if you wanted to talk about sports, you'd probably have a better time posting on's message boards than you would posting on an anything goes forum here.


*** This post was edited by xbombman on 2/15/2002. ***

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