An argument for racers to count as two

Batman and Robin: The Chiller at SFGAdv share a common station. They don't race. They don't truly duel. The two track layouts a greatly different. How you count them is your choice.
Your track record is your business. Count it however you like.
Doesn't it seem as though morons always have the caps lock on?
If I don't go on one side of a racing ride, I really didn't ride the whole thing if it counts as one. That'd be half a coaster. If it counts as two & I ride only one side, I rode one.

Some comments on the above:

While parks consider their coasters as 1, I consider some 2 for track record purposes (Gwasi, Dueling Dragons), while others (Kennywood's Racer) I consider as 1. I flip flop between 1 and 2 for Lightning Racer.

Some Dark Rides count, most don't. I look at it this way... does it rely on the motion of the ride to give the major thrill, or is the motion system just a means to get the car through the course? Space Mountain, Exterminator, Disaster Transport, Crackaxel Canyon, etc I would consider coasters for the count... If they were not enclosed, they would still be coasters (though not as exciting). Other true Dark Rides (traditional Pretzels, etc) would be nothign more than a little car going around on a winding track if it were not enclosed and I think it is crazy to even think of considering these as "coasters".

Flumes: the VAST MAJORITY I would not count as coasters. Journey to Atlantis, because of its coaster track ending, I do count as a coaster.

*** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 4/25/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 4/25/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar

Mamoosh said:
Sean F gets it.

Jim Fisher gets it.

I know I get it.

Just because something is "obvious" to you doesn't mean others see it that way.

You will see it my way, OR ELSE....buwahahahaha! The only times I don't count a "twin" coaster as two is if they are identical or mirror-images. I even *believe* it should count as two if one of the sides runs backwards trains, since it really does make for a completely different experience.

But, as noted, let others decide how they wish to count...

Any resemblance between this post and humor is purely coincidental. No robots were harmed in the filming of this episode...The sarcasm filter default has been left ON for your enjoyment.

As others have said, there's no "right" answer here.

Personally I count "racing" as 1, "dueling" as two. The differentiator is how different are the layouts -- if they're essentially identical (Gemini) or mirror images (Racer/Recar) then they're 1, if they're different (Dueling Dragons) then to me they're clearly two rides that happen to share a queue entrance and work with each other to "complete" the experience.

Most duel track coasters have unique names for each side (ie Fire and Ice), which simplifies the decision for me :)

I waver on how to count Lightning Racers. The tracks are individually named, and the courses DO differ a bit, so that'd be 2. But MOST of the courses are the same, and I'd be hard pressed to tell you which side is Lightning and which is Thunder, so that's an argument for 1. Right now I count it once. Twisted Twins is another one -- the layouts were different enough for me to say "yes, it counts twice in my list", but I couldn't tell you which is Lola and which is Stella ;)

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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rollergator's avatar

GregLeg...Lola - Pink, Stella - Teal, Both - Screech...;). I even did the "mandatory" two trips on each, cool layout and design - hopefully better this year...

I love to do this...

So do clones only count as one? No matter how many you ride?

If you dont count Racers/Duelers as two because they are nearly identical, then you shouldn't count clones that are completely identical.

"Looks like you've been missing quite a bit of work lately"
"Well, I wouldn't say I've been MISSING it, Bob."

*** This post was edited by jdancisin on 4/25/2002. ***

I just say "EFFF it". However Jeff rules it is how I log it. I'm lazy like that. :oD

Sorrrrrrrry folks! Parks closed. The moose out front should have told you.

Mamoosh's avatar

Jdancisin - While I can't speak for anyone else, the reason I count ANY multi-tracked coaster as one is because I see it as one attraction [Gwazi, Dueling Dragons, Materhorn Mountain, Gemini, Lightning Racers, etc]. Others see it differently, and that's fine.

Likewise if I've ridden Knott's Boomerang I have not ridden Lake Compounce's Zoomerang. They are physically two different coasters in two different parks. I consider Gwazi as one coaster at BGT. If there was a clone of Gwazi in some other park I'd count that as one coaster as soon as I rode it.

This anaology might not be perfect, but think of it as books and chapters. Gwazi is the book, with Lion and Tiger as chapters. Some people count books, some count chapters. If I buy two copies I still have two books, even if they are identical.

Again, I can see a person's argument for only counting one clone, and I can see a person's argument for counting such coasters as Gwazi or the Dragons as two. Its just simpy not the way I count. But what I don't understand is why the "Gwazi is definitely 2" camp feels compelled to continually try to convince me my method is wrong?

2002 - the year of IB's LoCoSuMo!!

jdancisin -- That's a good question. My answer is that in my book clones count separately because they DON'T give the same ride. There are many factors at work -- local scenery, age of the ride, and so on -- that make for very different experiences. Take Batwing and X-Flight last year, for instance. Batwing's location made it a rather different (and, IMHO, better) ride than X-Flight, even though theoretically they're the exact same thing.

Now, if some park were to drop in, say, a pair of boomerangs on opposite sides of the park and give them the same name, then we'd start seeing some real interesting discussions :)

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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rollergator's avatar
...but GregLeg, what if the trains ran backwards on one of the Boomerangs!...LOL...;)

Two boomerangs, in separate sections of the park, and named the same?

I can picture it now... "Six Flags over Clone-ville with the most coasters in the world in one park... 78!" and then see a midway lined with one identical boomerang after another.

Another point to consider...

The 2 sides of an out and back racer like PKI's Racer are not the same, They are mirror images of each other. Therefore the ride experience is different. Everything is reversed. Subtle differences, yes. But differently none the less.

On twister Racers, like Gemini at CP, and Racer at Kennywood, the ride experience from one side to the other is actually substantially different. In particular, the radius of the turns is substantially different from track to track. Which creates many significant differences:
- The amounts of time in the turn
- The speed you are traveling when exiting each turn... which also affects the next element
- The amount of Gs you are feeling in each turn
- Whether you slap hands on the left or right :)

There are a bazillion different things that can make any coaster feel exactly the same or completely different. If you get on at a different place, and ride on a different set of tracks, then I say it is a different coaster.

And I dont count coasters

"Looks like you've been missing quite a bit of work lately"
"Well, I wouldn't say I've been MISSING it, Bob."

Mamoosh - Put me down on that list aswell. I have my own dimented way of counting coasters, and I don't even care to mention it (its too complicated :)).
Now here's something for you all to ponder... What about coasters that have been relocated?? :)

"Have you ever tried backing out of a drive-through bank?" - George Carlin

Is Conneaut Lake's "Devil's Den" a Pretzel dark ride? There have been several arguments in regards to it being a coaster as the car is powered entirely by gravity, uses a chain lift, and has a drop. The rest of the ride is an enclosed series of switchbacks that are taken at a pretty good clip. I think it's listed on the Buzz Coaster Record.... but this is a real tough one to call. It's not on my track record as of yet..... I'm still on the fence with this one.


Mamoosh's avatar

Rollo - Relocated coasters can be tricky. How many times can you count the Intamin Space Diver currently known as SFMM's Flashback? Talk about padding a count, LOL!**

And what about coasters that have been reprofiled? Its a wide spectrum between what happened to SFMM's Colossus and KW's Phantom...where do you draw the line? After how much new track do you recount it?

Despite my first post in which I said "I can't believe we're having this discussion again" I actually enjoy the DISCUSSION part of it. What I don't enjoy is the arguing and "my way is the right way" attitudes.

Matthew Sullivan - track record 264

**just kidding, of course. If someone wants to count a coaster each time it relocates, fine by me ;-)

2002 - the year of IB's LoCoSuMo!!

rollergator's avatar

The reprofiling question is a good one...SP turning into PR for me is easy, I'd certainly count that as two different coasters (whenever I get back to KW)...heck, even the NAME changed...

"minor reprofiling" like the removal of the final speed bumps (Colossus, PKI's Racer, etc.) for me don't warrant consideration as another coaster...

But, as I've stated before, "opinions may vary, but only MINE is the right one"....LMAO...;)...

If one side of a coaster disappears, though, there's still one there. Can one track of the ride operate without the other, then there must be two rides there. So, that's part of the reason I count racers twice, & even though I count them twice, I "put them close together", so to speak, so it's obvious as to the situation.

When I was @CP this spring, only one side of Gemini was open, so therefore, there's something in Cedar Point I have not riden(besides WT;)), so you CANNOT tell me that I have or have not riden Gemini, because I rode Red Gemini, not the blue or both. I would have to ride them both to count the entire ride if they really count as one.

If either side can operate without the other, two coasters; & the only reason I count coasters is for myself. You make yourself a proper track record, not only does it make a nice compliment to your photo albums, it helps with remenbering things. Plus, it's even sorta useful when planning trips. Sometimes, you know, you want to plan the most bang for buck trip, with the most rides you've yet to be on, it's useful. Most people NEVER use them as all around bragging tools, although some people will always think that's the case.

My coaster count is messured in bliss.


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