Amusement Park Bans Screaming.

Kick The Sky's avatar
My guess is that not many people are going to think that your average mom and pop mini-golf and batting cage place is going to plunk down a 185 ft thrill ride, especially when the park does not have any other carnival type rides, even of the kiddie variety. This is a lot different than then NIMBY people who live next to an airport and get pissed because the planes are too loud or even the people that live next to a Six Flags and get upset that a 200 ft coaster is being installed. This place is an average business that just installed something that is far from average for that type of business.

Like I said before, if there were hearings with a planning commission and the attraction is not what was sold to the planning commission, then the planning commission has the responsibility to try and force them to remove it. If the planning commission doesn't do that, then it is the citizens responsibility to remove the members of that planning commission through the normal channels, not by bringing up lawsuits.

Certain victory.

browntggrr said:
I also find it intresting that the home owner is worried about people looking into his backyard from a ride that is moving 60mph in a up/ down circular motion.

Ahhh...but here's the problem. When the people at the bottom of the ride are being loaded, the people at the top of the ride are stopped for several minutes. In my opinion, it's actually one of the scariest moments of this or any SkyScraper-type ride. It's that first moment when you get to really soak-in just how high off the ground you really are.

So as a distraction, I'm sure some people are looking into other people's yards. I could see being a little bit annoyed by sunbathing and outdoor cookouts being "spied-upon."

Well, I for one would jump at the chance to live next to an FEC with a full-size skyscraper in my backyard...

...I'd just want a lifetime season pass for the ride! :) (I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount of money for it too.)

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Well, I guess that banning screaming only leaves us with lign language.

Do you think the guy in the backyard would mind being flipped off?

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


^Lol, I'm sure if hes out there complaining when the FEC is open, Hes already gotten a few...
Here is another article:

I think this is a whole bunch of bs. Its the parks land they can build what they want on it as long as they have a pemit.

There are two types of people in the world. People who like coasters and idiots. (new forums have been added)

Yea, People are retarded. I hate when people prefer their small town to remain unchaged. Usually parks who build crazy thrill rides, either need to attract more business or want to offer something new to the usual visitors.

People who live near an airport knew that the planes may be a problem, however, you get use to it, and eventually they dissapear. I'm sure the neighborhood will get over it. Planes are MUCH louder than a max of 4 people screaming.

And for the guy who's worried about his yard. He either needs to forget about it, or give the lookers a reason to look in the yard. I know when i'm up that high, I look at the horizon and not the houses below.

^But people that move near airports can and do sue airports all the time over noise and vibration. (and they knew this when they moved there!) From what I've read, airports usually settle. Most major airports usually have pilots use noise abatement procedures, which is basically this: At the point of take-off, where power is most critically needed, they decrease power, increase their angle of ascent in order to quietly go over the given area.

I bet if there were a weight controled nude beach behind his fence he wouldn't care. (but they make odd sounds when they play volleyball! -he whines to the court.)

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


So wait a minute, the houses ACROSS the INTERSTATE are having an issue with the screaming, but the ones right ACROSS the STREET are are not?

Got to love Californians.

Here's how you respond to people worried that their proerty values will go down... Let's call the tax assessment office and see what your property's really worth. Oh yeah, while they're at it, they'll update your assessment too.

Lots of people buy their nice lot in the country expecting theirs will be the last house ever built there. They're the ones running to the municipality with these land preservation ordinances they want passed when the farm next door goes up for sale. But it was OK when the land their house was built on was subdivided.

Moral of the story: don't buy a lot with a view unless you intend to buy the view.

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