Amen! Last year, in August, I went to 4 parks by myself (gasp!). While at PKD, I got into a nice conversation with a man and his (hot) daughter about parks and such. They thought it was interesting that I was by myself and that I was going to SFKK next day. They asked if it was my hobby, and I said yes, and we talked about it. But it was casual conversation that evolved into something else.
At SFKK, I talked to another man and his son a few times during the day, another causal conversation. As I was leaving the park, I bumped back into them, and they wished me well and such.
I was in line with 2 guys for TTD who were possible coaster geeks (not sure), and we talked. I mentioned how there was possibly going to be a larger than TTD coaster *Somewhere* on the east coast in 2005. We had a nice conversation while in line for Dragster.
I will talk about coasters with other people in line. I'm friendly, personable, and I like to talk. But I don't butt into people's conversations to correct them and what not. Or to make fun of them. A friend who used to frequent parks with me said 'My goodness, you just talk to anybody in line, don't you?'. And not even about parks, but if they're wearing a shirt or have something with them with something else I'm interested in, I'll ask them about it.
I don't wear park gear, just becuase most of it isn't what I like to wear. I have a Volcano Visor I do wear on occasion because I liked the way it looks, and I have a BORG T-Shirt, cause I'm a Trek Geek. *** Edited 12/5/2005 3:16:36 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***
If people inquire about coasters or coaster clubs I am more than happy to promote them, but otherwise I am just there to ride. :-P
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