America... Watch Out!

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
Boy Chuck are you right!

I'm a republican and I tend to vote that way in elections, but not all the time. I want someone to represent me and my beliefs and sometimes a Democrat will do that.

Bob Taft is a convicted criminal and should be impleached. However, everything is so political these days that only the Democrats in the State House and Senate will go after the guy and not the Republicans. As it stands now, the Democrats don't have enough votes to get the guy out of office. I say that they should still make a statement and impeach the guy.

On top of that, he did a piss-poor job running our state.

As for the people who cry about the Hummer drivers and gas prices. Cry about it! This is America, be glad we have the freedom to go ahead and drive a Hummer down the road. Furthermore, be glad that we have a military who is willing to fight for that freedom when it is challenged. Everyone has a right to make a choice and for those that choose to drive a Hummer have to realize that with that freedom comes with a responsibility. They will have to pay for gas no matter how much it costs.

Don't blame Bush, don't blame the government, and don't blame others for YOUR choices.

People have cried at me when I bought my Honda Civic because I wasn't buying an American product. Which makes me feel even better to have that freedom! However, it must be noted that my Civic is more American than my Chevy Cavalier ever was. Heck my Civic was built here in Ohio! While my Cavalier sported a Toyota engine built in Japan and assembled in Mexico *thumbs up*

I made a choice, just like everyone else can.

~Rob Willi

^Keep on Rockin' in the FreeWorld.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Gas in Hamilton Ontario is about 95 Cents - $1.00 a Litre. (In Canadian Money)
HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
Pink Floyd Fanatic:

Uninformed Whakos like you are the reason for Democrats losing elections. I'm sure you still believe the paranoia that was spread about Bush reinstating the draft too right?

Here's something to chew on for the Bush-haters. Since the war in Iraq is for oil, why are the oil prices still going up?

~Rob Willi says Go Away!

Uhhhhhh, cuz maybe the war for oil wasn't about making it CHEAP. Ya think? Politician from Texas, anyone? Hello? Anybody home? Duuuuuuh?

George Bush? George Bush? Who'd bother ranting about President Beeblebrox?

Douglas Adams' fiction has finally become true. He doesn't wield power--he draws attention from those who actually do.


*** Edited 8/30/2005 2:12:27 PM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

And I thought the war in Iraq was to rid the world of the Evil-Doers'? :) *** Edited 8/30/2005 2:19:05 PM UTC by FLYINGSCOOTER***

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


No, it was a coalition of allied nations all working together to stop those truck-driven WMD factories and those Al-Qaeda folks off in another country called Afghanistan or...something. Right?


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Rob, Don't forget the Black helicopters that are out there listening to every word we are saying! We're being kept down by "The Man"! ;)

*** Edited 8/30/2005 2:25:27 PM UTC by redman822***

--George H


You might want to steer clear of defending ANYTHING Pinko Floyd is associated with. Your reputation will take a beating regardless of how marginalized your support may be! In other words, Pink Floyds enemies are your friends!

P.S. The cost of a barrel of oil is an EXPENSE in the refining process. An expense that is passed on to consumers, but nonetheless has a negative affect on demand (marginalized due to the inelastic nature of the product for sure). Check out the Exxon, etc stock prices throughout this uncertainty. They certainly have not gone up! At the basic consumer level the stations will set pricing to maintain profit margins regardless of price per gallon!

Pink Floyd Fanatic, Get real and get informed.

Im not taking a Bush side here. Matter of fact Im willing to addmit that he's part of the problem by no doing anything.

The problem isn't supply of oil. It's refining capacity and ability.

A problem which many presidents, politictians, EPA and do gooders have made worse by making it vitually impossible to build one.

I dare someone from greenpeace to ***** about the price of fuel. NIMBY bites you in the arse everytime.

Still, Im not all about pollute at whatever cost but there has to be a middle ground.

This problem and many others have been a longtime comming and just now surfacing.

Lack of powerplants being built and demand ever increasing = brown outs.

Lack of refining equals Gasoline shortage.

Some of this is caused by the afore mentioned reasons, Others are caused by corporate mergers and buyouts Oh, we can shut that plant down and make a hundred million more dollars a year.

And of course some of it is caused by lack of conservation, 70mph speed limits and people who speed off the stop sign instead of accelerating at a steady pace ect.

Bush, one of just a long line of polititians from many groups leaning towards corporations needs and not the peoples.

Haliburton? One of only a couple companies in the world that can do what it can do. I didn't see anyone screaming Halliburton when Clinton awarded nine billion in no contract bids to it.

That kinda talk only shows how missled some people are. While there may be some truth in it. The problem lies elswhere in Lobbiest and Corporate scandal affecting your representation in Washington.

Stand together, Demand WE be heard and maybe something will get done.

Chuck, about done with the off topic thread now.

Black helicopters? Huh? Since when did you see any Michigan Militia members doing rideshare, composting, shopping at co-ops and tuning in to NPR?

Don't turn yo' back on yo' homeys like that, George! Those are YOUR people! :)

BTW, Clinton had military involvement in Iraq every day he was in office. He just kept it on the down-low like a few other things he was up to. A no-fly zone here, a blown-up radar installation there...


*** Edited 8/30/2005 2:38:14 PM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

'Playa...I was doing my bad imitation of <strike>BoyPig</strike> Mancow....

--George H

Oh. We don't have radio worth mentioning here. Even the notoriously bad! :)

*** Edited 8/30/2005 6:23:27 PM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

Jeez. Hmmm...lets see, who is the better person, the greedy person or the infidel? Oh, wait, is there really a difference?

Greed is okay with some people, infidelity is okay with others. Some are okay with both, since really, infidelity boils down to the same root. It makes neither right, nor neither of them qualified to lead. They both did/do poor jobs in some areas, good jobs in others.

Jeffrey R Smith said:

You might want to steer clear of defending ANYTHING Pinko Floyd is associated with.

Huh? He likes airtime, I like airtime. He likes CCIs, I like CCIs, Midget likes CCIs wayyyyy too much...but more about that in Da Babies Go You-Know-Where In a Handbasket, a TR you'll be reading here real soon like. (Translation: February 2008)

But will I beat up my local park's guest services people every week cuz they happen to be the active brake run capital of North America? Uhhhhhhhhhh, NO. Will I dispatch the notorious and unviersally feared Pinball King on anybody? Good heavens, no.

Agreeing on one topic to some degree doesn't align me with anybody. I ain't him, he ain't me. PFF, CO. PFF, CO. Pretty easy to tell us apart, I think.

Will I worry about my 'reputation' on a coaster board for any opinion of mine? Hold on a minute.

*grabs remote, hits rewind*

Let's see that again in slow motion.


Hmmmmm. Guess I did hear that correctly!

Are you serious?


*** Edited 8/30/2005 3:15:59 PM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

rollergator's avatar
Airtime rocks! CCIs too!

Thinking that oil is THE source of power for the foreseeable future? Seems awfully short-sighted to me. I've read the major points of the so-called "Energy policy"...and I'm still looking for the part about funding some alternative energy research and/or incentives for utilizing same...

We were talking about hybrid vehicles only recently....the *actualized cost* of a hybrid vs. a gas-only car SHOULD be close enough so that consumers willing to spend "about a buck a day" could keep the environment cleaner and spend less time at the pumps. Right now, that's about 5 bucks a day...a bit pricy for MOST consumers, even the environmentally-conscious.

"...doing rideshare, composting, shopping at co-ops and tuning in to NPR?" Guilty, on all counts... :)

Think globally, act locally!

Naaaa...'Playa doesn't care about his reputation on a coaster board...or anywhere! He wants everyone to hate him so they'll leave him alone on the midways so he'll have all his stalkette's to himself! I'm onto your evil plans, 'Playa!!! :)

--George H

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
Playa has nothing to lose as far as credibility goes since he'll just edit his posts after the topic gets closed.

My point is, the Iraq war isn't about oil, it WAS about WMD's and Bush wasn't the only one who felt that way...

It seems now that the massive stockpiles of WMD's aren't being found like it had been said on BOTH sides. While some have been found, the primary goal is to liberate the country of Iraq and set them up with a democratic (Representative Republic, whichever you prefer) government.

Its funny how many friends my wife and I have that have been out fighting in Iraq, come back home, and leave again to fight IN IRAQ. They must have nice waterparks out there...

~Rob Willi

No, Rob, I'm pretty sure Jeff changed it so that you can't go back and edit Posts once they've been closed.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Looking at today's Roller Coaster Rollback on the main page I see that today is Timothy Bottom's birthday.

He played G.W. in Comedy Central's "That's My Bush!"

Well, it's kind of related. Ummm...

Everything sucks! The government doesn't know what they're doing and gas prices are too high!

(just trying to fit in :) )

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