Alp and Griffon Model Trains

Frickin' Sweet!!!

The Griffon model is just amazing.

I can't wait to get my hands on these sets as well as the statix.

The Alpengeist train looks great...I'd definatly snag that one when I get the cash. I'd like to see pics of the Raptor trains and I wish CP would put them up for sale online.

Hope to see Montu, Apollo and Kraken out of the Busch camp as well.

LuvRaptor's avatar
I am one of the lucky ones who grabbed a Raptor model a couple weeks ago at CP. They were OUT on closing day-bummer too cause I wanted one for my CP shrine at the house. The other one sits proudly on at my desk at work.

The only issue I have with the Raptor one is there is only 7 trains and the huge supports are baby blue? I was like wth when I bought it. But it was nothing that Raptor green acrylic paint didn't fix! :)

Definitely want a Talon one and waiting on Fire and Ice! :)

Lifetime Raptor flights: 1229 :)

'00 '02 '03 '09 Raptor Crew
2018 - present Mako Crew

LuvRaptor's avatar

DannyThompson said:
They also make/sell those train models for Hydra and Talon at Dorney.

I am totally holding you responsible for the $81.10 I just spent for the Talon and Hydra trains! :)

Lifetime Raptor flights: 1229 :)

'00 '02 '03 '09 Raptor Crew
2018 - present Mako Crew

Sawblade5's avatar
I just ordered my Raptor Train through the CP store I look forward to getting it in the mail.

Speaking about the Patriot Trains. I had actually talk to Brandon about them, he says he has a prototype in on Patriot but they hadn't as of yet decided to order a supply of them yet. *** Edited 10/31/2007 5:35:02 PM UTC by Sawblade5***

Chris Knight

Awsome....where is the Raptor train at online? I was just at the CP online store and couldn't find it. I looked under Raptor and train.
DantheCoasterman's avatar
^ I also looked and couldn't find the Raptor trains online....

A couple questions:

1.) Can I buy the Scorpion model and make it into Griffon or Raptor or any other coaster I want?

2.) What are the deminsions on these trains?

3.) Could someone who has never worked with Coaster Dynamix easily assemble one of the models?

4.) Is there going to be a full model of each coaster (not just the trains)?

Sawblade5's avatar
They sold out within a day of it being posted. When I ordered mine they only had 10 left after me. I am sure CP is ordering more of these. FYI The item number for the Raptor Train is #14308. BTW, I am still waiting for my Raptor train to show up at the door.

In reposnse to DantheCoasterman couple pairs of questions.

Based on what I read over on the Coasterdynamix fourms and google searches.

1. Yes you can. An example can be seen of a Raptor Model at and (note these are not my sites and are posted for reference)

2. The Scorpion Trains are in 'O' scale which are 1:43 scale. I do not have one in my hand so I can't tell you the actual size of one car. Also the Comet Wooden Roller Coaster Trains are HO scale which are half the scale of the Scorpion Train and are 1:87 scale. Again I don't have a car in my hand to tell you the size. You probably have to calculate the size based on these figures.

3. Can't answer that one very well as I never messed with one. From what I saw based on photos of them it doesn't look like its much harder if it is at all to mess with one compared to Knex Screaming Serpent, and erector set, or Six Flags Cool Coasters. IT just becomes harder when you start messing with small details like train decals and painting the track.

4. I would have to say no on this one. Despite possible rumors of a Griffion Model coming out, I doubt that will happen though I think CD will just come out with a Dive Coaster Model.

*** Edited 11/6/2007 10:07:10 AM UTC by Sawblade5***

Chris Knight

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