All Paramount Parks web sites have changed


It still has the Paramount name in the header of the page -- must have missed that when they did the quick revamp.


It's not there...

Maybe you guys need to clear caches and refresh.



Yeah, guys. It's really not there.


My mistake pkidelirium, obviously it is not there if you cannot see it. Look at the very top of the page -- not on the actual page, but at the top bar about the words "file edit view favorites tools help" It says Paramount Kings Island (Cincinatti, Ohio)


Swoosh, we're seeing the header. crazy horse and P18 are seeing an image of a season pass on that page, though. They're seeing a cached version of that page.

While we're on the subject, the Paramount favicon is also still showing up.

*** Edited 2/16/2007 4:22:47 AM UTC by kirk06***



Now they need to remove the Paramount name from


I've cleared my Cache and still see it (the season pass with the Paramount logo), and the header at the top. I'm not sure why if it's not there anymore. I use Firefox and went to tools > options > privacy and hit clear making sure "cache" was checked.


CoastersNSich's avatar

Jazma said:
Now they need to remove the Paramount name from

Wish granted! Check it now.

Dental Plan! Lisa Needs Braces.



bobthecoasterguy's avatar
I wonder if they'll rework all of them to be different like how the other CF parks are all individual. I can't say I liked the Paramount Parks' web page layout any. I could never easily find anything I was looking for.




^^ Ahh, they certainly did!


kirk06 said:
Yeah, guys. It's really not there.[/quote]

vista user


Jeffrey Seifert

Too bad someone else snagged the kingsisland domain name. I wonder if they can buy it from them. I'm surprised Paramount let it get away in the first place.


^Maybe because when Paramount had it it was called "Paramount's Kings Island", I'm sure they never thought then it would be bought and changed back to just Kings Island.


Mutedarkness said:

kirk06 said:
Yeah, guys. It's really not there.[/quote]

vista user

It was free from my University. My school was part of the Vista TAP program to roll out the OS. I participated. Would you rather have had me take the screenshot on my Mac?

*** Edited 2/16/2007 6:29:43 PM UTC by kirk06***


Jeffrey Seifert

P18 said:
^Maybe because when Paramount had it it was called "Paramount's Kings Island", I'm sure they never thought then it would be bought and changed back to just Kings Island.

Thanks for stating the obvious. They kept the domain, they should have kept (or pursued) as well. Regardless of how much they wanted everyone to use "Paramount" in the title, everyone still called it Kings Island. It would have made sense to purchase that domain.



Jeff's avatar
It's registered to a Toronto company called Kings Island, Inc., owned by a guy with the last name of King. It's hard to argue that's squatting exactly.

That said, Kings Island as it pertains to amusement parks is a registered trademark, now presumably owned by Cedar Fair, filed in 2002 and granted in 2004 by the USPTO.

I'd be shocked if they haven't already made an offer on the name.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog



Forget Coke and Pepsi. Go with Vernors!

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...




The logos are about as creative most things that Cedar Fair does......bland & generic.


I find it interesting that on it lists all the paramount parks as properties, but if you click on Cedar Fair Properties on the left, there is no mention of any of the paramount properties - with or without the paramount name.

On the soda debate...

Why not go with Royal Crown? (aka "RC Cola") :)

If you look at the ingredient label, the only difference between Coke & Pepsi is that Pepsi has Citric Acid, whereas Coke does not. So your soda preference ultimately comes down to citric acid.

With that said, if you do a survey of generic and store-brand sodas, you'll find that most (at least in Eastern PA) are Pepsi copycats (with Citric Acid) with only a handful of Coke copycats (without Citric Acid). Also, the few that I've seen that are Coke copycats also have a companion Pepsi copycat under the same generic/store brand. For example, Giant has 2 store-brand colas - "Rally" in a red label/box that is the Coke copy (no Citric Acid) and "Spin" in a blue label/box that is the Pepsi copy (has Citric Acid).

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"

Lord Gonchar

Lord Gonchar's avatar

If you look at the ingredient label, the only difference between Coke & Pepsi is that Pepsi has Citric Acid, whereas Coke does not. So your soda preference ultimately comes down to citric acid.

That's kind of oversimplifying it.

It's the quanitities of each ingredient that matter.

Say I offer you two glasses of water. One has water and sugar, the other has water and sugar as well. Same ingredients, same thing?

One has 8oz of water and a tablespoon of sugar.
The other has 8oz of water and a cup of sugar.

Big difference.

I only say it, because:

1. I'm pretty sure that if you removed the citric acid from Pepsi, you still wouldn't have Coke.


2. I've tasted enough of the copycats to know that the same ingredients do not make the same taste.

With that said, I was a Pepsi guy for all of my childhood, but am a Coke guy now.

I will always have room for Dew Red though. :)

*** Edited 2/16/2007 11:07:44 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***


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