"Alien Encounter" was world's better than "Stitch's Great Escape"

I have never been on Stitch but I went on Alien Encounter in 1999 when I was 9 years old and it did not scare me!

Alien Encounter was a cool ride with awesome effects but it did not scare me but my 6 year old sister and parents really bad and I tried dragging them on it a second time but were too scared!

P.S.---Also I unlocked the awesome secret ending of KH II over the summer and cannot wait for Kingdom Hearts III: Key Blade Wars! on the PS3! Also Sora is one of my favorite Disney characters!

Top Three Parks: 1) Islands of Adventure 2) Bucsh Gardens Europe 3) Six Flags Magic Mountain
^^Kool, proud mode or Jiminy's Journal? (Poster Duty was a pain...). Personally, I think I want to see KH3 on the 360. Whatever system has KH3 is going to be the one I buy without a doubt, but I kinda want it on the 360 so I can have an excuse to buy Viva Pinata. (It just looks so durn cute...)

But whether or not AE was a better attraction than Stitch, I think we can all agree that Stitch is a better fit for the WDW-MK audience.
lata, jeremy

Ohana! ---> "SORA!" (Stitch)

In case anyone's interested, youtube has the complete Alien Encounter on video. I'd link it, but it's in three separate parts. Just search for AE Disney over there and you'll get it.

Pretty interesting.


^^ I beat it on proud mode because those Pooh mini games and the jobs a Twilight Town are way too hard! I beat Sephorph though! I think Roxas is the coolest Disney character!!!

I just watched the AE on Youtube and it is helping me bring back memories of Disney World!

Top Three Parks: 1) Islands of Adventure 2) Bucsh Gardens Europe 3) Six Flags Magic Mountain
As much as I enjoyed Alien Encounter, and I really didn't like Stitch's Great Escape, the ride that Disney has absolutely ruined for me is Journey into Imagination. That was my all-time favorite ride anywhere, but when I rode it during IAAPA weekend in 2003, it was like a kick in the stomach. I have so many great memories of that ride, and now it's gone.

Needless to say, I'll never step foot in that building again.

Corey: Strong rumor about a 4th and final redo....this time bringing Dreamfinder back. Apparently, Tony Baxter was pissed at how badly his baby was butchered and has been after John Lassiter to give him $$$. I hope it's true and not just a rumor.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
I was reading on some of the comments posted on the Youtube.com comments and one person said:

The show was NOT discontinued to make it more kid-friendly. What happened was that actor Jeffrey Jones (Chairman Clench) was allegedly charged with sex with a minor (you can see his mug shot on Yahoo picture search). And just like CAPTAIN EO, which suddenly vanished when Michael Jackson was charged with the same crime, ALIEN ENCOUNTER has vanished. Disney has to keep up its good image, I guess.

I wonder if this is the reason they finally decided to change it to the Stitch Escape, or maybe the final straw?

Top Three Parks: 1) Islands of Adventure 2) Bucsh Gardens Europe 3) Six Flags Magic Mountain
BUMMER!!! i didn't realize alien encounter was gone/changed. i friggin loved that thing. havn't been there since 2000, i guess i've been out of touch. can't wait to get back later this year though.
I also thought Alien Encounter was a great attraction! I liked the special effects and hearing the kids scream and cry with real terror in their voices! After riding Stitch's Great Escape, I left the attraction in disbelief. Disney truly removed an excellent attraction!


Hamster Boy said:What happened was that actor Jeffrey Jones (Chairman Clench) was allegedly charged with sex with a minor (you can see his mug shot on Yahoo picture search). And just like CAPTAIN EO, which suddenly vanished when Michael Jackson was charged with the same crime, ALIEN ENCOUNTER has vanished. Disney has to keep up its good image, I guess.

My guess is that is untrue. Unlike Captain EO, where the actor in question was throughout the entire film, Jeffrey Jones was only in a VERY limited number of parts of AE which could have EASILY been reshot if need be. Reshooting the scenes for AE would have been a FAR less costly move than changing the ride all together. Captain EO, on the other hand, would have required them to reshoot the entire film, and if they were going to do that, I'm sure they figured it was just better to make a completly new show.

I'm not saying this couldn't be PART of the reason why AE left, but I'm just saying that it isn't the ONLY reason that AE left.

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

^ I did not say that, I was quoting it from a commenter/poster from Youtube!

Top Three Parks: 1) Islands of Adventure 2) Bucsh Gardens Europe 3) Six Flags Magic Mountain

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