Adopt Wild Rumors?

Hey Jeff, you should adopt the Wild Rumors thing from the now defunct :( That would be soooo cool. e need them badly and this would be the best site to have it. What do ou think?
I know I don't need them badly.

Personally, I'd love to see the Ride Reviews find a home on CoasterBuzz. ;)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Rob said the reviews and boards would remain intact. If you really want to go read a load of crap, make it up and send it to yourself in email! I didn't care for the wild rumors myself.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
If you will notice on our front page, we already have a rumors section. The only difference between ours and theirs is realism vs. fantasy. I, for one, don't like reading unsubstantiated crap submitted by a user who "claims" to have the inside scoop, or is chummy with the executives of the park.
I for one used the Wild Rumors/Random Notes as instructed... For entertainment purposes only. I honestly got a kick out of reading them every week, even if they were completely bogus.

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
FCR said it! I love reading the whopper of the week best of all.
Jeff's avatar
Personally, I think that was the feature that zapped the site's credibility. While the reviews were honest and well-written, the rumors were so insanely ridiculous that it was a distraction. Then the forums came along, and that destroyed the focus even more.

Webmaster/Admin -
Kind of a double-edged sword or whatever the term is. "ThrillRide! Rumor," at this piont, could go into roller coaster dictionaries. It really put them on the map.

But then again, it also set a lot of people off the site completely...

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I am a moderator on the forums over at ThrillRide! although I am still a regular poster here as well, and have to disagree with Jeff's comment that the forums "destroyed the focus." I think the forums over there have really taken off to become competition for this fine site. We mods have similar rules over there like locking repeat topics, nuking spam, and ending flame wars. I've had just as many good discussions over there as I have here and in some cases, we have been able to carry out discussions that would have ended up in flame wars on this site. To make negative comments about another site shows, as Jeff has said on other posts that bash other sites, "a lack of class." Just because ThrillRide! has gone by the wayside, doesn't mean its forums have. They're still going strong and the new site will be up in a few weeks. Jeff, I love this site, and respect everything that has been done to make this site great, but I think you just contradicted yourself of that post. *** This post was edited by themeparkne on 7/18/2001. ***
Jeff's avatar
If that's competition, you can keep it. "Duz ne1 no wut i mean?"

ThrillRide started, and was until a few months ago, hands down the best ride review and feature site on the Internet. There was nothing better, period.

Then two things happened that frankly chased a lot of people away while attracting another element. The first problem was that Bob would pretty much post anything that he got in the way of rumors. I guess that's fine if you understand that it's just silly entertainment, but all of a sudden every coaster forum online (except this one) is littered with "facts" about what everyone is building.

The other thing was the actual conversation in the new forums. There's too much noise. 70k posts in a few short months? What do they say? We've got about 100k in a year and a half, and we certainly would never have a contest over the number of posts. That's pretty moderate considering the thousands of people who come here every day.

After four seasons of running coaster communities, I can tell you for certain that there are certain things that work and attract a quality audience, and heavy moderation is a huge part of that. Following the guidelines found in our FAQ are another. Some people hate that, and will never visit the site again. That's fine with me.

Back to the topic, this site is done with rumors. They're gone. If whoever is actually doing something with ThrillRide wants to continue that focus, that's their business. However, that's not "competition" I'm worried about, as it's about as far from my focus as you can get.

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 7/18/2001. ***
I would just like to point out that in the past few days/week, there have been more frequent posts of improbable sounding rumors that people got "from a reliable source" on the forums in this site. :( I, however, still love coasterbuzz and will continue to read it every day! i have confidence in the moderators that they will do their job well :)

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