Additional coaster types

Could you add these to the coaster types:

- Tilt, liquid, and impulse.
- Racing, dueling -- for both steel and wood.
- A type to describe the new "Deja Vu"-style boomerangs -- maybe "super boomerang"?
The new woodie categories would be cool, but I could see that entailing LOTS of work if someone (most likely Jeff :)) would have to go through and re-classify coasters like Am. Eagle and Racer and the like. Or maybe there's an easier way...
Jeff's avatar
I added the first three types, the rest I'm not ready to commit to (especially because the Deja Vu rides are still Boomerangs of Invertigos, as far as I'm concerned). Regarding changes to current records, you'll have to be really nice to Scott and send him money.

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ShiveringTim's avatar
Let me catch up with the pending contribs and pics from this weekend first :)

Scott W. Short
Bumping this one back up. I noticed that there is still no category for the new "super-boomerangs." I know you said that you didn't want to commit to it, but consider this:

- The trains are totally different than the one on regular boomerangs & invertigos
- The layout, with the crossover, is different
- The spikes are completely vertical
- The spikes and the elements are all taller/bigger

That's four features unique to the super-boomerang. Isn't that enough to warrant its own category?
Jeff's avatar
I don't want to get into manufacturer model names. It's still an Invertigo as far as I'm concerned, just a whole lot bigger.

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