Adding or subtracting to make a better coaster

LuvRaptor's avatar

Has any park added/subtracted anything to any coaster which you felt made it a better coaster? Here's mine:

Batman Robin/Chill: Although the restraints on these rides not as horrific as the ones previousely on FOF, take them out, install lapbars and enjoy your new awesome ride! I loved this ride before the lapbars, now love it even more! Great move by SFGrtAdv :)

Flight of Fear: Could this ride have been any more painful? Remove and hopefully BURN those restaints, install lapbars and what do you know? You now have an AWESOME steel coaster! Instead of total silence or moans and groans when ride over, you hear cheering! Best move ever by PKI, next to finally ditching Days of Thunder for something better :)

Phantom's Revenge: I thought I would have a slight problem with this because I adored Steel Phantom. Let's take a Top 10 steel coaster and revamp it, no more inverts, no more restraints, no more brutal. I have to admit though, the layout, the trains, and the speed is incredible. Especially "that" hill, happily it still kicks!! :) So they totally redid a Top 10 coaster and replaced it with another Top 10 coaster. Kudos to KW! :)

Anyone else care to add to the list?

2000/2002 Raptor Crew
Lifetime Raptor flights: 708 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and still looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

Going back many years (almost a decade)... when SFGAdv got rid of both Lightnin' Loops and Shockwave and added Batman. Good move.

Don't forget to vote for your favorite wooden coasters @ - the polls are open until November 30th!

rollergator's avatar
I guess you could say HW performed some "addition by subtraction" when they removed the Gerstlauer train from Legend...;). Of course, the addition of TWO shiny new PTCs completed the transformation...

Of course all of the Premier conversions.

The addition of the helix on Wild One when it was moved from Massachusetts to SFA.

This year when SFGAm turned the trains backwards on the blue side of American Eagle, they made for an excellent ride experience.

Formerly known as coasterzach1

coaster i dont agree with u. the backwards train dosent do anything for me i like going forward. but they need to take the eagle down put in something a lot better. yes its been their a long time but its too bumpy and loud.
Soggy's avatar
Rattler ay SFFT, remove the god awufully slow triple helix on the top of the quarry and replace it with an out & back run. The rest of the ride, I actually enjoyed, but that middle section kills it.

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

beast7369's avatar
Hmm....Shockwave at SFGAm to be replaced by S:UF clone. I think that one takes the cake for replacement coasters at SFGAm.

My website - Zero G Thrills

fancy said:
coaster i dont agree with u. the backwards train dosent do anything for me i like going forward. but they need to take the eagle down put in something a lot better. yes its been their a long time but its too bumpy and loud.


"Getting on Iron Wolf is kind of like going in a blender and pressing PUREE"

fancy said:
coaster i dont agree with u. the backwards train dosent do anything for me i like going forward. but they need to take the eagle down put in something a lot better. yes its been their a long time but its too bumpy and loud.

The coaster is only 22 years old. That is not old by any means for a wooden coaster. Have you ever been on woodies like Mean Streak? Take a ride on that thing and you will think American Eagle is smooth as glass.

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

Coaster Zach said:
This year when SFGAm turned the trains backwards on the blue side of American Eagle, they made for an excellent ride experience.

Formerly known as coasterzach1

I totally agree! AE is one of my favorite wood coasters and yes it is as smooth as glass because I grew up on the mean streak and the trains on the Villain aren't that smooth either! AE Blue all the way!

fancy said:

coaster i dont agree with u. the backwards train dosent do anything for me i like going forward. but they need to take the eagle down put in something a lot better. yes its been their a long time but its too bumpy and loud.

Oh. My. God. fancy, do you know what good wood is? I mean, you must, as I assume you've been on Viper... American Eagle may pale when compared to Viper, but it is still one heck of a ride. Even with the trims on, the first drop packs quite a punch, and the heilx is just plain fun. When the trims are low or off (which happens more often on the Eagle than on most trimmed coasters) it's simply amazing. You really don't know how lucky we are to have two great wooden rides. Most large parks with two wood coasters have real problems with at least one: Mean Streak, Rolling Thunder, Psyclone, The Boss, ect. Be grateful that we have one of the very few large wooden coasters that, while trimmed, is not trimmed to death. Oh, and even if you don't like the ride to begin with, how can you possibly say that going backwards doesn't improve it?

(SF) Great American, Who apologises profusly to everyone else for hijacking this thread, but simply can't help getting very defensive about his first big coaster.

*** This post was edited by (SF)Great American on 11/12/2002. ***

Turn of the Century turned into Demon.

That's 2 for SFGAm!

I need to use the Pipi station.

swimmerkev said:
"Turn of the Century turned into Demon.

That's 2 for SFGAm!

I need to use the Pipi station."

I can't say I was on TotC before the revamp.... but I think trading in two airtime hills for two loops isn't the best deal... Except for when I got thrown out of my seat (thrown off balance) on the first loop in the back of the train... first (only) time I've lost my footing on a coaster... it was fun.

Since we all seem to be sayint the good about additions, I'll say some bad :(

Cyclone @ SFNE had the drop redone for the 2002 season, and it doesn't have that "out of controll" feeling on it that I used to love. Also, several trims were added toward the end of the ride which kill of massive amounts of airtime :(

Heres somthing good though :)

Vampire @ Chessington. I haven't ridden it, so it may be unfair for me to say it's good, but i have heard a lot of positive reviews about the new trains.

--Dingo 65--

How 'bout the addition of a building around Avalanche Run to make Disaster Transport? It made what I thought was a boring, ride-it-once-and-forget-it bobsled into an enjoyable family style ride.

"I swear -- by my life and my love of it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine"
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

Adix said:

swimmerkev said:
"Turn of the Century turned into Demon.

That's 2 for SFGAm!

I need to use the Pipi station."

I can't say I was on TotC before the revamp.... but I think trading in two airtime hills for two loops isn't the best deal...

I believe it was three. I totally agree with you Adix.

I'm loud, I'm annoying, I'm the anti-rollback.

We are talking about the late 70's/ early 80's. At that time adding loops to a coaster (ala Demon) was a very popular thing to do. People were amazed at going upsidedown at that time.

Today is a different story though. :)

""To be the man, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!, You got to beat the man""!!!

Soggy, I agree with you 100% about Rattler. Lose that ridiculously stupid helix section and you would have one killer ride. I went to guest relations and complained. They let me write my comments in a book, and they said all comments were taken seriouly. Maybe one of these years they'll take a wrecking ball to that section.
Dude, you're getting an Intamin!
Hmm. Nothing much of improvements happen at my home parks( Knotts, SFMM,).

*** This post was edited by PacificCoaster on 11/13/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by PacificCoaster on 11/13/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by PacificCoaster on 11/13/2002. ***

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