A positive (for once) report regarding SFMM

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ApolloAndy's avatar
As was beaten to death in the other thread (which is now a flame war), I got a front row ride on X and got off not sure whether I liked it or not. I rode it again in the back and it quickly found it's way to my #3 (behind S:RoS SFNE and PR). 12 more rides later (woohoo for midwinter Sundays) and I was still ready for more. That first drop in the back is my favorite drop to date (followed closely by MF in the front at night).

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

nasai's avatar
I haven't ridden SFNE's SROS or PR, so that would make sense that it's your #3. ;)

Glad you hit it hard, though! Congrats Andy!

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

rollergator's avatar
Just remember not to fight over the inside seats kids...;)

Everyone's read the other thread, like Andy I'll post my comments here...;~P.

Inside seats near the rails, top ten EASILY....outside seats, like tumbling inside an industrial-sized dryer....and NOT the perm press cycle...;)

RRv is one of only two standups (Scorcher) I'll bother to re-ride, still need PCW's though...only "credit rides" for the rest of them, don't care for 'em that much.

Also, "the big G" doesn't get NEARLY enough love...IMO. :)

P.S. Everything (coaster-wise) but Flashback was running Sunday, once Ninja opened (after I left, wahhh, LOL). DV doesn't count since it SEEMS to have suffered some some of vivisection, three- or four-foot section of track was missing in the station area. Only season-pass processing was a serious headache, and WHAT a headache *that* was....whole other thread there, LOL!

P.P.S. Great to TALK with you last night Robbio! See ya in July...;)

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