Oh, and JWolg...the launch on Hypersonic is soooooo loud. What are you talking aboot? :)
Joe C.
Yep, I would say that is affirmative RavenTTD
No, RavenTTD is not alone - I hate getting wet on any rides, especially coaster rides. Talk about a ruining experience ...
A launch ride with a splashdown ending is one launched ride the Resident Launch Whore is not willing to ride ...
JW - I for one thought Hypersonic was very loud, although not as loud as a LIM launch can be. The entire TA2K coaster is ugly though, from the horrendous seats to the tangled mess called a support structure, to the carney-ride, falling apart look of the entire coaster - they're not the most eye-pleasing coasters.
wish they wood just call Sunbury
IF they really want "quiet", they're going to have to HOUSE the compressors...;)
bill, saying it is NEVER a bad time to call Sunbury...:)
Right, since Interactive Rides has handled almost all of the retro-fits we should blame S&S for the new cars.
I find it funny that people are so quick to condem a company that has only built two steel coasters (Hypersonic, which worked marginally and Dodonpa, which was well-received and has worked almost flawlessly). God forbid we actually ride the thing before complaining about the experience.
And some of us DO have the right to complain by your standards Adam ;)
lots of S&S stuff I would love to see at CCity *** Edited 4/22/2004 8:30:34 PM UTC by JWolg***
Adam, is this the same "Interactive Rides" that's responsible for Gr8 Sk8 and the other *teeter totters* at Rye and Stratosfear...?
Without a tophat it seems as if the eyesore point will become obsolete. Hopefully they can build this without destroying too many trees, giving it a similar feel to the middle of Beast. Or maybe they should just change their minds about this ugly loud wet peice of trash. ;)
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