ScorcherCongo has the right idea - let's all support Coasterbuzz and the great job the moderators do by visiting the ads! Every so often I'll go ahead and click on the "Lighthouse Point" ad just to get to the official CP site, since I like to browse around there too. Let's all help out!
I've had a tremendous visitor rate this week - 402 and counting - too, and I wanted to ask you, Jeff, about this, since you run the best unofficial coaster sites: is it common to get a lot more hits this time of year, considering how many northern parks are opening around now? Or is this some sort of odd fluke? 3-4 days ago I had 90 visitors, which surprised me so much I thought the counter was broken! :) Thanks everyone! (And I'll update more often, I promise!)
Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.