500-Server Error

cmingdayton's avatar

I hit submit to enter a new rollercoaster into the database, but all I get is "500-Server Error". Thus, I am pretty sure my entry did not go through. Is there anyway to fix this/get my entry through? Thanks!

Cole Mingo

(AKA Barry Allen and Niles Crane amalgamated).

Jeff's avatar

What was the ride? The error suggests that it did do through. If not, try submitting without a manufacturer specified.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

rollergator's avatar

Did the CoasterBuzz server automagically generate a bill? ;~)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Bobbie1951's avatar

I wouldn't even know how to go about adding a coaster but this thread raises an interesting question. While I see at least one defunct coaster - the original wooden Thunderbolt at Coney Island - on the list, is there a contraindication to listing less well-known defunct coasters? There are half a dozen coasters named Thunderbolt on the list but not the one I used to ride as a kid. The 1st or 2nd coaster I ever rode was Thunderbolt at Willow Grove Park in Willow Grove, PA, operating from 1931 to 1975.


Jeff's avatar


Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Bobbie1951's avatar

Thx. It would appear, however - I just tried this - that you can't just type in a location but rather have to select one from the list and this obscure location is not on the list.


I've added coasters, what comes to mind are some long forgotten rides from Cincinnati's Coney that weren't on the list. I don't remember any particular problems.

Rick_UK's avatar


Is a wiki version of the database still in the roadmap or was that abandoned? I can put together a list of required changes and additions for European parks - the additions I can do, but someone would have to work from the amendments list and do them, because I can't?


Nothing to see here. Move along.

Jeff's avatar

Yeah, you can email edits to me and I'll get them. jeff@popw.com

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

cmingdayton's avatar

The rides were The Big Ohhhh! and Go Gator and Fun-Plex. I submitted them without the manufacturer and you were right, they went through the second time.

Cole Mingo

(AKA Barry Allen and Niles Crane amalgamated).

Did someone say Dragon Wagon??!??

Rick_UK's avatar

Anyone else get a 500 on https://coasterbuzz.com/News/Archive ?


Nothing to see here. Move along.

Vater's avatar

Weird. The first time I clicked the link, it came right up. Now I get a 500 every time.

Same thing. The first time it came right up then I tried it again. 500.

Jeff's avatar

Weird. It breaks when retrieving the cached version of the data.

I've got top men looking at it right now.

Top. Men.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Jeff's avatar

That was a super stupid bug on my part. It's been there for years. The wacky thing is that you would only encounter it if someone hits the page twice in the same 20 minute time span. Shows you how much people use that page.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Oh, we all use it all the time. We just... stay there?

Rick_UK's avatar

Awesome, thanks for fixing J-Pizzie.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Vater's avatar

Jeff said:

Top. Men.

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