30 coasters in 24 hours? Cheaters!


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:03 AM
I think that they did a great job. It may be a lot of work in planning, but it sure looks like fun. I mean, who among us would turn down:
A. A shot at a world record
B. Free rides without waiting at seven parks
C. Being on TV... :)

I don't think anyone here would complain if THEY were on the show. :) Anyway, they could have flown and landed at Ontarion Airport, which is really close to Scandia Fun Center, the first so cal park they went to. But good job anyway!

Too bad they did not go to Disneyland. At the time they had 4 coasters. DCA wasn't open yet. Maybe Disney would not backdoor them or let them in early. 4 coasters at DL sounds a lot better than two at Scandia or Adventure City.


"Clear, Dispatch"


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:36 AM
I just sent Guinness an e-mail telling them to de-list the record. Look on the left side of the screen for the Contact Us button, you have to register, but you can send them a message.


The problem I have is that to break the record, you need the parks assistance. What really bugged me was hearing that people from this web site want to break the record in Ohio, but are getting the cold shoulder from the parks because team GRP is planning a trip to Ohio.

And why did team GRP wear shirts with the letters GRP???? That was dumb, what does GRP stand for? Guinness Record Project, woooo hoooo. The shirts should have said ACE on them.

If you go on the news group RRC (rec.roller-coaster), you wouldn't believe the flame messages that are in there. If you think it's bad here, go check out the news group. Don't forget to send guinness an e-mail.


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:56 AM
I thought it was 40 coasters in 24 hours?? Here's the GRP site with info & photos; http://www.davidcurley.com/grp/ It even has a Guiness World Record certificate posted on it.

*** This post was edited by Taipan on 5/30/2001. ***


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:15 AM

kRaXLeRidAh said:
The journal lady said "If you count Colossus as two coasters" the count would be 40. Key word is IF. And they officially made 39 in the record books. IF IF IF IF IF You count Colossos as two rides (forwards & backwards)."

But at the end of the show, they stated that Guiness counted Colossus as two even though they did not.

"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:54 AM

GenuineCynic said:
"I was amazingly startled at the boos I heard. I was absolutely DISGUSTED with the crowds that did that, and it disturbed me.

First off, they get to ride anyway. It was the SOP (standard operating procedure) to allow everyone in line a chance to ride before they closed the ride.

Secondly, they witnessed history in the making, and were on TV. They really did not represent their parks well. (As much as a guest CAN represent a park.)"

Once again, we "enthusiasts" are taking our hobby (and daresay ourselves) too seriously.

We dont really know *what* all went on at the park before the GRPers showed up. Maybe there were other circumstances that caused the people to boo. Like Intamin Fan stated, it probably was a longer delay than what we saw on camera. I wish that I could speak to someone who was actually there (as a regular guest).

Yes, the people were likely allowed to ride, but what if they were trying to get somewhere else? They were delayed, in their opinion, unneededly and without any compensation.

And what history was made? A bunch of crazy people riding coasters? Big deal in the grand scale of the world. This is right up there with the nut on Ripley's who wanted to shove a whole lot of bees in his mouth. In most people's opinion, this is just dumb $#!+. *WE* may see this as a big thing (well some of us anyway), but this is hardly earth shattering news for most. It entertaining for a moment, but I doubt that most people that watched the show even remember the team's name.

Oh and no one will ever be able to convince me that the GRPers did NOT receive some form of compensation. They could testify in court and I STILL wouldnt believe them. It seems highly resonable that DC picked up the tab for equipment and travel, and I wouldnt be suprised if they got a little bonus cash as well. But that isn't any of my business.
--who has NO desire to participate in a "world record" scheme


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:20 PM
So does the record officially go in as 30 coasters, even though they rode more than that?


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:25 PM
No. Guinness gave them an official count of 40. They counted both sides of Colossus (forward and backward) at SFMM as separate coasters.

"Seek not outside yourself." - ZeroOne


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:26 PM
The record is (for now) at 40 coasters...You ride more in the alotted time, you get more added to your record. You don't have to beat the record by just one, Lorrie.

"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:45 PM
I Wonder if any of these people from GRP Are reading these coments?

Coasterville Dave

Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:11 PM

To begin this debate is actually fairly civil, next to whats on other coaster forums.

Publicity Stunt, yes, Reality TV, yes, Record Breaking, NO.

My position is that the record should have been attained "under normal operating conditions". I define "under normal operating conditions" as that presented to the average park guest who does not have insider connections with the park.

To me a record only holds weight if it's a level playing field. If the record holders attained the record through special favors and perks offered by the parks in exchange for some free publicity on television, thats like watching a master illusionist, then watching exactly how the grand illusion was performed. Knowing that a trick or insider connections involved cheapens the acheivement.

Under normal operations means that:

1) The group has to arrive at the park via self furnished transportation (and indeed they qualified by using their own vans)
2) Surivie the traffic jam and wait through the line at the parking toll booth, and on to a parking space.
3) Negotiate the walk (or wait for a parking tram) to get to the main gate
4) Enter the park as a normal guest (use of season passes or any pre-sale tickets they have would be permissable here)
5) Negotitate their way through the park as a normal guest, including waiting in ride lines
6) Ride coaster, have fun!
7) Negotiate park to next ride(via normal walkways, unescorted), repeat until out of coasters at park
8) Negotiate way to park exit via normal walkways, unescorted
9) Go back to car. (I would consider it fair to have fastest guy run out to car and bring it up to a normal pickup point)
10) Travel via normal means to next park (which they did)

Footnote A: Record holder must be eligible to ride all coasters ridden. Ex: If Little Dipper has a max height requirement of 54", then those over 54" can't use it, that would be breaking a park law. If oyu needa kid, then you need a kid to ride.

I'm not saying that what GRP wnet through wasn't taxing, both physically and emotionally, (come on the booing was uncalled for, even if they were sanctioned linejumpers), just that it seems like a cheap way to win the record. What I would like to know is if the crew over in the UK used special favors or perks, or if they attained the record honestly.

One last thought: If its okay for them to line jump and stay at parks after hours, or ride coasters they were too tall to ride, becuase the park said it was okay to break the rules, does that mean that if they got special dispensation from the CA Highway Patrol to go 150mph down I-5, would that have been any different??? I agree that flying isn't really an option unless you have a charter plane and pilot at the ready, and that's pretty darned expensive. It just takes too much time getting into and out of an airport, IF the plane runs on schedule.

David "I hope people don't think all ACE members act like that" Bowers.



Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:46 PM
Talk anout taking all this too seriously...



Wednesday, May 30, 2001 2:49 PM
How come when everyone here thinks of flying they focus only on airplanes? This would have been a much easier trip if they were able to use on of those "Med-i-vac" type helicopters. They have pretty decent range and there are plenty of hospitals that have landing sites. Heck since they were already getting special perks they could have just closed off a section of a parking lot!
--supporter of vertical and rotary flight!


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 3:01 PM
I think that if the GRPers took all the time and planning to call the parks and arrange their visits, then they have the right not to wait in line. It took a lot of planning, and I am surprised that the GP was so rude. Then again, nothing people do really surprises me anymore! Anyway, congrats GRPers. Are any of these people members of Coasterbuzz?

As for parks, of course they are not going to make the GRPers wait in line because, like Jeff said, of the publicity. The parks on this show got a good boost of noteriety from this show and making the GRPers wait in line would have given a bad message to viewers/prospective guests.


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 3:51 PM
slithernoggin's avatar

Coasterville Dave said:
My position is that the record should have been attained "under normal operating conditions"."

What you wrote was very well thought out, and very interesting. But does it really matter? The folks involved in GRP, Guinness, and the parks involved set the thing up to their satisfaction.

If you think that the record would only be valid if set under "normal operating conditions," start organizing. Make it happen. Maybe GRP makes another group trying to do it harder-- or maybe easier.


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 4:18 PM
ghostridercci and kraxleridah: the boomerang coasters are clones correct? think about the word clone. they are the exact same coaster. it doesn't matter if they are in different parks. if you seperate the two cloned sheep do they magically become two different sheep? no. they still came from the same genetic code. same with the coasters. same coaster, two parks. by that logic you could just ride the same coasters over and over. though I suppose that the title didn't say 30 different coasters in 24 hours. heck I think we've all ridden over 30 coasters in 24 hours. I know I've severally whipped that record. and the reason why I have two boomerangs in my record is because its not my site. besides that's more to clarify which boomerang you rode.


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 4:21 PM
staticman00's avatar
Just a TV special folks, just a TV special.

"Hanging from their T's rated PG insight, I'm not selling my soul if there's nothing to buy."

Mr. Papercut

Wednesday, May 30, 2001 4:28 PM
They stayed there after the park was closed!


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 4:35 PM
they shouldn't recieve special treatment!

Steel- 1.Millennuim Force
Wood- 1.The Beast
"We're not worthy, We're not worthy!"


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 5:38 PM
I think everyone is forgetting the world record they are attempting. The world record is the MOST roller coasters ridden in 24 hours. If you can ride it and it is a coaster, it should count because that is what the record clearly states.


Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:52 PM
Jeff's avatar
I think we've had enough of this one... I don't want to see it turn into one of a thousand threads on RRC with people crying, flaming and generally making a lot of noise.

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