25 Penguins Dead

I just heard on the news that at Sea World Australia (I am posting this on CB because technically SWA is technically a theme park) that 25 out of 37 penguins just recently died. Park officials report that they do not know the reason for there mysterious death but some think it was because of contaminated gravel. I have posted some links on more info.

link *** Edited 3/14/2007 5:21:31 PM UTC by Jeff***

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Jeff's avatar
I ended up not posting this one in the news... because it didn't seem like that big of a deal. In Australia, apparently it is.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

That's sad news. I still miss seeing SFWOA penguins.

At least it wasn't a Six Flags park.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


That sucks. It's a shame.
Anybody need pengin fearthers or have any recipies for penguin jerky?

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

I would not eat those penguins!!!! Penguins are one of my favorite animals!!! (My favorite are Chinchillas!)

Also thanks Jeff for not closing it. I knew this would not be a big enough story to put in the news section so I did not bother sending it to the news area.

Top Three Parks: 1) Islands of Adventure 2) Bucsh Gardens Europe 3) Six Flags Magic Mountain

Jeff said:
I ended up not posting this one in the news... because it didn't seem like that big of a deal. In Australia, apparently it is.

Especially if your a penquin in Australia.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"


At least it wasn't a Six Flags park.

What does that have to do with anything?! Six Flags owns two or so animal attractions, and neither have a record of unusual animal deaths. I'm not a huge fan of Six Flags, but c'mon, this kind of needless bashing is immature.

^I wasn't bashing them. Quite the contrary.

Had I been bashing them, I would've said: Wow, how did this happen at a SeaWorld park and not a Six Flags park...

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Only the emperor penguins have q-bots.

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Hopman said:
Anybody need pengin fearthers or have any recipies for penguin jerky?

that made me laugh. I use to work with penguins at the shedd aquarium. They are filthy disgusting birds. i don't hate them because i don't hate any animal but, they are not as cute as they seem

Most birds are flithy. Parakeets inside a cage have the magical ability to toss sh*t on walls that are far away. Not sure how they do it.

Cute? Yes. Filthy? Yup. People don't call 'em "dirty birds" for nothing.

Sad story. Sadder still, my first thought was "Where were Ballmer and Gates at the time?"
CoasterDiscern's avatar
I feel bad for the tragic death of the birds, but I feel an even more alarming worry for the birds in the artics. Sure, the penguins in Australia, but there is a serious problem in northern Canada.

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
Why is it everytime I've read this headline it sounds like the name of an indie-rock/punk band? After the relentless marketing campaign for Happy Feet, maybe it should be.
DawgByte II's avatar
My thoughts & prayers go out to all those pengiun family members.

Intamin Fan said:
Why is it everytime I've read this headline it sounds like the name of an indie-rock/punk band? After the relentless marketing campaign for Happy Feet, maybe it should be.

LOL, now you've got me thinking of a future remake, like 99 Red Balloons by the 25 Dead Penguins.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


crazy horse's avatar
Looks like they found out what the cause of death was....


what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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