Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
At least it wasn't a Six Flags park.
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!
Also thanks Jeff for not closing it. I knew this would not be a big enough story to put in the news section so I did not bother sending it to the news area.
Jeff said:
I ended up not posting this one in the news... because it didn't seem like that big of a deal. In Australia, apparently it is.
Especially if your a penquin in Australia.
FLYINGSCOOTER said:At least it wasn't a Six Flags park.
What does that have to do with anything?! Six Flags owns two or so animal attractions, and neither have a record of unusual animal deaths. I'm not a huge fan of Six Flags, but c'mon, this kind of needless bashing is immature.
Had I been bashing them, I would've said: Wow, how did this happen at a SeaWorld park and not a Six Flags park...
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
Here's To Shorter Lines & Longer Trip Reports!
Hopman said:
Anybody need pengin fearthers or have any recipies for penguin jerky?
that made me laugh. I use to work with penguins at the shedd aquarium. They are filthy disgusting birds. i don't hate them because i don't hate any animal but, they are not as cute as they seem
Cute? Yes. Filthy? Yup. People don't call 'em "dirty birds" for nothing.
Intamin Fan said:
Why is it everytime I've read this headline it sounds like the name of an indie-rock/punk band? After the relentless marketing campaign for Happy Feet, maybe it should be.
LOL, now you've got me thinking of a future remake, like 99 Red Balloons by the 25 Dead Penguins.
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
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