16th On The Mountain

rollergator's avatar

You just made up those categories chris! (You SURE you don't work for SF marketing?)...lol.

Not sure what Jef was getting at in my post. I'm perfectly happy that the Mountain is getting a new ride, and it's a coaster to boot. I'll even go so far as to say this IS a good choice for SFMM, a nice HI-CAPACITY ride will definitely help with the Xtreme lines over at that "weird coaster"...;). And there are no other floorlesses in SFMM's "market", so it will be new to their patrons...Sure, *I* am the one living in FL (my choice), and so I am VERY "accustomed" to the layouts. Gives me an extra enjoyment factor when I get to IN, where the Beemers are *scarce*....

Mamoosh's avatar

lol, chris. My list is like that, too ;-)

Moosh - no goons today....yet

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Lord Gonchar's avatar

CoastaPlaya said:

Anyway, a coaster doesn't need an '-est' tacked to it to be great. Frankly, an '-est' often winds up being what's wrong with a coaster as opposed to what's right.

God bless you, 'Playa! You're slowly becoming my personal hero around here. :) Well put.

9 of my personal top 10 coasters have never been a record holder of any kind...or if they did hold some arbitrary record it wasn't sold to the public that way.

Dorney Park visits in 2002: 19

at Sixflags.com:

"Other record breaking coasters include: Superman The Escape - the first and only ride to break the
100-mph speed barrier;... "

Yeah, even though Dodonpa goes 107, S:TE still is the ONLY coaster to break the 100 mph barrier.

Six Flags, the only chain of parks that can manage to have stacking with a one train operation.

ApolloAndy's avatar

I guess in contrast to a lot of people's comments, I am going to say that I really really like a good number of -est coasters. MF (duh), B:KF, Alpie, etc...

But, the -est is not what makes the ride. I love S:RoS SFNE just as much, if not more than MF and all the floorlesses and custom inverts just as much as the -est.

So -est doesn't neccesarily make a ride bad, and it doesn't neccesarily make it good.

Heck, I just love all coasters.

I love all of you too! group hug

(note to self: don't go out in "public" after giving blood)


*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 11/14/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 11/14/2002. ***

I could really give a damn if it is a clone or not. (I am just happy to be getting ANY new ride, let alone a coaster) I know that I'll probably never ride any of those other coasters just like it anyway. Neither will 99% of people that go to Magic Mountain, nor will they ever even know or care.......

This will be a very welcome addition to the park. A reliable, high capacity ride production is just what Magic Mountain needs after the whole hoopla surrounding prototypes Déjà Vu and X.

Hooray for the most inversions in one park in the world!

Hooray for the three closest B&M rides lol

Hmm.....they should send this coaster back and build the Tallest, Fastest, Longest Wild Mouse coaster in the world. Yes....that will be one hell of a ride. :)

Jorge is tired of having to go to Legoland or DCA for mice, and I rather not go the ratland for a mouse.

Is it a dream or a memory? It's both, it's X

Yeah, I really wish either Knott's (by replacing Kingdom of the Dinosaurs) or Magic Mountain would put in a Mouse Coaster.

DCA's Mulholland Madness is just a mechanical nightmare and is never open. Plus, like SFMM Salvi said, I'm not dishing $42+ in a second-rate currently underdeveloped Disney park just to access a Southern California Wild Mouse.

Hey, like I said, I LOVE floorless coasters and perhaps I should be grateful...but after riding the tallest and the longest of the breed I was just looking for something a bit bigger. YES!!!! I know bigger is not always better...Ive dated plenty of men to know that G, but in the case of roller coasters, sometimes size is a nice enhancement. Example- I will grant you that neither TX Giant nor the Boss are the largest woodies in the world, but they are undoubtedly my favorites. I am sure I will be back to MM to ride it and will most likely enjoy it...but lets be honest....Wouldnt a 225+ ft floorless been a nice addition to the skyline ?

This may be premature, but has anyone heard a time table as to when they think they will have this thing up and running? I'm curious as to how fast SFMM thinks they can build this thing - and keep it running.

Oh and congratulate the park for entering the relm of having 3 B&M coasters in their park. (BTR, RR, and now Scream!)

(In cyberspace no one can hear you scream)

*** This post was edited by Swoosh on 11/14/2002. ***

DCA second rate? Are you crazy? Yes it's small, but there are several top-notch attractions there!

WOOD: It does a body good.

Mamoosh's avatar

Swoosh - I'm guessing by Spring Break at the very latest. Should go up pretty fast.


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nasai's avatar

RllrCstrDude187 said:

at Sixflags.com:

Yeah, even though Dodonpa goes 107, S:TE still is the ONLY coaster to break the 100 mph barrier.

Sure... Japanese aren't real people anyway.

www.tripowered.com - The future of music.

I'd very much agree with Jeff on this one. It may be due to my geographical location (which for coaster appreciation, I believe is a blessing), or just my self-declared grateful attitude. :) But I too think you should be happy with any coaster, particularly one of this magnitude.

It hasn't been said that it will be a clone - it more than likely won't, as Six Flags I think tends to keep similar rides with similar (identical) names. I believe much for the same reason that a Big Mac from McDonald's is the same burger around the globe, but most people here will say it is either to cut costs, or to annoy us ;). It has been stated that B&M floorless coasters in particular have similar elements, seperated by various things. There's no way you could say a given floorless coaster is the same as another based on the order of its inversions.

You said you are long-time fan of the park. I would have thought that those that stick with a park for a number of years would be truely happy with anything that adds variety and capacity, particularly to a park where it seems capacity has become somewhat of an issue in recent times.

Hey - a Wild Mouse was the newest attraction at a park down here. I wasn't sulking about the fact that it doesn't reach a certain height or speed. I was merely happy that a style of ride that is totally unique has been added to a park easily accesible to me.

So what if the best coaster in Australia is a second hand Arrow?

Jeff's avatar

Let me extend your comments by saying that even when you have record breakers, you still love the "old" rides. At Cedar Point I still long to ride Raptor whenever I can. Floorless coasters are outstanding rides, and for all of the complaining I think you'd have to be insane not to have one at your local park.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"Climbing as we fall, we dare to hold on to our fate, and steal away our destiny to catch ourselves with quiet grace" - The Stairs, INXS

NitroTX31 said:
I KNOW I should be grateful, but it just would have been nice to either have a HUGE floorless OR the only B&M flying coaster in the west.

If it had been a flyer instead of a floorless, most likely it would have been a SUF clone, and blatently alot of people would have been disatisfied with that, even though apparently it is quality. For me, the floorless was the better option; MM will likely get a flyer in the future, by which time the layout is more likely to me more extensive than SUF.

Also, i agree with what everyone is saying about biggest not always meaning best, in fact it rarely does. Some people would say Goliath at SFH is as good if not better than Goliath at MM (having not been on either i can't say myself). In contrast, i thought BTR was as good if not better than Alpengeist. The evidence for est does not neccessarily mean best is everywhere.

The SFMM Salvi said:
"I rather not go the ratland for a mouse."

Does NO ONE else see the irony of this statement?
lata, jeremy

Mr Rush said:
"MM will likely get a flyer in the future, by which time the layout is more likely to me more extensive than SUF."

Yeah no doubt! I mean look at that new invert SFI put in La Ronde. Ten years after the first invert, look how they changed the design
oh...umm...nevermind ;)

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

Jeff said:

Let me extend your comments by saying that even when you have record breakers, you still love the "old" rides. At Cedar Point I still long to ride Raptor whenever I can.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

Raptor is an "old ride"? Ugh! There are a lot of "new" rides I skip on my trips to Cedar Point but I never skip the Blue Streak.

This whole "clone" argument makes no sense to me. How many people on the East coast are going to ride a ride that is cloned on the West coast?

I don't hear anyone complain that WDW has a Pirates of the Carribbean and Disneyland does too. I don't hear anyone complain about two Big Thunders or two Space Mountains.

Who the heck cares? About 1/2 of 1% of the total people who will ride these rides.

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