They posted what appears to be some photos from the queue:
I think the reason all of the Potter stuff has landed as well as it has is because you can't tell it apart from the movies. But even then, I've heard enough people not familiar with the films who were also blown away.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Looks cool.
But honestly, it really is the part of Epic Universe I am least excited for, considering we have seen/done that twice now already at the other two parks. I kind of wish they did something completely different versus another Potterland.
That's like saying all of the Potter movies are the same.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
They aren't?
Joking aside, as someone who's watched all 8 movies through a few times, I still couldn't tell you the main plot points of any single book except the very last one. They all do kind of blur together into one giant canon and I don't especially care about the difference between Nocturne Alley vs. Diagon Alley or Hogwarts vs. Hogsmeade or Gringotts vs. the Ministry of Magic. Hell, I'm not even sure if I'm comparing things that are comparable at all.
I suspect the same it true for most IP's (and coaster enthusiasm, too). For the vast majority of people, whether Vader is canonically on Batuu or Iron Man is still alive at Avengers Campus doesn't even register. It's "Star Wars is cool!" and "More Star Wars is still cool, but less so."
See also: Dive coasters
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
I am most curious about this attraction because Universal has suggested it is something completely new.
Eagerly awaiting, not sure when I’ll make it but I would like to see it sooner than later.
Every insider says this is the best ride in the park, it’s using the scoop vehicles and will take you into the Dept of Mysteries. I can’t wait it looks amazing.
2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando
This new Wizarding World area will likely be enjoyable as an idealized (and in this case "wizardy") version of European cities. Even if guests doesn't know the source material they should still find the settings, food, music, etc. to be appealing in the same way they can enjoy France or the United Kingdom pavilions at Epcot.
"Thank the Phoneticians!"
something completely new.
So they're reusing the top hat from Kingda Ka?
Harry potter is cool. But I'm mostly interested in the ride system, special effects, and storytelling of this land.
Especially how the floo network is going to work. Are they going to cheap out on the effect and make it an effect that you can easily figure out how it works once you've done it, or will it seem like real magic?
I envision just a tunnel, with a thin layer of smoke or steam acting as a screen for a projection of the green fire. You simply walk through a fireplace-shaped doorway. It could be much more elaborate than that, or less.
I am happy for the fans of the books and movies though. They usually seem genuinely thrilled to be in the themed areas, buying wands and costumes, drinking butterbeer, ect.
I could see the floo network being a curtain pull similar to Guardians. One side is France, the other is the Ministry of Magic.
I have only in the last year started reading / watching Harry Potter. I'm currently 1/4 of the way through book 5. They are not my favorite thing in the world, but quite entertaining enough to keep me reading. I like to read.
That being said, I was extremely interested in the Universal HP stuff from the very announcement all those years ago. I rode every ride at USF and USH before I began the books and was blown away by all of it. Dare I say that the HP worlds at US are better executed than the Star Wars G.E. I've visited at HS? And I'm a huge Star Wars fan.
No big point to this, other than to re-iterate what others have said. HP is well known enough, and the rides and worlds are good enough that they should appeal to all. I think it's safe to predict that this new world will be just as successful.
I could see the floo network being a curtain pull similar to Guardians.
I haven't been to Epcot in a hundred years. Looking it up on the internet... So similar to the magic found on Poseidon's Fury?
Spoiler alert:
Small room in the light. Lights go out. Walls pull up to reveal larger room. Lights come back on.
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
So similar to the magic found on Poseidon's Fury?
Yeah. Forgot about that one.
That won’t work for the floo network if they keep to the movie as the fireplaces are very vissable and part of the same room as the MoM atrium. I would think a turntable and smoke to be much more likely (especially since canonically you spin when traveling via floo powder.)
2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando
Yeah. The Floo Network is not a magic in which you stop in a room and stand there while the room changes. It is a passageway. At least that's how it is depicted in the movies.
But the conversation lead me to see how the effect worked at The Star Trek Experience, which was awesome. I've always wanted to see how Poseidon's works with the lights on. If anyone ever runs across a video of that, I'd love to see it.
They could just do the Platform 9 3/4 trick that they do in Kings Cross Station and that'd be good enough.
It's another Kuka robot ride, which is a surprisingly great mechanism. 14 years later or whatever and it still holds up. The movies really deepened the, uh, depth of that universe. I've only read the first three books, but I'm working through the movies now with my 14-year-old, who could handle them at a younger age. He's into it. (Next week, he's doing a hospitality internship at the Lowes Hotels at Universal through his high school hospitality class. Living in Orlando has its benefits.)
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
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