Lagoon customers concerned about price increases

Posted Friday, November 18, 2022 4:12 PM | Contributed by Jeff

Lagoon has announced ticket pricing for 2023, and it'll cost more this year to get inside. Some families are having to decide if their budget can handle the hike. Single day tickets go from $84.95 but are now $97.95, while annual passes go from $180.95 to $207.95.

Read more from KUTV/Salt Lake City.

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Friday, November 18, 2022 4:30 PM
eightdotthree's avatar

Holy crap. You can get the entire summer at Kennywood for the cost of one day at Lagoon.



Friday, November 18, 2022 5:11 PM
Bakeman31092's avatar

Lagoon hates poor people too!



Friday, November 18, 2022 5:35 PM

“…and it will cost more to get (insert anything and everything in the universe here). Families are having to decide…”

Lagoon is one of my favorite traditional parks ever, and I’m so glad I made the effort to get there. That was two seasons ago and I noticed way over in the corner of the parking lot a coaster that was *still* under construction. I think the announcement finally comes today. It’s a class act there, but they sure do take their time with big projects. (See Wicked, Cannibal, and now this Primordial.) And there’s an in-house component to it, which I think includes design and some fabrication.
Maybe they need the money.



Friday, November 18, 2022 6:20 PM
Jeff's avatar

Looking at what they have, I still think the pricing is appropriate.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog



Friday, November 18, 2022 7:28 PM
Tommytheduck's avatar

"Some families are having to decide if their budget can handle the hike. Single day tickets go from $84.95 but are now $97.95"

The media *always* over-dramatizes minor price increases as an assault on family budgets. So let's do the math here:

$97.95 - $84.95 = $13.00 per person

Family of 4 x $13.00 = $52.00 increase. (manageable)

Mormon family x $13.00 = $221.00 increase. (Ouch!)

Well what do you know, the article is legit!



Friday, November 18, 2022 7:40 PM
hambone's avatar

Lagoon has the advantage of not having anything like a competitor anywhere near - what are people going to do, drive 8 hours to Elitch Gardens?* It gives them considerably more latitude to price according to value, as opposed to being driven by competition to price where profit approaches zero.

*With a stop at Knoebel's, since it's on the way.


Richard Bannister

Friday, November 18, 2022 8:13 PM


*With a stop at Knoebel's, since it's on the way.

Have you been reading my trip plans again?



Saturday, November 19, 2022 4:36 AM

It’s appx 15% increase. Considering most people are lucky to get 3% annual raise, this is steep.

Best way to stop all this gouging is to stop buying.

A product that I normally buy went from $10 to $15. “Only” $5 is a 50% price increase! I stopped buying it.



Saturday, November 19, 2022 4:45 AM
ApolloAndy's avatar

Pricing a discretionary product in line with demand is not gouging.

Last edited by ApolloAndy, Saturday, November 19, 2022 4:46 AM

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."



Saturday, November 19, 2022 2:02 PM

This makes me wonder what price increases the park has made over the last few seasons if any. Even if they sat tight on the gate for two years then another two for Covid perhaps it’s been a minute. I don’t believe there’s been a lot of improvements or additions since Cannibal.
Except, I understand they razed a theatre and built the current German-style beer garden/restaurant which is beautiful. I believe it was accomplished over a couple of seasons. And in the meantime the new coaster sat in plain sight as it was developed over, what did they say?, seven years? (They use claims like that as some sort of badge, which I think is strange. But perhaps it’s what they’ve come to expect.)
Anyway, maybe it’s finally time for an increase to make up for lost time and revenue if nothing else.



Saturday, November 19, 2022 8:45 PM
kpjb's avatar

7 years? That's Knoebels-style coaster buildin'!




Saturday, November 19, 2022 8:58 PM

As usual. And I think it includes the back-of-the-bar-napkin phase, but still.



Saturday, November 19, 2022 10:03 PM
bjames's avatar

A 15% increase? Hmm…pretty sure chicken’s gone up more than that. Definitely gas. Plus like 10% increase on pretty much everything else. Inflation effects everything, even theme parks.

"The term is 'amusement park.' An old Earth name for a place where people could go to see and do all sorts of fascinating things." -Spock, Stardate 3025



Sunday, November 20, 2022 3:17 AM


7 years? That's Knoebels-style coaster buildin

Don't give the Tron construction team any ideas


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