Carowinds going to year-round operation with addition of winter weekends

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

From the press release:

Carowinds will not go into hibernation after the holidays. The nation’s only amusement park straddling two states will expand to year-round operations beginning January 1, 2023. The scheduling change introduces additional weekends to the calendar in January, February, and early March, with regular park operation continuing throughout the rest of the year.

The added winter operating days, in addition to the early season and spring break operations, will provide guests the opportunity to experience even more seasonal events and explore Carowinds across the entire year.

Guests will experience rides, subject to routine maintenance, seasonal refurbishments, and weather closures. Select Carowinds dining, merchandise locations and games will be open for guests to enjoy during the winter operating days.

The expanded operation adds select dates to the calendar in January, February, and early March, for year-round entertainment and additional value to season passholders.

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TheMillenniumRider's avatar

Coming soon to a park near you, climate change days! Celebrate the off season by coming to the park, stay tuned for more details…



They don't even open most of the rides for Winterfest. I can't imagine they'll have much open in January-February. But I think this definitely has potential!



KD is going year-round as well. I'd imagine we'll see the press release here sooner or later.



Raven-Phile's avatar

Just waiting for the announcement from Cedar Point about their new year-round dome.



They’re removing Dragster because it wouldn’t have fit underneath it.



kpjb's avatar

They're not removing Dragster. They're laying it on its side so it'll fit.

World's longest horizontal top hat. New record.




eightdotthree's avatar

Disney will be announcing that they are finally going to build that park in Williamsburg soon.



Warning. Both Carowinds and Kings Dominion are infamous for closing the park for low attendance in less than prime weather days.

The biggest example was a Carowinds visit in Nov 2019. It was 50 sone degrees with no rain. Park was empty so they closed 5 hours early.

This will probably end up with a lot of early and total closures. I definitely wouldn’t travel to either park during these months unless the forecast is perfect 60+ with no rain.



If they publish what rides will be open/closed I would take a trek to Carowinds if the weather looked nice and rides I wanted to ride were open. The issue with BGW is they don't publish the limited ride lineup for the winter months, and from what I have read in trip reports is that it is very limited, even on better weather days.




They're not removing Dragster. They're laying it on its side so it'll fit.

Why didn’t they let it sink like Magnum?



Tommytheduck's avatar

Or tip it on it's side like Discovery Kingdom?



Raven-Phile's avatar

You guys have it all wrong. They're actually turning it a full 180 degrees downward. They're going for the world's deepest coaster with the world's lowest underground inversion.

The coaster wars are back, baby!



Vater's avatar

The Gs through that inversion are gonna be killer.





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