Girl required 10 stitches after being hit by cell phone on Six Flags Magic Mountain roller coaster

Posted Monday, July 11, 2022 1:41 PM | Contributed by Jeff

An 8-year-old girl was injured on Twisted Colossus at Six Flags Magic Mountain by a flying cellphone, according to her family. She was transported to the hospital where she received 10 stitches and a CT.

Read more from KABC/Los Angeles.

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Monday, July 11, 2022 3:36 PM
Bakeman31092's avatar

I'm waiting for the on-ride "locker," where each seat has a small, padded bin for guests to put their crap in when they board. Eliminates the bins on the side of the platform that kill capacity, and eliminates the need for in-queue lockers. You could integrate it with the lap bar so that when the lap bar comes down, it closes off the bin so that riders can't pull stuff out once the train leaves the station. Didn't Steel Vengeance start out with little zipper bags to put your stuff in right in front of the lap bar?

Last edited by Bakeman31092, Monday, July 11, 2022 5:31 PM


Monday, July 11, 2022 4:00 PM
eightdotthree's avatar


Didn't Steel Vengeance start out with little zipper bags to put your stuff in right in front of the lap bar?

They did have the under seat thing until going no loose articles period. I think they had them on the seat back in front at one point? The problem with the bags under the seat is that they still require the rider to actually put their stuff there.



Monday, July 11, 2022 6:12 PM

I don't understand the need to have your cellphone out during the ride. What exactly are you doing with it? Filming? Taking selfies?

On our trip to Disney we had groups on Na'Vi, Gran Fiesta Tour, and Pirates silently filming the ride. To each his / her own but I just don't see the point. Why not just save the money and watch the ride on YouTube?


Walt S

Monday, July 11, 2022 7:34 PM

The only ride I can think of outside of Disney with "pouches" is Dark Knight at Six Flags. This honestly works well for some small things, but, at Six Flags, the biggest thing I end up carrying around is my drink cup for free refills, and that doesn't go on the coaster. I really think a zippered pouch would help on a lot of rides, but not with everything.



Monday, July 11, 2022 9:45 PM

Iron Gwazi has pouches.



Tuesday, July 12, 2022 3:54 AM

When Tomb Raider was still around at Kings Island they put pouches in big enough to hold peoples shoes. This greatly increased capacity since everybody that didn’t have laced up shoes was required to take them off. Before that employees had to carry around bins that people put their collective shoes in. When I worked there I got tired of smelling stinky shoes all day.



Tuesday, July 12, 2022 1:19 PM
Gemini's avatar


On our trip to Disney we had groups on Na'Vi, Gran Fiesta Tour, and Pirates silently filming the ride. To each his / her own but I just don't see the point. Why not just save the money and watch the ride on YouTube?

Probably a Disney influencer whose full-time job is broadcasting those fascinating live streams from the parks 24x7. I think there are around 500 of them.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz



Tuesday, July 12, 2022 3:03 PM

We definitely saw a few of them around the parks. It's a world I will never understand. However, the groups on the rides were completely silent. No commentary. They didn't even speak to their ride partners. It was so odd.



Tuesday, July 12, 2022 4:12 PM
Jeff's avatar

Well you don't want to taint the audio with silly blather. Just kidding, that's mostly what those idiots do.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog



Tuesday, July 12, 2022 8:51 PM

Don't worry. My son and I added plenty of commentary.



Sunday, July 17, 2022 5:52 AM

I'm 35, but I for sure was one of those people in my early 20s that wanted to record for monetary reasons. There are so many bloggers that feel the need to do the same, especially if they think they can do a better job at filming than others. The average coaster video gets at least 3k views.

For safety reasons, it started to get to me and I'd much rather ask the park for permission to film when there's no guest in the park or at least before there's a huge crowd.

Personally, I love Steel vengeance's locker policy. I don't like the idea of forcing riders though to pay a fee for lockers when it comes to riding crowd-pleasing attractions. Otherwise, just leave the loose item with a non-rider.

Last edited by derrickwhitsett, Sunday, July 17, 2022 5:56 AM


Sunday, July 17, 2022 2:36 PM
Vater's avatar

I once called my parents and left them a voicemail while on Roar at SFA. From my flip phone, if that’s any indication of how long ago.



Sunday, July 17, 2022 4:11 PM
hambone's avatar

From the lift hill, the brake run, or mid-ride?



Sunday, July 17, 2022 7:52 PM
Jeff's avatar

Probably mid-Timbers.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog



Sunday, July 17, 2022 8:32 PM
Vater's avatar


From the lift hill, the brake run, or mid-ride?




Sunday, July 17, 2022 10:58 PM
OhioStater's avatar

Our last ride at Knott's when we were there back in June was on Ghostrider. A young woman (mid 20s?) and her companion were in the front seat, my girls right behind them, and then us in row 3. From the moment the ride left the station she had her phone wide out; I was really expecting it to stop because a worker looked right at her (I guess I'm used to Cedar Point). I also expected her to stop taking selfies after the lift hill, but nope. She wasn't recording, she was just taking constant selfies, holding onto the ride with one hand and her phone with the other.

What sucked was how scared my girls were, on our last ride at Knott's, which was a one-time trip. Ghostrider isn't exactly "smooth", so they were (rightfully) freaked out that it was going to come flying back at them while she got tossed back and forth in her seat. There were more than a couple instances when she almost lost her grip and just laughed it off. Hilarious!

I was so hoping to catch it so I could toss it off the ride.

Then the woman complained at the photo booth because they deleted her on-ride photo for being stupid. I guess she wanted a picture of herself on the ride taking pictures of herself while on the ride?

Last edited by OhioStater, Sunday, July 17, 2022 11:06 PM

Promoter of fog.



Sunday, July 17, 2022 11:28 PM

I want a tattoo of a butt with a tattoo of a butt on my butt. Huh huh huh.


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