Insane Coaster Roadtrips


Friday, June 29, 2001 5:53 PM
Did you ever go a little off the deep end when planning a coaster trip?

Our trip this month was 10 days, 2825 miles, 11 different parks (8 new), 2½ days at CP (11 laps on MF), and 75 different coasters ridden (of 93 possible, skipped 10 juniors).

Parks: PKD, SFA, SFGAdv, CI, DP, Knoebels, SFDL, PCW, CP, SFWoA, KW.

My wife thinks she gets to plan next years vacation, I mean mission;)!



Friday, June 29, 2001 5:59 PM
Must be nice. I'm lucky if, on a side-trip to an otherwise coaster-less vacation, I can squeeze in a day at the closest park. I'm trying so hard to convince my wife that we need to stop at Indiana Beach on our way home from Chicago in a couple of weeks, in addition to our day at SFGAm. She's not buying it.


Friday, June 29, 2001 5:59 PM
My friend and I are doing a 6 parks in 6 days Pennsylvania trip in August:

Day 1 - Conneaut Lake
Day 2 - Kennywood
Day 3 - Hershey
Day 4 - Knoebel's
Day 5 - Lakemont
Day 6 - Kennywood

This is going to be the biggest coaster marathon either of us have gone on, and we're both amped.


Friday, June 29, 2001 6:01 PM
Den, you've got to try really hard to get to IB. It's definitely worth it.

Friday, June 29, 2001 6:07 PM
my farthest park ever went was ..Universal Studios Hollywood or that lil carnival at ATlantic City new jersey

coaster ed

Friday, June 29, 2001 8:51 PM
The two craziest trips were with a friend back in 1983 and 1984.

In 1983 we left Connecticut for BGW, then to King's Dominion, Sanibel Isle in FL for 2 days, Disney for 2 days, Chattanooga TN and Lookout Mtn, Jack Daniel's Distillery, Opryland, King's Island and then home. (3700 mi)

In 1984 we left CT for BGW, then KI, SFoG, Disney for 2 days, BGT, Chattanooga, JD Distillery, SF in St. Louis, Cedar Point and then home. (4600 mi)

Had a great time, drove every other night, got first available room in the AM, took showers, went into a park, stayed that night, left for the next park the following AM.

Was relatively inexpensive and just plain fun.


Friday, June 29, 2001 8:52 PM
Check out the parks I did below, excluding BPB and DMP in the UK, I did the others in 16 days, 100 coasters in total, 3,966 miles driving, plus about 6,000 miles flying to the US.

And in September I'll be back, and "X" had better be open!

Parks done 2001: BPB, PKI, SFWOA, CP, KW, HP, DP, Knoebels, Astroland, SFGAdv, SFNE, SFA, LC, Moreys Pier, PKD, PCW, BGW.


Friday, June 29, 2001 9:20 PM
my father r planning a trip for next year.

1. Michigan's Adventure (visit Ford museum)
2. Big Chief's Karts & Coasters
3. SFGAm
4. Indiana Beach
5. Holiday World
6. Paramount's King's Island
7. Cedar Point

This year we r doin

1. SFGAdv for 2 Days
2. Lake Compounce


Friday, June 29, 2001 9:32 PM
Although my trip doesn't compare to many peoples trips, I had my biggest coaster trip earlier this summer. I was moving from Portland, OR to Columbus, OH so I decided to ride some coasters. THe parks that I hit were:

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk
Disney's California Adventure
Buffalo Bills Casino
All the Las Vegas coasters (and Big Shot too)
Holiday World

SFStL was the only park I had been to before this trip. And now that I'm in Ohio I'll definately hit PKI, CP and SFWoA before the summer's out. And I'm planning on doing a PA trip like Chris next summer.


Friday, June 29, 2001 10:06 PM
Next summer me and my parents and grandma are going to CP. Along with that, I've convinced my parents to also stop at MI's Adventure and SFWoA.

Are there any other parks between MI's Adventure and SFWoA worth stopping at? The trip starts in Wisconsin, from Manitowoc, where we take a ferry to Luddington, and from there we are heading to MI's Adventure, so, my point being, the park cannot be west of MI's Adventure (ie SFGAm, Big Chief's) So, what other parks should I try to get slipped in there?

BTW, a 60 woman on Raging Bull is one of the funniest things you can see.

Cyclops. 1900 feet of CCI goodness.


Friday, June 29, 2001 10:32 PM
Robocoaster's avatar
Last summer, my friend and I left Portland, OR, on the Sunday before Labor Day, at un-godly a.m. to arrive in Sacramento, CA. Upon arrival, we got our rental and headed to L.A.; much cheaper than flying to So Cal.

We stopped at a water park north of Fresno, called Wild Rivers (great), and at night continued to our hotel.
Monday was Disneyland; Labor Day was crowded w/o being crammed and fastpass served it's purpose well.
Tuesday was Universal Studios Hollywood; no rollercoasters or traditional rides but one helluva time anyway.
Wednesday was SFMM- no people in the park and walked onto whatever we liked. Thursday we drove back to Sacramento to stay the wknd w/ my bro.
Friday was SFMW- also empty (Medusa and Roar are exceptional). Saturday was Manteca waterslides( also superb), and we finished off with Sunday at PGA.
Skipping this summer, I will take a longer version next year, and add KBF , SCBB, and Bonfante Gardens
to the mix!

"Can I freeze myself till next summer, please."

Lisa Marie

Monday, July 2, 2001 8:41 AM
We took our first coaster trip last month. We had planned on 9 amusement/theme parks in 9 days. We planned it so there would be an extra day at the end in case we needed it. We didn't.

We did: SFGAdv, Dorney, Hershey, Knoebels, Williams Grove, Lakemont, Kennywood, Conneaut Lake, and SFDL.

It was a great trip but exhausting. We've already been to our home parks of SFNE and The Great Escape. I plan on going to Lake Compounce before the summer is over and we have a trip to Las Vegas coming up in September. I'm sure I'll ride the coasters out there.


Monday, July 2, 2001 10:30 AM
this sounds more like it should be in the trip reports forum to me.


Monday, July 2, 2001 10:46 AM
All trips are insane for me, money and time wise due to the job I had. First trip this year was our honeymoon. From wedding to SFoG on Sunday, drive from Atlanta to Sandusky after deciding Cedar Point was the only real park that wanted us that early in the season on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday at CP, Wednesday night behind the wheel of the car all the way back to the coast of NC where I had to be at work around lunchtime. Second trip was after work to Richmond, PKD Thursday 'til close, drive to BGW, BGW 'till close Friday, and then drive back to NC where I had to work at 5AM. Take a little sleep out of any trip(s) and it makes it hard, but I don't have to worry about that constricting J-O-B anymore because I walked out on Sunday, now I have to find something new so we can continue to afford to ride.


Tuesday, July 3, 2001 12:55 AM
We recently completed a 10 park/7 day trip.

I had done more in the past, but this one was someewhat different with our 4 and 6 year old daughters on this trip.

That in and of itself made it quite a bit more challenging.

When we came home, we had a couple bags of "trinkets" won on games, a bag of park clothing, an awful lot of riding by all, and a lighter wallet.


Tuesday, July 3, 2001 7:50 AM
Soggy's avatar
I have not seen him on the boards lately, but last summer CB member Florida Flier (I met up with him at Knotts) put more than 10,000 miles on his rental car hitting God knows how many parks. He flew from Florida to St. Loius and drove from St. Louis up to the New England area and back to St Louis. BTW, it was a VERY zig-zag journey, nowhere near a "straight shot." He did over 200 coasters in the Summer of 2000. Now THAT takes the cake!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

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