B&M Dive Machine at Cedar Point?


Thursday, September 12, 2013 3:43 AM
sws's avatar

We do seem to have this discussion the same time each year, which likely is because it's the start of the off-season and there's a diminished amount of interesting things to talk about.

I find it quite interesting that many of the same people in this thread stating that corporate graphic art details are not important are the ones complaining in a recent thread about disrespect for grammar and spelling. That's just an observation and I'm certainly not trying to call anyone out. However, I would think that paid corporate employees should be held to a higher standard for getting the details correct. It's their job.

As a modern day philosopher once stated,

"If you don't have enough respect for your ideas to make sure they are coveyed clearly to others, how can you expect others to respect your ideas?"

Personally, I don't take anything about this hobby seriously. The day I let my panties get in a bundle concerning anything in the world of coasters, is the day I need to get into therapy. That's part of the reason why when I read CoasterBuzz at my computer, I'm going commando.

Now please pass the cranberries and giblets.


Lord Gonchar

Thursday, September 12, 2013 4:55 AM
Lord Gonchar's avatar

I think they chose a coaster from another park because it conveyed the idea more clearly than if they shoehorned one of their own rides in there.

Which is what I've been contending all along. Design came first. The details are correct.

It's "make a clean, attractive image." Not "make an image using only coasters from our park."

I suspect the goal of the park/graphic designer is different than what some people here think it was.

Big difference between:

"Make a graphic showcasing our rides."


"Make an visually appealing graphic that conveys the overall spirit of our Halloweekends event."

It's complaining that they used their hands in a soccer match when they were intending to play basketball all along.



Thursday, September 12, 2013 1:57 PM
slithernoggin's avatar

^^^Yes, that.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz


Ensign Smith

Thursday, September 12, 2013 9:24 PM

sws said:

"If you don't have enough respect for your ideas to make sure they are coveyed clearly to others, how can you expect others to respect your ideas?"

O, sweet irony...

My author website: mgrantroberts.com



Thursday, May 21, 2015 10:16 AM

Lord Gonchar said:


I don't believe this qualifies as a detail any more than color or font choices do.

Or what about the backround with moody purple skies and what looks to be at least 10 lightning bolts? I better see that crap when I show up or I'm asking for my money back!

And that full moon looks awfully oversized. Am I going to get to ride a coaster that is being dwarfed by the rising moon on the horizon?

It's all there to convey a mood or image.

It seems like a weird place to draw the line to me.

I have a ravenous appetite to dive back into this thread :P

Last edited by T-W-I-S-T-E-R, Thursday, May 21, 2015 11:52 AM


Thursday, May 21, 2015 11:13 AM

You know, the only reason Cedar Point is adding a dive coaster in 2015 is because of that grievous error they made on a Halloweekends promotional banner back in 2013.
I mean, they gotta do SOMEthing to make that right...



Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:09 PM

For the parks that I have inside sources, all but 1 keep a solid 5 year (or longer) plan. And yes, subtle hints for rides planned 2 or 3 years in the future do get slipped in here and there!

Knoebels is the only park that just seems to buy things on impulse (pun intended). The only long-term plan for Knoebels that I knew about was Flying Turns replacing Whirlwind.

But anyway... I'm just a roller coaster. -Twister



Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:33 PM
Raven-Phile's avatar

The only long-term plan for Knoebels that I knew about was Flying Turns replacing Whirlwind.

Boy, they sure put the long in long-term on that one, too...



Friday, May 22, 2015 2:39 AM
CarolinaNick15's avatar

Seven years for a bobsled coaster that somehow out beat Banshee, Helix, Goliath, Medusa, etc. in the Golden Tickets. How does that work?



Friday, May 22, 2015 3:06 AM




Friday, May 22, 2015 3:16 AM
rollergator's avatar

Golden Tickets take into account fewer opinions from what they consider well-traveled enthusiasts and industry insiders. Those two groups, for a ride like Turns, is pretty much shooting fish in a barrel. Personally, I took one in the gill....plus Banshee was the only other ride mentioned that I rode. (Loved it, but the nostalgia factor for Turns is overwhelming).

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)



Friday, May 22, 2015 9:49 PM
CarolinaNick15's avatar

I personally don't get the big deal with FT. Granted I'm a young and don't have as much affections for more classic style coasters. Personally all i care about is intensity, drop, airtime, etc.



Saturday, May 23, 2015 1:49 AM
ApolloAndy's avatar

"And that is why you fail." -Yoda

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."



Saturday, May 23, 2015 2:48 AM
LostKause's avatar

Al I care about is if it has turns or not. lol



Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:10 AM
CarolinaNick15's avatar

ApolloAndy said:
"And that is why you fail." -Yoda

That sums it up nicely.



Saturday, May 23, 2015 7:09 AM
slithernoggin's avatar

CarolinaNick15 said:

... and don't have as much affections for more classic style coasters.

Or grammerz.

I'm an olds, but when I was a young, I too was all about the thrills. You, too, will likely develop a broader view of coasters as you age.

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz



Saturday, May 23, 2015 12:32 PM
CarolinaNick15's avatar

Back in the day there were these things called B&M Gigas. That's what everyone cared about then. Now you children have 1000 footers.


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