This came out of the blue but while I was checking out the new CF website, which is great, I looked at the animation for KD and there was a orange and green ride in the back that looked like a B&M hyper. What do you guys think? Looking more closely, I see a GCI at KD, Dorney, and MA. Valleyfair also had a MF looking thing in the background and WOF had a green roller coaster in the back. I really am beginning to wonder what this means.
Mostly it means you're wildly speculating.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Wow... I like the website. That's the first time I saw the redesign.
I'm surprised that Ouimet's time at Corinthian Colleges is at the top of his profile considering that the company declared bankruptcy amidst multiple lawsuits and federal investigations for fraudulent advertising, collection agency violations, and predatory practices amongst other things. Kind of a big distraction over the rest of his more relevant experience.
Jeff said:
Mostly it means you're wildly speculating.
Whats the harm in speculation?
More importantly, what's the benefit of wild, unfounded, baseless speculation?
There's no harm in speculation...
...but corporate park graphics department are more interested in creating attractive graphics then in planting clues or, well, accurately depicting a park's rides.
Way way back in the very early 80s, Carowinds (at the time not a Cedar Fair park) used a photo of Cedar Point's Corkscrew to promote Carolina Cyclone.
Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz
I must admit that I was quite skeptical of your observations at first. However, upon closer examination of the animation for Michigan's Adventure, it clearly shows no new attractions combined with higher ticket prices. I definitely think you're on to something here.
Lord Gonchar said:
More importantly, what's the benefit of wild, unfounded, baseless speculation?
In that case, what's the benefit of even being a coaster enthusiast?
I think we ask ourselves that every day.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Grounded, well-founded, reasonable speculation with some basis in reality is fun too....
OK, maybe not as much fun, but it's not that bad either.
You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)
There's also a purple looping coaster with yellow supports in the background. Clearly this is a sign that KD is getting two new coasters.
All the CF parks were in the live studio audience information Oprah... She told them to look under their seats, and HYPERCOASTERS FOR EVERYONE! YOU GET A HYPERCOASTER! AND YOU! AND YOU AND YOU GET A HYPERCOASTER! All the CF parks started to cry and jumped up and down in excitement, waving their new hypercoasters around for everyone to see.
But then again, what do I know?
CarolinaNick15 said:
In that case, what's the benefit of even being a coaster enthusiast?
Doing something I enjoy with like-minded people who've become all sorts of real life friends over the years.
...and before you reply with, "Well, I enjoy speculating on what coasters parks are getting wonk wonk wonk...."
Then you're in the wrong room...which you should have been able to discern from the replies up to this point. But you didn't. And here we are.
Vater said:
There's also a purple looping coaster with yellow supports in the background. Clearly this is a sign that KD is getting two new coasters.
3 including the GCI
Also, they're apparently trading out their Intamin Gyro Drop (sans Gyro) for a second gen tower.
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
And all the parks have those beautiful rolling foothills with a lovely, peaceful little lake.
Oh, except for Cedar Point, which has a lovely GREAT BIG lake. But that's because they're the corporate favorite and they get everything.
RCMAC said:
And all the parks have those beautiful rolling foothills with a lovely, peaceful little lake.
Oh, except for Cedar Point, which has a lovely GREAT BIG lake. But that's because they're the corporate favorite and they get everything.
Michigan's Adventure MIGHT get the rolling foothills next season... ;)
Certain victory.
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