For those that don't know the end result of the splashdown at BGA with Sheikra, here is a short vid getting people soaked.
This is what Cedar Fair should have done with Diamondback.
Getting soaked without waiting in a long line for a water ride.
My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.
Well I am back from a long day at work, after a great weekend at Kings Island. I went down Saturday morning and came home Sunday night. Let me start off by saying what a mess it was to get my platinum pass processed at kings island. I recommend that you all get your pass processed at the park you bought it at. They tried to tell me that they could not process my pass there because it was a cedar point code. It took 6 employees plus a manager to figure out how to process my pass. After it was all said and done I got my pass processed and was able to enter the park a half hour early and headed to Diamondback. I am by no means a small guy so the ride host at the test seat asked me to take a test in the seat. He said the lap bar had to click three times to get the green light to come on. Well it only clicked twice so he said i would be unable to ride. I was not a happy person to say the least so i have put down the foot and i am going to try to lose some weight. Anyways I spent most of the day riding Fire Hawk and the other great coasters. Sunday i decided that i was going to get in line for Diamondback anyways. So Sunday morning i left the great wolf lodge and headed over early. Got in the park and got in line for Diamondback. They were still giving out single rider passes witch i find to be really a waist of time. I really don't understand why they are doing that. But anyways I entered the station and was seated in the middle of the train. I was a little nervous because I did not fit in the test seat. So i sat in the seat and pulled down the lap bar and got it to click once. They checked my seat and went on. The ride operator said my seat was not locked so a ride host came by and pushed down my lap bar another click. The operator said it was locked and off we went. So the test seat in not accurate its close but not right on. As said in a different thread it is not how big your waste is it is how big your thighs are. I just want to say that Diamondback is one hell of a coaster and i am glad i was able to ride. I rode it about 7 times through out the day Sunday. Most of the day the wait was no longer than an hour. All in all my trip to KI was a good experience all except the pass processing. That is all. Only 11 days and some odd hours to go till cedar point opens ill be there the Sunday of opening i cant wait!
Not to mention, the uses of the words "waist" and "waste" are reversed. :)
Seriously? That's only one of the many charges the grammar police could take him in on.
M & M, glad to have you here. But please take some time to polish your entries for the future. It's hard to take what you have to offer seriously when it is written that way.
"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin
FWIW, I can't seem to get paragraph breaks on an initial post either...only about half my "edits" involve changes to the post other than for paragraphicization. Weird about the pass processing, though, since KI is usually one of the most heavily-staffed, heavily-equipped offices - in my limited experience.
C'mon Carrie, I was trying to be nice. It was his first offense, there's no reason to throw the book at him. :)
Listen, Danno... :)
That was actually his second offense. I defended him the first time. But the issue was far more than the paragraphing.
Despite the "witch", "waste", and "waist" challenges...
Only 11 days and some odd hours to go till cedar point opens ill be there the Sunday of opening i can't wait!
How many issues can you find in this finale?
"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin
rollergator said:
You made that up--- paragraphicizationally speaking, of course.
Carrie M. said:
Listen, Danno... :)
Alright, fine. You win, Barney. :)
Bring 'em in!
I got in the test seat and the lady said that "I should be ok." I barely got in the seat in the station. It had to be clicked down by an employee, but yet, I still got on.
I think if I lose around 10 pounds I will be golden.
Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!
I'm personally a little confused by everyone on this site that seems to think if they can barely get into a coaster that they are "golden" when it comes to weight. If you are even close to approaching the maximum size to fit on a ride, medically, you are NOT golden. With the exception of wide-thighed body builders on Intamin coasters, these rides are quite accommodating. Maybe this is just a sign of the American obesity problem or coaster enthusiasts are a particularly out of shape group, but there seems to always be a lot of issues when it comes to weight and restraints around here.
Seriously, lose a couple pounds, it won't hurt you! This shouldn't even be an issue. I know I'm going to get a ton of messages now about how this is rude and uncalled for, but it's a little crazy that people think they aren't obese when a ride-op has to come physically push you into your seat.... I know I can't be the only one with this opinion.
^^Oh God, it's turning into that type of thread now, huh?!
My policy, make sure you can fit comfortably on El Toro (NJ), and then you won't have to worry about the rest!
^^^ I had the exact same situation as you Kyle. The thing I discovered is not only is the test seat off, the amount the bar needs to go down varies from seat to seat. In my first ride, I had to have 3 clicks and the assistance of a ride op to get it down far enough, and it resulted in a mighty uncomfortable ride with numb legs. The second time around, in a different seat, I had two clicks (or at least one fewer click than I had the first time) and no problem. Much more enjoyable that time.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
Indeed, my friend couldn't get on in one seat, but I saw a larger woman than him get on in another seat and she didn't have too much trouble at all. Oh well.
In regards to the splashdown, the water definitely slows the train down, but because those trains are so heavy, they bring a ton of momentum; and a little bit of water isn't going to dramatically slow that locomotive down too much. :)
I've ridden Diamondback numerous times now and I've yet to detect any slow down or drag from the splashdown. I'll pay attention this weekend, but so far, to me, it seems to maintain it's speed from the final drop.
But who cares, really? The splash definitely is a showy finale, and a brilliant idea for a coaster such as this. We'll probably see it repeated in the future as I predict, with the success of Diamondback and Behemoth, more B&M hypers of this type will turn up across the country. (Ya think?) Oh, and I got very wet once, too. I seldom ride with my arms up and on Friday night in row 16 on the right the water hit the back of my right arm and completely soaked my sweatshirt. The guy on the left got his left arm soaked, too. I paid attention to other riders back there and they got it, too. It's a small thing, but it surprised me and it was slightly annoying to have my left arm dry and my right one saggin'!
I also got a ride in the rain. Friday was very stormy in Ohio and I almost didn't go. (I've been taking advantage of slow Friday nights and drive from Columbus after work - both nights I've gotten to the park by 6:30 or so) So, luck was with me and the rain quit about quarter to 7 and whatever crowd they had was already gone, drenched. So the park was empty and Diamondback was a walk-on all evening. My last ride was at 9:30 and it had started to rain again. Let me say, at those speeds it seemed like I was getting a chemical face peel. (which, incidentally, I could use. :) ) And Diamondback was hauling, too.
What a great ride- I haven't been this "enthused" about a roller coaster in a long time. Those lucky enough to attend Ride Warriors this weekend are in for a treat. Rain predicted this week is supposed to quit by Saturday.
RollrCoastrCrazy said:
If you are even close to approaching the maximum size to fit on a ride, medically, you are NOT golden.
I'd assume he meant "golden" in terms of riding a roller coaster, not in terms of his physical well-being.
Lots of people here are heavy. I don't think being told it's unhealthy by a stranger on the internet is going to make much of a difference to anyone.
How about a not so stupid Diamondback question?
Who here has taken advantage of the early morning walkbacks so far? If, in fact KI has even started it yet.
I'll be passing through Cincy, from Beech Bend, on the way home from Con, and thought I would hit KI late in the day. I'd be staying in the KI area that night, in an effort to take in the walkback advantage, and was wondering how it's been handled so far.
Hey, how are the turnarounds on Diamondback? A million G's?
I enjoy the camel backs but not the turns and helices. I notice that the KI promotional video features riders who are able to keep their hands up in the turnarounds.
The opening day of Goliath, I greyed out on the turnarounds and helices. Too much force going into the tight hairpin turns. Not a person could keep their hands in the hair on these turns, not even the strongest riders. Couldn't be done. Now that's an intense G force.
Also, is it common practice for coasters to be "unbraked" for media days when enthusiasts are riding, and then later brake the coasters? I'm sure that's what they did on Goliath. I swear to God, that media day, that mid course break was just plain "off." I swear I would never ride it again. A year later, of course, I went onand it was braked almost to stopping at the midcourse, making the g-forces so much milder, and still awful.
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