Any know if DBACK will have the BM big boy seats like some of the other BM coasters have ?
I'd wager that rows 3&6 will feature the so-called big-boy seats...I don't think they build rides anymore that DON'T have them (at least not for the US market).
I wasn't aware that B&M hypers have such seats. I know their rides with OTSR's have them, but not the hypers with the formed T-bar. Anyone have pics?
^D'Oh! Diamondback is a hyper...LOL. Obviously I've become too acustomed to thinking that all of the B&Ms have inversions... ;)
Theres no such thing on a Hyper, Its 50 inch waist or you don't ride. Pretty certain about that :) Different dimentions (Hips) Gut can interfear. I will say they are more acomidating than a inverts (Big Boy seats)Chuck
Thanks for the info, I have ridden the Kumba at BG and it did have the bigger seats towards the middle of the train as well as the inverts but seems Cedar Point does not have any bigger seat invert or not that I have been able to find.
^Raptor was an early invert, thus the big boy seats were not around when it was made. That is why Raptor doesn't have them, I believe they debuted on Montu. Standups have never had big boy seats so that is why Mantis doesnt have one.
2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando
Whats not being expressed here is there is no OTSR on they hyper trains. Montu, Kumba. All the loopers have OTSR. Hypers, Raging Bull, ect have the basic seat of a invert with the wrap around sides then a pad that comes back on the lapbar to complete the wrap around.If you can ride a big boy seat. Id say your good but don't take that as fact.
Touchdown said:
^Raptor was an early invert, thus the big boy seats were not around when it was made. That is why Raptor doesn't have them, I believe they debuted on Montu. Standups have never had big boy seats so that is why Mantis doesnt have one.
I still don't believe the seats themselves are any different. The only thing I noticed between the big boy seats and all the others is that the BB seats have 2 belts. If this is the case, these parks could install 2 belts on the older Beemers.
My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.
There is a major difference in the seats of the B&M hyper coasters. I've been on 5: Goliath La Ronde, Nitro, Hollywood Dream: The Ride (Universal Japan), Silver Star (Europa Park) and Behemoth. Of those 5, La Ronde's Goliath is the most accomodating. Tons of room in the seat and my friend who can't even sit on Silver Star or Behemoth actually rode it. Nitro is average...
Hollywood Dream seats are TINY! My sister who's your average 5'10 north american woman needed the help of 2 ride ops just to get the bar to close. Behemoth and Silver Star share the same tiny seats where if you have trouble in the regular B&M OTSR seats, you won't ride! I guess Cedar Fair got those seats to avoid having to retrofit seatbelts on Behemoth and so Diamondback may get them too...
It is a whole different game.
You can not compare the OTSR system B&M uses to the Hyper seats.
It depends more on rider shape than on actual weight,or size.
The hyper's do not accommodate large thighs, and hips.
So if "Baby Got Back" forget it!
The OTSR's do not accommodate tall people, large around the middle people ,or well endowed ladies as well.
If KI follows what CW did with Behemoth there will be a test seat to check. You sit in seat, pull down lap bar and if you get a green light you're good to go!
^^The question is when did you ride those rides. Thats because the average person ends up pooling blood in their legs as the day goes in at a park (due to standing in line) which of course makes them bigger. If you rode those rides at different times of the day or after a longer wait in line that might be the problem you had with them. As far as I know every B&M hyper has the exact same seat.
Chitown said:
I still don't believe the seats themselves are any different. The only thing I noticed between the big boy seats and all the others is that the BB seats have 2 belts. If this is the case, these parks could install 2 belts on the older Beemers.
Seems that way to me too. On the Silver Bullet the BB seats are exactly the same except that they have 2 belts.
My mother (1946-2009) once asked me why I go to Magic Mountain so much. I said I feel the most alive when I'm on a roller coaster.
2010 total visits: SFMM-9, KBF-2
2010 total ride laps: 437
I also heard that the belts are the only difference on the BB seats. It has something to do with the way the buckles are positions/anlged that allows for more slack in the belts then compared to the original design.
Touchdown said:
^^The question is when did you ride those rides. Thats because the average person ends up pooling blood in their legs as the day goes in at a park (due to standing in line) which of course makes them bigger. If you rode those rides at different times of the day or after a longer wait in line that might be the problem you had with them. As far as I know every B&M hyper has the exact same seat.
No, they don't. The german TUV required smaller seats in order to allow Europa Park to open Silver Star. It was so bad regarding people being not allowed to ride they actually got the TUV permission to modify the lap bar sensors so they allow the lap bars to close a bit higher.
My friend tried to ride Behemoth, Silver Star and Goliath La Ronde in the same WEEK. First thing in the morning. Behemoth... He can't even sit in the seat. Next one, 2 days later, he can ride Goliath with the help of a ride operator pushing on the bar. Finally, 4 days after Goliath, like Behemoth, he can't even sit in the seat of Silver Star. Do you need anymore proof?
^Its just that there has been no mention of this problem so far, and Behemoth has been open for over a year now. There has also been no complaints about Behemoth being too small anywhere. That leads me to guess that the Behemoth seats are the same as Raging Bull, Nitro, Apollo's Chariot and Goliath @ SFOG because otherwise I would think we would have heard something by now. Also, sometimes those test seats are slightly smaller then what is actually on the train, not by design but because after wear and tear the side restraints tend to get a little looser on the train allowing more leeway to sit down, however if they have just been tightened your SOL. I know that one from experience because a few summers ago when I was bigger and lived near BGE Apollo's Chariot was always touch and go for me fitting.
It looks like your friend's main problem was actually fitting in the seat, not the bar itself, and that he lucked out on Goliath @ La Rhonde to find a seat that had loose side supports.
Chitown said:
Touchdown said:
^Raptor was an early invert, thus the big boy seats were not around when it was made. That is why Raptor doesn't have them, I believe they debuted on Montu. Standups have never had big boy seats so that is why Mantis doesnt have one.I still don't believe the seats themselves are any different. The only thing I noticed between the big boy seats and all the others is that the BB seats have 2 belts. If this is the case, these parks could install 2 belts on the older Beemers.
I agree as I rode Dominator last season in one of the big boy seats(didn't feel like waiting for the front that day) & aside from the additional belt there was no difference in the size of either the seat or the restraint itself.
If there is no difference in the size of the seat then why are they called "big boy" seats?
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