Officials worry about Myrtle Beach reputation following HRP bankruptcy

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Last week's news that Hard Rock Park filed for Chapter 11 was well publicized throughout the country. That could be bad for Myrtle Beach's reputation and cause companies to think twice about relocating here, experts and officials say. But local officials hope companies looking to come here will look deeper than the headlines.

Read more from The Sun News.

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Brian Noble

This is an interesting take on the situation.

How many people have we seen say something to the effect of "Folks who go to MB aren't used to paying $50 for anything!"

Perhaps those folks are right, and MB simply couldn't support a higher-priced entertainment venue.



Jeff's avatar

What I find most interesting is the comments on that story, and not just because of the rampant illiteracy.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog



I enjoyed the guy from Youngstown lecturing about job creation.



I live in Myrtle Beach about 5 miles from the park. You're not kidding about the illiteracy on the Myrtlebeachonline boards. Alot of people in the area refused to spend $39 local fee for the park, yet they'll spend more than that on cigarettes, booze, tatoos, drugs, cheap hookers on the boulevard, strip clubs, etc.

We have annual (cross fingers) passes for the family, and we loved going to the park all season. They paid alot of attention to detail and the shows were great. The quality was equivalent to a Disney or Universal product which probably got them into their financial problems. Their only issue was size and number of thrill machines.



kpjb's avatar

Alot of people in the area refused to spend $39 local fee for the park,yet they'll spend more than that on cigarettes, booze, tatoos, drugs,cheap hookers on the boulevard, strip clubs, etc.

So you're saying that they're illiterate, but they still make solid financial choices?




At least they want to preserve that reputation. :)



kpjb said:

So you're saying that they're illiterate, but they still make solid financial choices?

Where do I mention they make good financial choices? They choose to waste their money on crap and yet complain about $39 for a locals' gate fee.



a_hoffman50's avatar

Ilive in Myrtle Beach about 5 miles from the park. You're not kiddingabout the illiteracy on the Myrtlebeachonline boards. Alot of people inthe area refused to spend $39 local fee for the park, yet they'll spendmore than that on cigarettes, booze, tatoos, drugs, cheap hookers onthe boulevard, strip clubs, etc.

What does that have to do with illiteracy?

Last edited by a_hoffman50,


a_hoffman50 said:

What does that have to do with illiteracy?

The demographics in the MB area is not well known for their education and literacy. As I stated, alot of the complainers choose to spend their money on crap and yet moan about the gate fee at Hard Rock Park.

Last edited by Troika,


a_hoffman50's avatar

Yes but all of the things you stated were about bad decisions. Not one of them was about people that could neither read nor write.

FYI, when quoting, your words go outside the quote tag:

Person said:
The quote.

Your response.

Last edited by a_hoffman50,


My point was that uneducated elliterates down here and poor lifestyle choices go hand-in-hand. I was being sarcasitic about alot of "Deliverance" folks in this area who have done nothing to support the park.

Besides, I was responding and agreeing to Jeff's remarks about the members on Myrtlebeachonline's message forums and their rampant illiteracy.



Jeff's avatar

+1 for irony.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog



Nothing they put in the park anyone wanted to ride and that's why it failed.



I threw the cow over the fence some hay.


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