Deal to purchase Ghost Town falls through

Posted Thursday, July 3, 2003 8:39 AM | Contributed by MarimbaGuy87

Owner R.B. Coburn of Ghost Town in the Sky closed his park, citing old equipment and his need to retire. He has been trying to sell the park, but refuses to sell to anyone who doesn't plan to continue operating the park.

Read more from Smokey Mountain News.

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Thursday, July 3, 2003 10:02 AM
I hope someone can step up and purchase the property. It's in a very unique location and could be a great tourist attraction once again.


Thursday, July 3, 2003 10:31 AM
Anyone have 8 million dollars I can borrow? If so, please email me. THANKS
"Must ride more coasters!"

john peck

Thursday, July 3, 2003 10:50 AM
john peck's avatar
This would really be a good deal for Cedar Fair to pick up


Thursday, July 3, 2003 10:52 AM
Mamoosh's avatar
...or SDC.

A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Oyster [n.] a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddish expressions.



Thursday, July 3, 2003 11:20 AM
It looks like it has a lot of potential to become a great park with the right management.

"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem



Thursday, July 3, 2003 11:52 AM
I think SDC would be better, maybe with some ca$h and the right mgt. they could give Carowinds a bit of comp....
President, C.R.A.P. (Coaster Rescurers And Preservationists).


Thursday, July 3, 2003 11:57 AM
I guess bid the CPO (formerly CPC) put in fell through. Not enough pogs and Pokemon cards....

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson



Thursday, July 3, 2003 12:03 PM
Dollywood is within a half hour's drive from there also. Hopefully CF or another chain can see how popular the location is and pick the project up.

Tales for the L33t



Thursday, July 3, 2003 12:16 PM
Jeff's avatar
It's not a good deal to anyone if, as the article suggests, it's badly in need of repair. A capital-intensive renovation certainly reduces its value.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?



Thursday, July 3, 2003 12:16 PM
I think SDC would be the best fit for this park. After all, from the sounds of it - it's a lot along the theme of SDC in Branson

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Thursday, July 3, 2003 1:50 PM
Yeah, as Jeff said, it really isn't a good deal since the park is in such terrible shape, but maybe someone can get it for a pretty cheap price. I am very happy that the owner doesn't plan to sell unless the park is going to stay open, though, and I think it would be great if someone purchased this and got it going again.

/\ Jonathan Hawkins | ThrillSpot
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Thursday, July 3, 2003 3:33 PM
Sawblade5's avatar
HFEC aka SDC needs to buy this park and fix it up like they did with Celebration City which is a big hit here.

Chris Knight
And I'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever make a song about the Sibbie.



Thursday, July 3, 2003 7:07 PM
Thats sad. I went in 2000 and things were in very bad shape at that time. I didn't really feel that comfortable on any of the rides, all of them had seats roped off and were in bad shape.

Tweetsie Railroad and Santa's Land are the only parks left in the NC Mountains now.

I've heard SDC did consider a management deal a few years ago, but turned it down because of the state of the park, and that it needed to many improvements.

I know that the Herchends intended to purchase Ghost Town back in the Seventies, but they bought Goldrush Junction (Dollywood) in Pigeon Forge instead.

Any word on were the rides are bound?

*** This post was edited by Dukeis#1 7/3/2003 7:10:27 PM ***



Friday, July 4, 2003 12:59 PM
Ghost Town is a great amusement park. I think Six Flags should purchase it and make it more popular. Ghost town is a perfect location for any amusment park and has an interesting looping roller coaster that is built on the side of a mountain. In fact The Red Devil was my very first looping roller coaster.Hopefully someone will see this gateway for opportunity and keep Ghost Town from closing.


Friday, March 25, 2005 7:55 PM
I never got to visit Ghost Town In The Sky, my wife told me about it and we made plans to go but by the time we got around to it the park was up for sale. I regret never having visited the park in its hey day but in 1980 I had just graduated from High School and was off to see the world, or at least that part of the world known as North Carolina. I did however visit a little place in Florida way back in the 70's called Six Gun Territory. Anyway for what it is worth, after a few hours of internet search, I regret never having made the trip to Maggie Valley.

Denis Miller

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:24 AM
Well, I dont even know if anyone still looks at this, since the posts are 2 years old...but I worked at Ghost Town in the Sky in 1984 and 1985.

So sad to hear its not open anymore. The two seasons I was the 'proprietor' of the Silver Dollar Saloon, on stage with my silver dollar sweethearts (my being a literal term, we were so young and horny) singer, gunfighter, etc.

This was BEFORE the Red Devil was built. I can see how the park is now in disrepair, even back then when we had PACKED parks thru the summers, management was terrible.

I have so many pix from those years...the shows were quite good, most of the girls were dance majors or close to it from UT Knoxville, I was a transplant from California, where I have been back for the past 20 years, working in's my website

anyone who went to the park remember me? hahahaha

prob not


Denis Miller


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