Knoebels Flying Turns has been in the works now since 2006. The anticipation is very high.
Farenheit at Hershey looks to be awesome, and no doubt a draw.
Voodoo at Dorney is not like anything else in the area, but after seeing how Wicked Twister at CP seems less popular, will it be enough to bring in the people?
How do you think the year will stack up with all parks debuting a new coaster? And will any park see less than exciting attendance because of hype elsewhere? Also, withfamilies that can't afford all three, who will get cut?
Answer my Prayers, Overbook my next Flight!
And unlike Wicked Twister, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to see some (or all) parts of VooDoo from either I-78 or 222, which will get people's curiousity up.
That was one of my favorite rides. I liked it much more that Wicked Twister.
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
Delgrossos corkscrew is going to open in 2008.
what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
^RGB....I'd almost assume that (5 parks getting rides in one year) probably happened in OH or PA in the 1920s sometime...
You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)
My author website:
Not counting SF's manic buying binge of 2000-- According to rcdb's records, 5 coasters were added in PA in 1928, and also in 1927. 6 were added in 1923 (including the coaster that became Thunderhawk, and the original HP Wildcat). The big year seems to be 1905 when 8 coasters were opened in the state of PA.
I guess SC is getting 5 coasters too with the opening of Hard Rock.
crazy horse said:
Yes,Delgrossos corkscrew is going to open in 2008.
From what I've heard, it will not be opening for 2008.
Luckily I have Knoebel's (20 minutes), Hershey (1 hour), and Dorney (1.5 hours) pretty close to me, and I should be able to get on their new rides next year.
Camden Crazy: Praying for the O's to win the World Series since 1990!
Formerly known as TalonJosh1491
Farenheit looks like an incredible ride...I just wish it was a tad longer. The full loop looks nuts.
*** Edited 11/18/2007 1:49:28 PM UTC by Martling***
B:KF, S:UE, Villain, and RR Express @ SFO
2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando
RatherGoodBear said:^^^ Ding, ding, ding! We have a winnah!
What do I win? ;)
Honestly, if I could take *any* prize, a time-travel vacation to the "First Golden Age" would probably rank pretty high... :)
RGB, channeling Monty Hall, Jay Stuart and Carol Marrell.
AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf
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