I have been reading about how Geauga Lake is seemingly on a downward trend. People aren't coming to the park. The prices are high. The monstrous parking fee. The fact that the park isn't giving away free parking and they're not giving away free sodas. There aren't new rides. There are no flats or they're going away, there's no Geauga Dog (?!), and so forth.
What I am thinking is - You Guys Have It So Good!!
I just went over to Geauga's website. The General Admission for One Day, Adult - is $27. That is unheard of! I can't get into ANY parks that cheap! I think the last time I saw that kind of price, discounted or not, was back in the early nineties at Kings Dominion before Paramount came in. (Maybe I could get in to Dutch Wonderland for that little - but I have no interest because I don't have little kids.)
The parking is listed on Geauga's website as $9. Nine Bucks?!
Unfortunately I live all the way over by York, PA so I cannot easily go to Geauga Lake. the last time, in fact, that I went to Cedar Point was in 2000.
However, if I lived closer to Geauga Lake, I'd be visiting this park once a month simply out of principle. Free sodas, free parking? I can't understand what you guys are talking about. This park pricing is economical.
Maybe if they raised the park pricing to be in line with what other parks are charging, they'd have the money for more flats and so forth, maybe even that Geauga Dog. Just an idea.
- Erin
Traditional, Kennywood. 32.99. Free parking. Drink prices 2.00 for a large Chicken Strips with Potato Patch homemade fries for 4.99 including gravy :)
Save yourself the extra 70 miles :)
Chuck, who says Geauga is traditional. But everything about it's operations isn't.
*** Edited 6/4/2007 12:09:16 AM UTC by Charles Nungester***
I am aware that GL has the lowest ride-all-day admission among the medium sized parks. (Canobie Lake comes in next as far as I know, followed by Kennywood). Still, price isn't everything, otherwise why would CP get five times the attendance of GL. By that token you should also be envious because CP has a lower admission and parking than SFGAdv or SFA along with better operations. As for KG vs KW, they offer similar value overall. KGs POP (when available) costs a bit more but you have the option of pay as you go as well. That leaves Hershey which is a nice park but is priced higher than CP even though CPs coaster collection is better overall. (Although HP has better wood).
By the way, the regular price at KW is $31, not $32.99. *** Edited 6/4/2007 12:30:06 AM UTC by Arthur Bahl***
Arthur Bahl
Charles Nungester said:
Chicken Strips with Potato Patch homemade fries for 4.99 including gravy
And they give you alot and its really good! :)
Charles Nungester said:
Traditional, Kennywood. 32.99. Free parking. Drink prices 2.00 for a large Chicken Strips with Potato Patch homemade fries for 4.99 including gravy
If the fries are made "in-park" can they *really* be considered "homemade"?
Not that it matters as the chicken strip/fries combo is really, really good. I've had it twice and onlu been to Kennywood once! (gotta change that one of these days)
Arthur Bahl
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
We parked at the end of the front row in the grassy lot. Didn't have to pay extra to park in the front row. Didn't have to pay at all to park!
We rode Corball 5 times, Hurricane 3 times, Lost Coaster 3 times, Tig'ger 4 times, Galaxy once... as well as the lift chairs, double shot (2x), dino island movie thing (also included with our ride pass), train ride, the falling star, musik express, den of lost theives 3 times, the swingin' boat, scrambler, and probably a couple other things I can't remember now.
I had 3 pops, at about $2.25 each, a huge overloaded elephant ear for $4.00, a taco, chese fries, grilled cheese for about $7.00 (not all at once, thankfully).
Now that's value.
The employees, with 1 exception, were 'delightful'.
Fun? 'A' quality fun. Lines were short (if at all) rides were clean, well maintained and run - and arguably (esp. the coasters) of a higher quality than most at Geauga or any CF or SF park, for that matter. (The Lost Coaster is better and much smoother than I ever remember it, very re-ridable now).
I'll stop now :) *** Edited 6/4/2007 5:21:38 PM UTC by J7G3***
The main thing I noticed is that the so called "value" parks usually don't have really great steel coasters (KWs Phantoms Revenge being a notable exception). Those B&Ms and Intamans are costly and that cost often shows up at the food stands and parking lot as well as the gate. The value oriented parks, however, usually do have good wooden coasters that are properly maintained.
One thing about GL is that if they are fixing up their wooden coasters, that is certainly a good thing. Thiis should become one of the major draws at this park along with the remaining looping coasters that are still there.
Arthur Bahl
Arthur Bahl said:
The main thing I noticed is that the so called "value" parks usually don't have really great steel coasters (KWs Phantoms Revenge being a notable exception). Those B&Ms and Intamans are costly and that cost
Indiana Beach has a great Jet Star (or whatever Anton model it is) called Tig'ger. Runs like a gem, looks like new too! Better than most of the B&M's I've been on. I'm not the biggest B&M fan, in terms of ride experience anyway (I do love Great Bear and Kumba!)
I always thought a great addition to Indiana Beach would be a nice 'vintage' Intamin shuttle loop.
Whenever someone asks me where the best parks/coasters are (they are usually bringing up Cedar Point, even bringing up 'Sandusky')... I always say PA and Indiana.
Arthur Bahl
Kennywooddude said:
Big Dipper got new wood all over and Villain is recieving it next season. Most people who diss the park have never even been there.
I've been there and can tell you that Dipper did not receive "new wood all over" and where have you seen something posted that Villain is receiving new work next season?
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories.
Anyway, Villain is a work in progress. They will continue to work on it.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Bill himself said last year that Villain was to be retracked this offseason but obviously, X-Flight and Steel Venom took up 98% of their time and budget.
Super Loopy said:
Kennywooddude said:
Big Dipper got new wood all over and Villain is recieving it next season. Most people who diss the park have never even been there.
I've been there and can tell you that Dipper did not receive "new wood all over" and where have you seen something posted that Villain is receiving new work next season?
J7G3 said:Indiana Beach has a great Jet Star (or whatever Anton model it is) called Tig'ger. Runs like a gem, looks like new too! Better than most of the B&M's I've been on.
You're just trying to get on my good side....it's working... ;)
I'll be the one marathoning said Jet Star at Lost Coaster weekend. The one wearing the goofy smile, riding solo while EVERYONE else has gone elsewhere, asking the ops for "one more time".
Back to GL...Big Dipper, new wood or not, is a really sweet ride. Honestly, getting back to a few small steel rides and having the three woodies in top, going for the picnic crowds and such, and focusing like a laser on waterpark goodies, GL could be *differentiated* enough from CP to get some attendance back WITHOUT hurting CP's turnstile clicks. Just a theory... ;)
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