Vertical Velocity not what its cracked up to be


Friday, April 27, 2001 1:43 AM
I know I may be lynched for saying this, but I dont think this ride really as great as everyone anticipates.(protects self from flying tomatos) Don't get me wrong, it does look neat, but after one ride, I dont think there'll be to much more to expect due to lack of substance. Am I alone in my anti-dogmatic thinking?

Ghostrider = good


Friday, April 27, 2001 1:54 AM
Superman: UE, which is basically the same exact ride, has been getting great reviews. I for one have ridden it, and felt it was a very fun and intense ride. Capacity was a problem though...



Friday, April 27, 2001 2:02 AM
i think you are, Willthethrill.. :) Nah just kidding..

Personally I,d counting down the day until my Great America trip..

It's such a basic layout, and simple. How can that not be fun??



Friday, April 27, 2001 2:12 AM

Im not saying it wont be fun. Im just saying, after a few rides, what else is there? Now if it were taller and made a few more inversions around that spike, I'd be singing a different tune.
Ghostrider = good


Friday, April 27, 2001 2:13 AM
I felt the same way before I rode S:UE. I rode it about 10 times in one day, and had a blast. It gives really different rides depending where you are in the train.

- Peabody


Friday, April 27, 2001 2:16 AM
I find it fun because you are shot out of the station spiraling up a spike, through the station, up a straight looking down at the ground, all the while the towers are swaying.. It's that mental feeling that the ride is going to collapse!

I just find joy in everything I guess.-


Friday, April 27, 2001 9:56 AM
I wasn't overly impressed with S:UE on the two occasions I rode it. Maybe I was expecting too much from all of the reviews. And for flying tomatoes - I actually enjoyed the Mind Eraser boomerang more than S:UE. I'll definately go in with an open mind when riding Vertical Velocity since I liked other coasters a lot more after giving them second chances (The Beast and The Boss).

Go Bucks Go!!!
Sweep the Magic!!!


Friday, April 27, 2001 10:34 AM
slithernoggin's avatar
When we went to Six Flags Whatever last year, the only coaster we re-rode was S:UE, it's short, and simple... and FUN! It made us laugh. We actually re-rode several times. Of course, it helped that we only re-rode when there was no line. Not sure I'd wait very long for multiple rides.

(Now, had this been a solo trip I would have taken re-rides on some of the other coasters: Big Dipper, a longtime favorite; Raging Wolf Bobs; Serial Thriller. But with the group, I have to compromise.)

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
--Groucho Marx


Friday, April 27, 2001 10:34 AM
Jeff's avatar
I still ride space shots and turbo drops, and their even more of a one-trick pony. I look forward to riding S:UE again as soon as possible.

Webmaster/Admin -


Friday, April 27, 2001 11:03 AM
I think they should have built these more in line with Montezuma's Revenge. An inverted impulse with a 180' 360 degree loop. Sure the spiral is a cute trick and it proved that a vertical twist can work, which will save space for parks that want a Hyper or Giga (like the one in Germany), but there's somethign to be said for giant loops on an inverted coaster, which I might add has not been attempted. Immelmans and half loops don't count.

How's Titan?


Friday, April 27, 2001 11:39 AM
My $0.02 is that S:UE (aka V2) is a good ride. True, it doesn't do a lot but single-loop shuttles don't either and they are still fun over and over. One note with S:UE, you really should ride as close to the front as possible. You get more twist on the front spiral and it's cool to stare straight at the ground when going up the back spike. The back of the train tends to be milder.

"I'm going off the rails on a crazy train." - Ozzie Osbourne


Friday, April 27, 2001 1:46 PM

I havent ridden yet and probably wont for a while but, I love Montezumas at knott's. The difference between the two, and this is total speculation is that all I hear about V2 is to ride in the front. I dont see this ride being too great in the back. But on rides like Monte's its awesome no matter where you ride. The front because its the front, and the back cause you get to go through the backwards loop first, which is a much cooler experience that going through forward, and you also get teh great air on the back spike.
Ghostrider = good


Friday, April 27, 2001 1:54 PM
DEK, I thought the back of S:UE was far more intense. You get *pushed* up that back spike with huge force, plus you drop much further with your face down.


Friday, April 27, 2001 2:18 PM

Den said:
"DEK, I thought the back of S:UE was far more intense. You get *pushed* up that back spike with huge force, plus you drop much further with your face down.

True. I guess I just liked the spiralling effect more. I get *pushed* around enough. :)
"I'm going off the rails on a crazy train." - Ozzie Osbourne


Friday, April 27, 2001 3:16 PM
I remember back in the offseason before Six Flags Ohio opened for 2000. S:UE was being bashed like ive never seen an un-opened coaster bashed before. Then it opened and blew everyone away. I think V2 will be just as good.

"I traded my soul for a ride on Millennium Force"


Friday, April 27, 2001 3:45 PM

Willthethrill said:
"I know I may be lynched for saying this, but I dont think this ride really as great as everyone anticipates."

I love my last name, I really do.

Matt Lynch, a.k.a. "Lynch Mob"
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard


Friday, April 27, 2001 4:09 PM

thats kinda funny
Ghostrider = good

Brandon Rodriguez

Friday, April 27, 2001 4:12 PM

inverted_one said:
" And for flying tomatoes - I actually enjoyed the Mind Eraser boomerang more than S:UE."

I get it! Sarcasm, I love it!

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.


Friday, April 27, 2001 4:34 PM
I rode Superman: U.E. about 10 times and I really enjoy the ride! I too did predict that the ride would stink, but to my surprise it doesn't! The launch is awsome. Flying in and out of the station just rules. And stopping at the top, is just the best. The only drawback to the ride is it's slow moving line, which takes forever! It is the kind of ride that when there is no line you ride it a million times!


Friday, April 27, 2001 10:08 PM
I thought it was a brilliant ride, but not as fantastic as some are calling it. Fun? Yes. Top ten material? Not anywhere close. I think you will enjoy it mightily, as I did, but you will not be blown away by it.
Don't touch the watch.

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