The illustration was impressive back in the day when it was sent to me (1998). Photography is awsome in the sense of being up close a personnal. Do you guys know if they distribute only in certain areas? Also, what can I expect from this year that can really benefit me if I was to make a couple trips? Thats to say if I can get one.
I really appreciated the extra money saving squares. Lets hope I can get one. Any info on this would be great.
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
eightdotthree said:
I used the website to get mine, I get it every year now.
I got one for fun one year and that happen to be the year I got there, I was so glad I got the getaway guide, turned out VERY usefull.
Do you think the new getaway guide is complete? When do you think I should call. Its only January 2nd. I'm not sure what to do.
884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
I have not seen (a) getaway guide in a really long time. Can anyone tell me what to expect with my getaway guide? If not though, thats alright.
Thanks for listening!
*** Edited 1/3/2007 2:00:12 AM UTC by DBCP***
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