1978-Gemini- 125' 4"
1981-American Eagle- 127'
1985-Mindbender(Galaxyland)- 145'
1987-Vortex(King's Island)- 148'
1988-Shockwave- 170'
1989-Magnum XL-200- 205'
1994-Desperado- 209'
1996- Fujiyama- 259' 2"
2000- Millenium Force- 310'
2000- Steel Dragon 2000- 318' 3"
2003- Top Thrill Dragster- 420'
2005- Kingda Ka- 456'
**Did Colossus open before Gemini? If so, it goes on the list at 125'
***Did Great American Scream Machine open before Magnum, if it did, it is included at 173'
But I do believe there is some coaster between Desperado and Fujiyama
I wonder who will win? ;)
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