I have read that in Cedar Point was a ride named "Zugspitz". It was a himalaya type ride. Have anyone some photos and informations of this ride?
Many thanks!
forum about amusement rides, rollercoaster, musik express, himalaya, matterhorn, bayerncurve:
That name just cracks me up!
Great Lakes Brewery Patron...
Also it seems that Zugspitz was one of two Himalaya type rides operating at the park at the same time for at least some period in CP history. The other was a "Super Himalaya."
Pics or concrete info... coming up blank.
Well anyway, if that ride was similar to the Cedar Point version, they were made by Mack.
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forum about amusement rides, rollercoaster, musik express, himalaya, matterhorn, bayerncurve:
forum about amusement rides, rollercoaster, musik express, himalaya, matterhorn, bayerncurve:
forum about amusement rides, rollercoaster, musik express, himalaya, matterhorn, bayerncurve:
My Beautiful wife, Julia, is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
stoogemanmoe said:
IBDave might have one. BTW, just do a search on google or go to Flatrides.com and look for a ride called Music Express or Rock n Roll. I can barely remember it when it was Zugspitz as I was really young. *** Edited 6/11/2006 1:20:00 AM UTC by stoogemanmoe***
Is IBDave user in this forum?
I have searched by google for month ago, but nothing to find about Zugspitz :( I know lots of links with musik express rides, but I most like the older ones in the 60ths :)
forum about amusement rides, rollercoaster, musik express, himalaya, matterhorn, bayerncurve:
My Beautiful wife, Julia, is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
The old Zug at IB was replaced sometime in the late 70s or early 80s with the Music Express which in sense is a Himalaya ride. The Zug vehicles were heavy vehicles being made of wood, whereas the Express ones are fiberglass.
The ride runs on an undulating metal track similar to that of Tilt-a-Whirls. *** Edited 6/13/2006 2:41:02 AM UTC by IB*Dave***
forum about amusement rides, rollercoaster, musik express, himalaya, matterhorn, bayerncurve:
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884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries
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