But it would be cool to come back in a couple months and see who was right first.
Im guessing they will roll this bad boy as soon as the lift motor chain and brakes are operational.
My guess is, APRIL 7th, Thats right, A full month before scheadualled opening.
I have many reasons for that guess including a very mild winter with only a few snow days (So Far) and six day a week construction. This bad boy will be rollin!
Chuck, who's probably wrong but it could be fun.
Oh and Edited post should be disqualified. So delete em and make another post if you wish to guess again.
El Toro rolling date guess... May 1st.... open date guess June 14th
Voyage rolling date: April 18th.
EDIT - Thanks to Jeff for pointing out that GCI had nothing to do with Voyage, LOL!
*** Edited 1/24/2006 2:35:08 AM UTC by Mamoosh***
Mamoosh said:The press cannot ride it unless it has tested, passed inspection, and been signed over to the park by GCI.
Moosh, I dont think Will would care much if we didn't ever approve the ride. Best guess, the Gravity Group guys would be involved in that decision.
But who knows. I'll go ahead and throw a monkey wrench in the project and withold my approval indefinitely, if that makes any difference.
Instead, I will throw all of my approval support behind another ride opening a few hours south.
AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf
July 5th for da Bull. ;)
AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf
www.CoasterJoe.com - My Site.
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