A small roller coaster sold by Sears Roebuck in the 50's was the main attraction. You climbed up a ladder and sat on a small flat car that rode down a track. The track had several bumps and was straight. You rode the car into the grass and took it back up to the top for the next ride. Our front yard was double terraced and long rolls of plastic(like the kind used for insulation) were placed going down the hills. A hose turned on full force created a great backyard water slide. In the winter this was our sled run and we built jumps into the banks.
We had a wire strung between 2 trees and we would hang onto a grip and ride from one end to the other.
My father and his friends built a fun house (walk-through) in town that was used for years by the church's and fireman for carnivals and fairs.
Alas none of this exists except in my memory and pictures. The house is still there and maybe the children that live there now will create their own park.
Our biggest "attraction" was a huge pile of dirt that eventually became a huge "ramp" The landing was rough (especially on our bicycles) but the airtime was amazing! I am surprised we didn't do a "Flaming Wall O' Death! That is hilarious.
Don't forget the Slip And Slides. Those were awesome, as well as the Sit N Spin.
*** Edited 11/1/2005 9:07:30 AM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***
There was also the Big Wheel. Those were awesome for flying down a VERY steep hill.
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